[Artificial Intelligence] What would Happen If Robots Became Our Mothers?

Have you ever wondered what would it be like if robots became our mothers? Photo Source: The Daily Beast (thedailybeast.com)……
Have you ever wondered what would it be like if robots became our mothers? Photo Source: The Daily Beast (thedailybeast.com)……
Recharging the electrical power of all electronic equipment can be done by checking the electronic devices. Electronic devices that……
Sildigra Super Power is the mixture of Sildenafil 100 mg and Dapoxetine 60 mg that are used to cure Erectile Dysfunction and Premature……
This is by far my favourite sketch. Do you get why I called it a power plant?
The power of words.. What power have our words? Who ?, mine? What do I say with courage? Hate? resentment ?, authority ?, malice ?,……
The future of wonders Credit: pelotte via Pixabay Internet, robots, interstellar travel, tablets and smartphones, hoverboards,……
Women and power has always been the subject men debunk discussing as often as possible. Whenever suggestions are made that a……
Image Source: Google Images Hello, everyone. Welcome to the blog. This is the second part review of the Political……
Hi guys today, i'm writing a blog on the top ten Nuclear……
Image Source: Google As our whole body is incredible gift from God, which has ability to fight against different diseases and infections,……
submitted by jwithrow. Click here to get the Journal of a Wayward Philosopher by Email Journal of a Wayward Philosopher Cede Not the……
The humanity – the multifarious forms and entities – often provide accommodation to differences in perceptions/emotions……
Must have been a photo shoot for something as the power cord is not plugged in.
What is Power? Why we need Power? New a day everyone wants Power. Some people think that power is dirty word. They did not like to……
KEY POINTS Atomic bombs are nuclear weapons that use the energetic output of nuclear fission to produce massive explosions.Only two……
1.Ability to cause or prevent an action, make things happen; the discretion to act or not act. Opposite of disability, it differs……
(Source: Inquisitive Loon) When I was younger, I used to dream about having superpowers. I used to play with the other kids,……
I don’t remember when I first began feeling anxious. Perhaps it was in high school, when I feared that I would not get into……
ICC T20 world cup & Bitlanders Cricket Accessories ……
Female students attending the Digital Citizen Fund classroom in Qowaye Chahar Zhahedar in Herat, West Afghanistan. ……
REVIEW OF MY LENOVO Y50-70 TOUCH Laptop: For quite a while I was looking to buy a good laptop which is both powerful and portable,……
Keep The Faith If You Call Out LoudWill It Get InsideThrough The Heart Of Your SurrenderTo Your AlibisAnd You Can Say The WordsLike……
Source: Google Now a days child abuse has become most horrible crime over all the world. Child abuse cause childhood trauma. Trauma……
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. © Albert Einstein * * * * * Anybody can become angry - that is……
THERMAL POWER PLANT: Thermal power stations produce electricity by burning fule in a boiler to heat water to produced steam. The steam,at……
There are a few things wrong with the question: First, the Chinese didn't become wealthy overnight: China's (relative) prosperity……
Refuse to complain. Complaining is just a way of not taking responsibility, justifying doing nothing and programming yourself to fail.……
There is a big difference between giving up and letting go. Letting go means freeing yourself from something that is no longer serving……
FEATURES: Enhanced picture quality with deeper black and clearer motion Discover a new reality in Full HD TV with a touch of……
Power electronics is the application of solid-state electronics to the control and conversion of electric power. It also refers to……
You have only one chance to explore this world. Life is precious. You have to give value to yourself. Respect your abilities. Respect……
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif was born on 25th December 1949 in Lahore. He is a politician and businessman.……
Stand up for yourself. Do not allow someone, just because they have had a few drinks, or because they are going through hard times,……
You were born to win. Use your energy to find solutions instead of blaming yourself or others. Let go of your excuses and don't give……
You were born to win. Use your energy to find solutions instead of blaming anyone else. Let go of your exuses and give yourself a……
Nature is the best healer. Every morning when i get out of my bed and see the powerful light of sun; then it makes me realized i am……
TODAY is my topic about MEDIA MEDIA have power it is true but they does not use this opportunity in positive manner.……
Pakistan has a small nuclear power program, with 725 MWe capacity, but is moving to increase this substantially. Pakistan's nuclear……
he following page lists the power stations in Russia. Contents [hide] 1 Renewable 1.1 Geothermal……
We are told elsewhere in Proverbs that wise words bring healing and that the tongue contains “the power of life and death”……
Did you know most of the ancient cultures in our world recorded dragons as a real creature? Where could these creatures have gone?……
Pantera was an American heavy metal band from Arlington, Texas. The group was formed in 1981 by the Abbott brothers……
Power bank adalah sebuah alat yang wajib dimiliki oleh para pengguna gadget saat ini. Banyaknya aktivitas yang dilakukan……
Yes somewhere someday someone will express their love for you. And when they do, hold them tight and don't ever loose them. You will……
Ready to get your mind blown? You better sit down. So Chris Hawker, creator of thePower Squid is back and he wants to put power………
His excellency, the respected president of Republic of China, honourable Xin Jinping visited Pakistan on a two-days visit. The government……
Nuclear power is the use of nuclear reactors to release nuclear energy,[1] and thereby generate electricity.……
Hi, Today i am going to share how to make 0.3 Bit Coin Daily - Proof !!! 1) Register under My referral goo.gl/f7eSlq 2 ) After……
A pair of solar eruptions over the weekend have unleashed a severe geomagnetic storm that could disrupt power and communications……
What's such a syndrome-Well it is labeled to be a development disorder in which has effects on how the human brain purpose, exactly……
As you have noticed I've bin inactive for the past few days (Few days lang ba talaga? Weh? Hahah!). No updates in my posts etc. etc.……
Grandma knowledge in our areas - whenever someone who is known for their black tongue ( that which comes out true) speaks or blurts……
Ilang paraan upang Makatipid sa Kuryente 1. Patayin lagi ang mga ilaw kung wala namang tao sa silid. 2. Tingnan din ang mga ilaw sa……
Latest by 15th August, 2017, India is expected to have the world's largest 750MW solar power plant in Rewa district of Madhya……
It's not a secret on how one can earn big time here as so many blogs are now around the corner just waiting to be read. Bitlander's FAQs section……
On November 16th 1999 the Taliban publicly executed a woman in Ghazi stadium, Kabul. Her name was Zarmeena and she was mother……
صوفی ریکی، پاکستان کے بین الاقوامی ادارے دور ریکی شفا یابی کی تیاری دور……
There has always been something (to me) about cake or cakes, if you truly want to get excited about it! Over the years, ~cakes~……
general people think and what a power thinker think. A power thinker thinks about those he need but a general thinker think about……
Recently the political landscape of Bangladesh heated. The ruling government is acting like autonomic power. They are not allowing……
OK, let me tell you a little story from my middle school days. The year was 2006, I was 12 and in health class. We were learning about……
"In physics, power is the rate of doing work. It is equivalent to an amount of energy consumed per unit time. In the MKS system, the……
Women’s rights are human rights and there will be no peace and no progress if women are denied their human rights. On this International……
By Valarie Basheda Winter is here, and with it often comes mounds of snow or storms that can keep you trapped inside. Or even worse,……
#Subject: Your Passion To A Full Time Income Online. Here’s How. So you know how I created my product? Well, what you……
Đồng xu được ngâm dung dịch hóa học, tờ tiền giấy bị làm giả nhiều……
Generally I'm so well organised it drives people mad. I have a to do list and a timetable and am driven to be a productive person.……
It has been four hours since we started hinking in the jungle of the Ancients. Rafi and Leena were getting tired and they were begging……
The inner growth is held back by these wars, from This hatred, crafted from a few beings who run economic power in the world. Their……
The inner growth is held back by these wars, from This hatred, crafted from a few beings who run economic power in the world. Their……
The inner growth is held back by these wars, from This hatred, crafted from a few beings who run economic power in the world. Their……
Good future is ever desireable for each one.a better future is asset of one,s life.everyone keep the desire of a better future……
First thing to do is to check the actual secondary voltage using a 220V to 100V step down transformer so as you have a record.……
When AC voltages are changing to the DC voltages then there are losses in the circuits and thus 100% efficiency is not possible. It……
Read the post about Fitness Monkey...Unleash The Natural Power here : http://best01of.blogspot.com/2014/10/fitness-monkeyunleash-natural-power.html……
Why network marketing? It is important to remember that you are going into business first and foremost; in this instance, the type……
Brain is very sensitive part of our body,Brain control all the system that our body perform,its has some important parts: Cortex:……
Nothing is permanent in this world, not even our troubles. . . . ! The most wasted day in life is the day in which we have not……
Why I Love You?You give to me hopeAnd help me to copeWhen life pulls me downYou bring me around You teach me to careAnd help me to……
1. ObjectiveThe objective of this lab is to introduce you to the classifications of signals and how these classes of signals……
1) subcribe me 2) open my micro-blogs, blogs, movies, gallery . etc3) buzz my post 4) check your status5) post your own……
Dear friends, Our mind is full of amazing capabilities and we are just using 5% brain for our day to day job.Mind has amazing……
Hajj is a very important for Muslim. This is Allah's house. Love from Allah and your self and Allah help you If you do not so Allah……
The punishment of the grave or our suffering in Hell cannot be understood unless we believe in the existence of our bodies after……
This topic I'm writing deals with picking the right partner for marriage. I believe the decision you make as to who you will marry……
THE NIGHT OF POWER..... With it being the holy month of Ramadhan, a very important & significant event takes place in this month……
(Foto: thepowerofglove) A movie project plans to document 'the glove' Nintendo. Like what? TPOG launch, 'The Power Of……
Hi Guys, This is a real story in my life. One day i went for world trip and i am quit excited to see whole world but when i……
Q.6 Energy and Power Signal (Continuous): A measure of signal length is determined by following two important quantities of a signal.……
Shared Beliefs and Values within a Social Context: Many similarities between a number of culturesEngineering is a Cross-Culture and……
Few days ago one of my friend sent a link of news to me, it was about 56 year old male nurse who planned to rape, murder and……
Corruption is know fashion around the world! Corruption is known as the misuse of power for personal benefits.……
Knowledge is the power which can never be stolen, never be purchased by the money. It is the light that is stored in the mind and……
Although top recommended author Robert Greene was popularized by his ruthless cunning which in he learned from working under Hollywood……
The transformer is a device which makes use of mutual induction to produce a large alternating current(AC) from asmall one, or a small……
There are some special days in the calendar of every nation that commemorate us some special people and their marvelous doings regarding……
It is the best volume originated by someone ever because it is created by the power who created us, created this world, created……
This is the second part of my blog. In previous blog i have discussed the Electrical Work – Basic Requirements such as Wire……
Libraries have become a need of the day. All sorts of books that a man is unable to buy can be had from Libraries. Many public libraries……
Floods come every year and damage properties and lives. They bring horrible diseases and death. Standing crops are ruined. Green fields……
Do YOU make money doing what you love? When I speak at conferences and events about entrepreneurship like I did at Harvard earlier……
The runoff elections between Dr Abdullah and Dr Ashraf Ghani has ended in a rather peacefull manner and we salute all our soldiers……
Hello friends! I am yasir ali and now i tell about you diesel power plant in our this blog. ……
Do you ask yourself that why do you learn or study education? from standpoint of me, most people learn knowledge and study education……
Good Governance,refers to the effective use of power,effective legislation of policies,transparent accountability of executive,development……
Bitcoin and Federal Reserve Notes (USD) are two very different currencies, though they can both be used to make purchases from a range……
A decentralized currency has many benefits over a centralized currency. The main benefit is control. No single entity is able to control……
Libraries have become a need of the day. All sorts of books that a man is unable to buy can be had from Libraries. Many public libraries……
Today i tell about the NUCLEAR POWER PLANT in shortly. In this plant uses some heavy elements to produce heat and ……
How is this creation I am surprised Why this thoughthas always its power exercisedO, God!for me unravel this tangleI see some run……
GENERATING STATION:- In our first part we study generation and sources of electricity. Next i tell about you generating stations. ……
Introduction:- ……
We are living in the 21st century where inventions and new forms of technologies are coming every day and changing the world. New……
First of all the word "power" means "work done in unit time". If we understand the power, then we take some examples. So, we take……
Sometimes when I feel so lonely I think about a power which has created the world and all other creation and this power is certainly……
Folding@Home Folding@home è un progetto degli scienziati della Stanford University volto ad analizzare il complesso processo……
Folding@Home Folding@home is a project by Stanford University scientists that analyzes the complex process of protein folding.……
It has been an eventful week so far in Afghanistan following the landmark April 5th election where Afghans defied Taliban intimidation……
A year ago the world was introduced to the glory and heroism of the greatest hero of all, Mega Power Man. Was he truly the most……
“Trials are a veritable curse”, said Jesus Christ, and so they have proved to majority of scholars who are afraid of sitting……
Among the world 's most sacred and holy love which God has created in the hearts of men . Who is loving and affectionate , patient……
Xcorps TV SPECIAL Report – The HAMMER MAN - Michael J Lavery Ok try this Xcorps TV viewers! Here is an Xcorps TV challenge to……
Xcorps TV SPECIAL Report – The HAMMER MAN - Michael J Lavery Ok try this on for size Xcorps TV viewers! VIDEO At……
How to have a fruitful life. In your life, we must learn how to forgive, to have a life time.In today's age, people do not think……
When we talk about that knowledge is power its means that it is the only weapon to shown strength in the world.The idea about wealth……
. Not to think negative and always think right for others and having sublime thoughts for others is called positive thinking.As our……
Eat Your Way to Lean Muscle These 7 recipes for all-day protein will boost your muscle growth and power you through ‘til bedtime.……
God's power to live Drayyn About a tree, we argue that the seemingly simple fact seems to be a broader understanding of the universe……
It is the question which occurs in every body's mind, but few might have realized its real meaning. We may think if we have economic……
Today i wanted to talk about knowledge is power.There is no doubt that knowledge is power.It is information about the various things……
In this blog I’m going to share some aspects of our ruthless and careless attitude towards nature. “The trees are children……
Today my topic is information technology and its relation with country. If we talked about the top technology of the whole World,……
In this blog i want to explain about one of my recent 3d compositing in adobe after effects. most of the compositing artist and motion……
7-Faculty of Engineering : In 1816 , a school of engineering was established in the citadel and then , another one was established……
When we say that Knowledge is power", we mean that knowledge is the only source of strength in the world. The idea that wealth……
Pakistan is a one of countries that have the atomic power in this world . Due to this the power of Pakistan is greater as compared……
The aim and dream of every student to study higher education in the best institute of the world. For this purpose, they decide to……
“Knowledge Is Discipline For Adventure Of Life”. Money and physical strength……
The great wall is located in the China.The people of China built this wall about thousands of years ago.This people wanted to save……
Thomas Robert Malthus was the first person to put population under scrutiny and introduced Malthusian theory. He stated that……
Its the story of a girl who was living life in a village named DOBORI is located in a region of FATA, Upper Orakzai Pakistan. ……
Afghanistan is going to witness another milestone in its emerging history of 21st century. In april, presidential elections are taking……
Women who are members of our society and live without women like live without mother and sister mother and sister, will……
Everybody may have an ambition. An ambition gives meaning and purpose to life. What is life without ambition? A life without ambition……
The English philosopher-essayist Francis, Bacon, rightly said, “knowledge itself is power”. Only a knowledgeable person……
Labours are those peoples that work on low scale and work done by hands.Labours are also called worker.In every country of the world……
If You Don’t Mind: This article may be tension creating for “Lovers and Beloveds”. This can lead to writer’s……
This Question in front of every time wants fear answer, according to the time and human minds or history and knowledge of human people……
Most the people think of girls or women as a nitwit or a simpering beauty who always dreams of fairy tales and dream of a prince……
Successful people are not a separate creation. They are similar to all people. They do not have an extra brain in their skulls. Almighty……
A covert network of elite families is controlling world events from behind the scene, unknown to the most of the world, we are currently……
This blog is for all those peoples and specially for young generation who is afflicted with doubts and disappointed about the future……
Allah created man to be khalifa on earth. He created for all things that are earth and gave him the power of seeing hearing……
A country needs a system to be governed. The basic phenomenon of a system is to share the “power to the people” and make……
Beauty is all around us. It is in the trees, the air we breathe, the different views we take in. I don’t like to limit the idea……
Imagine a world where money has no value. Can you see it? No, well I don’t want to be a Negative Nancy but we’re……
Energy plays very important role in our life. We use different types of energy to make our life comfortable and useful. In short,……
Is your religion “right”? Those of us who strongly believe in a certain belief system tend to feel that it is the……
Even though more and more women in the business world are rising to positions of power, but harsh gender stereotypes remain,……
I was thinking back to when was the first time I did my first make up? Gosh, Girls in this era probably are laughing at me. I went……
We've been creating animated shorts for Greenpeace for more than a year now. Looking back we think they're getting better with each……
Nowadays, global problem that is air pollution which make me compel to write something and share with filmannex community. Air pollution……
Haripur is one of the most important city in the Hazara Division in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It is located in the……
Could this tree beare this much fruit? The game of Pakistan and Indian dialogue is going on, many years have passed, and……
Dear readers and my weblog followers i chose for you this topic and wrote it in very summarized form, wish you could use it. ……
As we have a common expression that says “knowledge is power” and with this expression we can have many explanation for……
Thinking Skills are some of the most valuable skills you can learn today. The reason is simple. While in the past, people went to……
The benefits (mental and physical) of playing football carry over the other sports: Football builds athletes who have strong muscle……
Ever since I "discovered" social media blogging, my life has changed, and for the better. Although I don't have excellent writing……
We have all heard this term before and many of you shudder at the thought, immediately picturing a merciless, vengeful devil……
Afghan women have lost lives, family members, basic human rights, human dignity and the right to be respected. Soon they might lose……
Imagine knowing your car will tell the world if a thief steals your car and never having to go to the DMV or any motor vehicle……
Have you ever thoughts of using a “death ray” as a form of green energy to power buildings, electronics and the……
I was shocked when I heard the recent news report of the nuclear water leak in Fukushima at the Tepco power plant. Some highly……
Revolutions are always very controversial for any parties involved. One of the most discussed revolutions in the history books……
I always found the samurai perception of death quite fascinating since the code and concept of bushido or seppuku is so nonchalant……
Almost all revolutions bring out this barbaric side to humanity, where death and destruction appears to be inevitable. I was……
Now we have to turn a few pages of the Holy Book of Muslims, “The Holy Quraan” and that how it is proved by Allah Almighty……
When we think of the Japanese Samurai, we usually see this image of a strong, bulky, powerful warrior who possesses and receives great……
I was always a huge Malcolm Gladwell fan and I have to say his some of his greatest works are Blink: The Power of Thinking Without……
It seems that these days, the electricity distributing company responsibles are also helping people to pray and collect good! Every……
I recently learnt that very successful American actor Matthew Modine has joined Film Annex! His page, namely Matthew Modine Web TV,……
The traditional medicine uses ginger for reducing gas in the intestine and soothing……
The role of backup tapes in an exceedingly cloud primarily based world Currently, twenty fifth of the existing firms use……
All Americans know who Marines are; but what do you know about The Royal Marines. Well, The Royal Marine Corps - the marine……
Can we live on the moon? The question is one of the main popular. The answer to it is "It depends on what we consider living."……
INDIA’S FARMERS LOOK TO THE SUN TO WATER CROPS According to a recent study by Smithsonian magazine, a rice and wheat……
This week I am taking a somewhat different approach to my blogging after reading Jennifer Bourne’s blog ‘Hashtags, The……
Solar powered airplane begins the crossing of the United States Aircraft 'Solar Impulse' took off from the air base in California……
Saudi Arabia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Oil - which accounts for more than 95% of all exports and……
Today I was thinking about how our life became more comfortable in comparison with what we had 10 years ago: if you are hungry, it……
Iranians are facing a medical crisis amid tightening sanctions from the US and its allies. Iranian pharmacies are running out of life-saving……
با نام و یاد خداوند مهربان که به بندهگان خود نعمت های فراوانی چون صحت عقل……
Music is the most powerful weapon ever! Each era, each country, each community has its own musical leader, its own musical……
Hi my dear friend. Today I have one more story for you my young reader. This story is called “THE BEGINNING”. Since……