I will mix me a drink of stars,—Large stars with polychrome needles,Small stars jetting maroon and crimson,Cool, quiet, green……
I will mix me a drink of stars,—Large stars with polychrome needles,Small stars jetting maroon and crimson,Cool, quiet, green……
You wonder if its realhow do you know it's true?sorry honey,I can't answer that for youbut Ill ask you some questionslets see how……
On Oct. 18th, Earth passed through multiple folds in the heliospheric current sheet--a phenomenon known as "solar sector boundary…… Gospel: Mt 15:21–28 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of……
El hombre por naturaleza un ser sociable que busca establecer relaciones con otros miembros de la sociedad que compartan características……
La música para mi es el tipo de arte más hermoso , ya que es capaz de despertar todos nuestros sentidos con tan sólo……