Ramadan and Food - Past and the Present

PAST ERA: During the days of Caliph Omar (RA) famine broke out in Arabia. People were greatly disturbed.……
PAST ERA: During the days of Caliph Omar (RA) famine broke out in Arabia. People were greatly disturbed.……
Democracy! The word of democracy, actually means freedom and government of people to people and are selecting to the choice and votes……
Heaven is in the dreams of a man, so he tries to make this world a heaven, he never succeeded, but he has got very near. This is a……
Zobair is my first & common name that all my friends are calling me, my complete name is Omar Zobair Hamidy, I was born in 6-9-991……
As Labor Day is celebrated in the United States this weekend, Afghans and Afghan-Americans……
Introduction: Afghan artist Meena Saifi مینه سیفی is a rising star in the world of international art.……
Politics had been existed in Afghanistan since far ages ago. Different kings and presidents with different……
FA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background?OM: My name is Omar Nasir Mojaddidi, I was born in December 10th,……
The media situation and freedom of expression in Afghanistan is better today than at any other time in the past. In the past, there……
Social media websites, such as Filmannex, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and G-mail are now changed into a varying force to Afghan youth.……
Entertaining websites, such as Filmannex, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and G-mail are now changed into a varying force to Afghan youth.……
Omar Nasir Mojadiddi is the head of Herat Journalist’s House. He is the representative of Heart Journalists. Besides, he is……
Since the last ten years Afghan Journalism schools have produced many professional journalists. Tens of journalists……
This week was quite a busy week for me and I have done a lot of works. After coming back to Herat from Kabul Innovation Lab, I faced……
Agreement has been reached between Sudan and South Sudan on resuming oil production and exports for joint benefit, (mainly via pipelines……
“Those who bear the greatest responsibility have been indicted. The current challenge is their arrest,” according……
China needs Sudan/South Sudan oil, but also both South Sudan and Sudan depend on Beijing for the revenues and infrastructure……