I 2 C or TWI (Two Wire Interface) Programming
Objectives: To program and use the TWI feature of AVR To transmit a character from Master and receive at Slave ATmega16 microcontrollersusing……
Objectives: To program and use the TWI feature of AVR To transmit a character from Master and receive at Slave ATmega16 microcontrollersusing……
Objectives: To interface the serial port of PC with USART of AVR To learn that how to program ……
Objectives: To learn the difference between polling and interrupt based programming To use the timer interrupt To use external……
Objectives: To understand the modes and functionality of timers of ATmega16 To program Timer0 to generate a square waves To program……
GENERAL PURPOSE RAM FOR MICROCONTROLLER M/c uses separate spaces for data and code. Internal memory of m/c consists of on chip code……