Zakat, it's beneficiaries and economic significance.

Recently, I had the opportunity to see the film Difret. The story was so inspiring to me that I wanted to share it with others. ……
Giving Tuesday Giving Tuesday is basically a world movement you can say motivational and encouragement to all peoples to give……
WHAT IS GIVING TUESDAY Giving Tuesday was established by 92nd street Y in 2012 as a charitable answer to the Black Friday and……
The purpose to join this network is not to earn money for myself but to help those who needs it. I want to delineate the life of a……
Let's prepare a care package for the homeless. @aokidoki
5 PILLARS OF ISLAM TAUHEED (SHAHADAH) It means there is only one God who is the sole creator of this universe and the only one to……
Human Chain Exploring the Humanity Description:- Waziristan is located in western side of Pakistan. There is no sign of peace in that……
Religion has been very important in life. Islam is a true religion. It is a complete code of life. The followers of Islam are called……
Optimism is not a cheerful and light-hearted attitude. It does not mean that one should ignore all that is painful and fearful,……
Life without friend is like death without witness. Of course all the people like to have good friends to discuss their problems……
Today we see in Pakistan the rate of poor people is increasing because of the imbalance system implemented by the previous and present……
In the world there are three classes of peoples are present.One is the upper class in which the wealthy and rich peoples are included.Second……
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. Next in importance to salat. The word zakat occurs several times……