Elementary - Pilot

Image Credit: CBS via IMDb "Pilot" is episode one of season one of Elementary, the modern crime dram based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's……
Image Credit: CBS via IMDb "Pilot" is episode one of season one of Elementary, the modern crime dram based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's……
For my first every blog on bitlanders I want to talk about working my way up the ladder for a pilot career. Yes, I'm a chick……
There are many skills fathers should pass on to their children: how to ride a bike, how to skip a stone, and of course, how to……
source : http://chisms.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Wowowin-Final.jpg Wowowin is a show that combines the fun and excitement……
Air traffic control system the actual ground-based staff as well as apparatus interested in preventing as well as monitoring oxygen……
Boeing 787 Simulator (Source: www.huffingtonpost.com ) Topics Covered In This Blog What It's Like To Be A Commercial Pilot.……
Ayesha is Pakistan’s first ever female war-ready fighter pilot. The 26-year-old fighter, hailing from Bahawalpur, is one of……
Introduction Today the airplanes are safest than they ever were. In human history, the achievement of flight was one of the most considerable and……
Aircraft and development of its system seems to be a never ending process. One of great achievements of in aviation technology is……
There was a pilot flying a small single engine charter plane, with a couple of very important executives on board. He……
a pilot flew the plane with three passengers. One passenger was a very rich man, one other passenger was a great professor, and one……
After coming to the reality of fraud, including the employees of the bank fraud case against 25 persons were registered. Photo:……
AHMEDABAD: A pilot who is trying to make history by flying a solar-powered plane around the world launched an angry attack……
Margaret Bourke-White has the unique distinction of not only being the first woman to fly aboard a US bombing mission but more……
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This heart criesFor those innocent soulsWho had just tasted theSweetness of lifeWho had just steppedOn the stairs of lifeWho had no……
Filipino Pride Pilot Captain Franklyn Desiderio was the pilot the Emirates Airbus A380 that arrived in Manila at Terminal 3 of the……
Patriotism is a passion that makes a nation active in case of foreign invasion. The history of Pakistan is full of such examples when……
THE AGE OF EXPLORATION / DISCOVERY In old times, due to lack of means of transport, it was very difficult to travel from one country……