Hello everyone! Today, I will tell you why you should choose Animaty as your new entertainment avenue! For the knowledge of everyone,……
Hello everyone! Today, I will tell you why you should choose Animaty as your new entertainment avenue! For the knowledge of everyone,……
Welcome to my third blog review on WebTVs! Today, we will be tackling about Suspensaty.com! Suspensaty.com is a channel……
The premiering of your short film is one a really important pay off to those involved in your project and all those that supported……
Never before have low budget film makers had access to affordable technology that produce pictures that compare with Hollywood pictures,……
This blog, I am taking a break from talking about "the seven Basic Plots" , and thought I'd just talk about the production design ……
Today I wanted to take a break from talking about screen writing, and just pay respect to the crew members who worked on my……
DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Dave Gregan Biography David Gregan has worked in both camera and lighting departments on major feature films……
PRODUCER of Ouroboros Fiona De Caux Biography Born in Perth Australia Fiona de Caux moved to Adelaide where she has been involved……
Ouroboros is my latest short film just over 11 minutes duration, , costing about $AU 12,000 to make, will premiere on Film Annex……