Acid attack is such a word, that it seems odd to read it and usually womanhood suffers this word. Islam has given women a superior……
Acid attack is such a word, that it seems odd to read it and usually womanhood suffers this word. Islam has given women a superior……
Every girl has a dream of her prince charming. And mostly they says to each other “you will see one day my raja (prince charming)……
Roughly one year ago, I began playing around with new ways to tell a story through filmmaking. The evolution of all of these experiments……
Human is a super creation of God. Today he has explored the milky ways, he came over all the hurdles which came in his way……
在新墨西哥州的炙热太阳下,这个头脑简单,四肢强健的男人显现出了他的真面目。 是什么原因,让一个硬汉,一个老人和一支小野牛同时出现呢?……
一群在路上狂欢作乐的青少年,惹火了这个脾气暴躁的机器人 … 混蛋机器人(A**hole Robot)这部定格动画完全由手工制作,以大胆又幽默的方式呈现出机器人“混蛋”的一面是此部短片的特点之一。……
Fall of 2012 we were invited to attend a film shoot for an upcoming Canadian horror comedy short, Tasha and Friends. It was……
This week I have been looking into ways in which I can turn my concept drawings (shown my previous blog - )……
Recently I had the chance to continue experimenting with some different animation techniques to see what will work best for my next……
Campfire was a film I made in 2 and a half months when I was a Junior in college. It all started with this little guy: Little……
Tribute to a King That is what the title said and I could think of only two people who fitted that title (in the music fraternity)……