BitLanders C-Blogging: Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Image credit: Pete Linforth via Pixabay, changed by Vimi "BitLanders C-Blogging: Robots and Artificial Intelligence" is my new C-Blog……
Image credit: Pete Linforth via Pixabay, changed by Vimi "BitLanders C-Blogging: Robots and Artificial Intelligence" is my new C-Blog……
Shy people notice everything but they do not get noticed. -Anonymous- Earlier ago, I was a very shy type. I was very concerned about……
So you've changed from doing bad things to doing more good. What now? Are you aware of what happens when you're always good or always……
Welcome to the last part of this hate/hurt series. Because of doing these blogs, I now understand why Jesus advocated charitable work……
We've been Brainwashed ! Well guys, today after a long time what I am going to tell you about is Television.Do you know you have been……
Want to know one of my deepest, darkest secrets?? I'm a huge Kenny Loggins fan...Ok, that is not actually true...……
Do you follow the Golden Rule or is it your life motto? Well, I've got news for you: It’s not really good for us! Yes, you read……
I definitely think the world is better when people get along. It means, that the atmosphere is more peaceful and it also brings out……
(In response to ArtGirl's Post) Note: When I make statements about men and women in this article it usually refers to a mean/median……
Mercedes Rodrigo Bellido (1891-1982) She trained as a teacher in Madrid, before World War had traveled to various institutions outside……
Anna Freud (1985-1982) She was the youngest daughter of Sigmund and Martha Freud. When she was born, his father had just confirmed……
Sabina Spielrein (1885-1904) Daughter of merchant father and mother dentist, had three brothers and a sister who died. The death of……
How the Experts Spot Liars (and How You Can, Too) I never knew I could spot lies better than average. I just knew I could read people……
Dr. Frost - A Psychology Prodigy Image Source: Google South Korea already labelled as the home of romantic drama, however one of South……
Intro to Psychology During my college days, my Psychology professor gave us tips on how to determine the personality of……
"You Are Not Your Brain: The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits" By Jeffrey Schwartz ,Rebecca Gladding MD Two neuroscience…… Pour celles et ceux qui en ont marre des « manipulateurs » et des gens qui cachent leur jeu (celles……
The term “empathy” is used to describe a wide range of experiences. Emotion researchers generally define empathy as the……
A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying. “Everyone who thinks……
"Ito na ang huling tula na isusulat ko para sayo.Pangako yan at totoo. Hindi ko alam kung magiging gaano kahaba o kung kasya ba sa……
Photo credit: Related Post: Is It Possession or Mass Hysteria? Also known as group hysteria, collective hysteria, or……
It was also around this time that Freud appeared to give up what had been a 12-year-long cocaine addiction, having extolled the virtues……
Daddy issues, phallic symbols, defense mechanisms, Freudian slips; these are all common phrases thrown around in everyday conversation,……
If someone laughs with any little things; so you can understand that, there has deep sorrow in his life. If anyone sleeps with deeply;……
And yet theories continue to differ. Ernest Hartmann, a professor at the Tufts University School of Medicine, studies the content……
In Dreamland: Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep — one of the best science books of 2012, exploring what……
“The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind,” Freud……
Geometry shows you. Find out how. According to Dr. Susan Dellinger, author of the Psychogeometrics book, your favorite geometric shape……
Causes of Depression A mental state characterized by a negative sense of deficiency and a despondent lack of activity is known……
Television is one of the main modern inventions. It is an easy source of information, entertainment and plays important……
"It is a mistake to run away from your stress completely. It is there to keep us activated and engaged." says Redford Williams, a……
Yet those Instruments are Manufactured by our Nervous Systems which mean our Observations are Limited only to what our Nervous Systems……
Any time I think of the science of persuasion I think of author Dr. Kevin Dutton, he was born in London in 1967. He has……
Changes in life are inevitable. One who accepts them and changes with them is the one who succeeds in life. There are instances in……
Catharsis The concept of catharsis has come a long way, since Aristotle talked……
Feed the Brain You shouldn't treat things in your life as if they will live forever. Nothing lives forever. It has to recycle and……
Declining countless ills of our society and our environment also left a negative empression more strongly in our behaviors……
A lot of us believe we get more done by multitasking. But research at the University of Michigan published in the Journal of experimental……
The important developments of the early modern period, viz. the English Civil War and the French Revolution thoroughly influenced……
It is fact that the first day of college life and the last day of college are always important moments of life every College. Because……
Day by day, we read the news in newspaper that teacher has punished the student so much that he has excoriated the student’s……
13-Faculty of Agriculture : In 1889 , the faculty of agriculture was established in its current location but it was called Giza palace .……
Experts of Cambridge University (England) have told in present report that size of men’s mind is greater than women.……
When we say that Knowledge is power", we mean that knowledge is the only source of strength in the world. The idea that wealth……
Introduction: I’ve heard Afghan Proverbs used in a thousand ways. In high-stakes negotiations inside Afghanistan’s……
By “Empowerment” we mean boosting the status of a person or community with regard to social, political, educational,……
Il 24 Novembre 2013, l'Organizzazione per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia in Afghanistan (Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
Who’s your idol? We all have someone we look up to; we view them as our guide, mentor and motivator meaning we are wholly……
Bullying. What makes someone a bully? According to the American Psychological Association a bully is someone who causes another individual……
Today’s focus will be on Depression. Depression is a mental disorder where the person feels worthless, has no desire to move……
Do you know someone who suffers from PTSD? Well, chances are most of us do when considering the fact that approximately 7.7……
Imagine a world where money has no value. Can you see it? No, well I don’t want to be a Negative Nancy but we’re……
One of the most intriguing modern world religions has to be Scientology, especially when prominent celebrities such as Tom Cruise……
The greatest difference between psychopaths and your average person is their ability to be socially cunning and their absolute……