Heavy Metal and satanism
That music is from the devil! They boast a lot of saying. Yes, since the Heavy Metal exists, many have wanted to call it the music……
That music is from the devil! They boast a lot of saying. Yes, since the Heavy Metal exists, many have wanted to call it the music……
Link to Part 1: https://www.bitlanders.com/blogs/review-of-the-book-return-of-the-pharaoh-part-1/7566107 Review (Part 2): The first……
About the author of the Book: Zainab al-Ghazali, the author of……
Religions of the World Hello Friends, I Hope you are doing fine. Today I am here with my another blog with the……
Introduction of Lithuania: The Most Beautiful Churches Photo credit: delfi.lt - Edition: Amber255 via Bitlanders.com……
Hello, everyone! Welcome back to me! First of all, I want to express my hatred for summer season. Every corner of the house feels……
Today the topic for my first blog is "Islam". Islam is a religion followed by Muslims. We as a Muslim believe one the oneness of Allah……
Happy Easter bitBunnies! 2018 Easter celebration on bitLanders Time flies and it is time to celebrate Easter! ……
Magic does not have to be, sensational, supernatural or fantasy. This world of mystic wonder could become your home today. The only……
Image Credit: pixabay In my previous post “http://www.bitlanders.com/blogs/the-spiritual-world-part-1/5623921“I……
I thought since this is my first blog I will start off easy, so let's talk about god religion and the church, shall we. First,……
Do you believe in luck? Or how about Feng Shui? I am not a firm believer of it but then again whatever we believe can come true, according……
Photo Credit: Google photo via https://louisianabaptists.org This blog maybe late for the occasion but at least it will give……
INTRODUCTION: On to my second blog specifically intended for the Holy Week. I would have been very happy if this will be published……
INTRODUCTION: Photo Credit: http://www.allisonkimball.com This is an innovative kind of blog especially intended for the……
The bright green grasslands of Ireland always seem to the visitor to be just a little greener than anywhere else. It may be the soft……
Explaining Wicca to people is like talking to a brick wall. It's impossible. Let me explain what I am talking about: I am in the process……
Okay, so we covered the history of Wicca, but what about what Wicca is what it is not. I think I will cover this now so people know……
The history of Wicca all began with the rise of the Neo-pagan religion. Wicca was believed to been founded in the early 1600's. Wicca……
Image by wanderfulsoul Hello there humans! I just got Madame Hillary’s review on my DAY V.S……
Islam is such type of religion that does not order any ruler, minister or religious leader to make any other religious……
Cara mendapatkan rezeki - Telah menjadi sifat manusia, yang hidup harus penuh dengan kerja keras untuk memperoleh rezeki untuk menghubungkan……
The history of Wicca all began with the rise of the Neo-pagan religion. Wicca was believed to been founded in the early 1600's. Wicca……
American Revolution This article is about political and social developments,……
The mentality of Turkish hospitality is, whatever religion you are from, whichever country you come from, whatever language you speak,……
Female students attending the Digital Citizen Fund classroom in Qowaye Chahar Zhahedar in Herat, West Afghanistan. ……
(image source : google.es) Hello everyone !. Here I am with a new blog post, but this time its not just a blog post for me.……
As i was listening the arguments from very worthy friends from Facebook about this person who is referred as Ashiqe-rasool(LOVER OF……
PK-Bollywood Highest Earning Movie ……
Terrorism has surfaced as the biggest menace of the current times, particularly in past few decades. Unfortunately and unjustly, Islam……
The First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (image source: cedarcreekkids.weebly.com) Introduction……
Hi there!First of all, thank you for dropping attention. Today, I stand strong. This is because I have people who will stand……
Introduction The term Islamophobia has slowly become increasingly common in today’s society and is often associated or used……
A new day and a new year, shana tova! As I walked out my house on way to bet Knesset on Erev Rosh hashonnah. I and other Jews on shabbath……
source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com Admit it,we are all interested in these topics. Some of us are willing to kill in the……
A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to……
One of my favorite websites for learning about Buddhism is http://what-buddha-said.net/ If you are interested in Buddhism I……
Hey! My name is Shekanah but you can call me Shoke or Shokemoke. I just joined about 3 days ago. I am loving the look and feel of……
It is quite difficult to reflect the whole philosophy of my mind on this important topic in a few verses but I am starting with important……
What You can do in 1 Minute ??? Praise be to Allah. Strive to make the most of each minute ! If you forget it, you forget the most……
i'm zubair farooq. i have passed fsc and continou study in 3rd year. i live in pakistan nd my religion is islam because i'm a muslim.my……
Sa TV news puros tungkol sa Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) ang mapapanood mo, lalo na din sa dyaryo at internet. Para sakin hindi……
There comes a time in our life when we feel so down and empty. The reason could be anything. But the most probable cause would……
he only future you have is within you, that ability that GOD gave to to make a change. There will be no future if you do not change……
Calvary Hills and The Church of Transfiguration This church is located in Dariuk/Dariok Hills, Balintokatok, Santiago City, Isabela.……
All people know who GOD is, not all people know how GOD works or the love GOD has for all people. Now GOD led a people through the……
Can cognitive science find the areas of the brain that make us religious? Religion is a ubiquitous cultural phenomenon that has inspired……
A Hymn of Praise to God I would like to share this passages from the Holy Bible. It is from Jeremiah 51:15-19 which is a hymn……
Why should a religion be victimized by the act of an ignorant individual? I have asked myself this question often. To find the answer,……
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies commonly referred to as Bitcoin 2.0 projects, have the potential to alleviate the worst forms of……
When God created light in Genesis 1:3, there was actually no darkness. It was gone because the light continuously shines down on Earth.……
When God wasn't contempt after creating the universe, he wanted that beauty should be recognized. Thus, he created lightning. According……
As a practicing Muslim,I find it a duty upon myself to relay the true meaning and message of Islam to my friends and the rest of the……
Summary: Some thoughts about the value of time and how you deal with the present, past and future times of our lives. Every bit of……
In regards to the recent terrorist attacks in Paris I like to share my view. Human beings are violent creatures, for whatever reason……
All forms of Terrorism/fanaticism and its related groups that kill/harm innocent human beings anywhere around the world in the name……
I wrote a very long winded poem... sorry about that but I think you may find it enjoyable. Of course bitcoin is mentioned in there.……
Messaggio straordinario del 29 dicembre 2014 a Ivan Vista del Pdbrdo illuminato a forma di Rosario … Ecco……
When we are inside the church and attend a mass we have to respect the house of God and be quiet while we are there.I notice other……
Messaggio dato a Marja:Cari figli! Anche oggi vi porto tra le braccia mio Figlio Gesù e cerco da Lui la pace per voi e la pace……
What is any religion? I think when You are infant or just getting the senses then the grooming of relogion started by our elder which……
Questo messaggio è bello perché la Madonna ci vuole aperti alla speranza perché l'amore trionferà. “Cari……
La Madonna ci invita alla preghiera per comprendere dove dobbiamo andare, si perché la preghiera ci mette in comunione……
La Madonna in questo messaggio ci dice che desidera essere con noi e ci capisce. Ci invita ad aiutarla con la preghiera per quei figli……
We cling to our faith not because we don't have any other option. But even more so in the many options that life has to offer. We……
In questo messaggio la Madonna ci ricorda che la nostra vita è breve e di anelare all'eternità - pregando ...……
Festeggiare Halloween vuol dire fare la festa del demonio - è il capodanno dei satanisti, purtroppo per mancanza……
Domenica 19 ottobre 2014 - Beatificazione di Papa Paolo VI alla presenza di Benedetto XVI.
With the passage of time the image of Islam is going depraved in western countries, this is just because of their media propagation,……
Le Sentinelle in Piedi in silenzio Contro la Legge Scalfarotto - e la Ideologia Gender.
I consider myself as a Pantheist, which means I believe that there's a high power, a creator of everything however, I refuse to believe……
- (Foto del monte Krisevac) Bellissimo messaggio che la Madonna ha dato per fare capire quando è importante conoscere l'amore……
Today 2 Zilhajj 1435AH,The month of hajj. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam.These pillars are the fundamental ritual……
La Madonna in questo messaggio chiede di essere come le stelle, per dare luce a chi è lontano, la bellezza della pace di Dio,……
Una bella testimonianza di fede:
Borobudur From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Borobudur, or Barabudur, is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist Temple in Magelang, Central……
Female infanticide, the force full death of the female fetus or killing of females in infancy ; has been one of the main……
Freedom From The Elites One thing that I would eradicate from this world to make it a better place, given this topic to write……
Nel messaggio seguente la Madonna ci ripete che è nostra madre e ci ama, ma ama anche i lontani. Ci chiede di……
As the individual is weaker (loser) in capital decisions on his life, with effects in the future, so he falls more into the religious……
Ecco un altro messaggio importante dato a Ivan il 18 agosto 2014 a Salvaterra Reggio Emila.Questi messaggi sono rivolti a tutti……
Messaggio - straordinario dato Ivan (veggente di Medjugorje) - a Vicenza. Messaggio da meditare, specialmente quando dice di……
The Mosque was full of Muslims at Maghrib Prayer. There were 10 to 12 rows of people who came to offer the last prayer of holy month……
Nel mese di novembre 2013 si è svolto un ritiro di due giorni, presso la Casa di Preghiera "Gesù Amore" con P. Peter……
La Regina della pace, in questo messaggio ci dice che noi non comprendiamo i suoi messaggi ma nemmeno Lei……
The end of the Third World War, the cold battle fought between America and Soviet Union. The beginning of the Fourth World War, the……
It should emphasize the need to gain self respect and self sufficiency through the economic cooperation .Malaysia is an example of……
Recently I was in the mood to watch something that evoked some sort of emotion, an appreciation for life or some universal spiritual……
In past, societies were made according to their cast or creed. But now all trends have been changed. Now a days distinctions are made……
Madonna del Carmelo - ricorrenza liturgica 16 luglio Il 16 luglio 1251, la Madonna apparve a San Simone Stock e gli porse……
Religious and social system of Indus valley civilization For reading part 1 click here Religious system ……
Messaggio del 2 luglio 2014 a Mirjana La Regina della pace in questo messaggio ci dice che Lei è madre di tutti noi, madre……
Vitolini - Vinci (Fi) Da alcuni anni viene organizzata la "Serata di solidarietà" - cena di beneficenza - a Vitolini……
Rinnovamento Carismatico Cattolico Comunità "Gesù Amore". Che bello!A conclusione dell'anno liturgico e……
Now a days every body is busy in their own lives . Not just the youngsters but mature men and women have also made their lives so……
La Madonna appare a Medjugorje da 33 anni per dirci che Dio esiste e le cose del mondo vane, le cose materiali, non servono a niente,……
Il 2 giugno 2014 a Medjugorje (Croce blu) la Madonna ha dato questo messaggio, alla veggente Mirjana: La Madonna in questo messaggio……
Cos'è la vita? Ci sono molti fattori da considerare, quando ci si pone la domanda "Qual'è il senso della vita?" Per……
What is Life? There is a lot to consider when asking the question "What is the meaning to life?" For thousands of years, science and……
Our new generation is extremely aware of the different brands in the market and are getting highly conscious of the products they……
5 years ago when this picture came into cinema, it was directly hit by pious body, fill were furious crosswise the livelong country……
Religion has been very important in life. Islam is a true religion. It is a complete code of life. The followers of Islam are called……
Cinema has become one of the most popular source of entertainment the younger want to have the latest knowledge about the film……
In this era the liquor, the cup, even Jam is different the cup‐bringer started different ways of beauty and domination The Muslim……
Sometimes when I feel so lonely I think about a power which has created the world and all other creation and this power is certainly……
A mosque is the symbol of an Islamic society which is not only the place of worship but also the place of learning. The people's seek……
La Madonna oggi ha dato questo messaggio a Marija: Cari figli! Aprite i vostri cuori alla grazia che Dio vi dona attraverso di me……
Cuando decimos que el "conocimiento es poder ", queremos decir que el conocimiento es la única fuente de fuerza en el mundo.……
Meaning lguy impurity or dirt contamination and spreading of dirt into the natural environment means the natural or go though a person……
THE PLACE OF RELIGION IN THE MODERN WORLD Scientifically speaking, modern knowledge and faith hardly go together. Usually a……
This is the second part of my Blog Dress and its purposes .In previous Blog we define dress and its first three purposes now we will……
I am so very proud of myself today, so I wanted to share my joy. My fiancé and I are getting married now in one month. He is……
FEMALE EDUCATION Not long ago, the idea of women’s receiving education was supposed to be a revolting one. People thought that……
The True Meaning of Easter We’ve all heard the story of how Jesus died on the cross and how he was resurrected……
God create incalculable living being for this domain. One of them is we human beings. We are the most intellectual creation of god.……
In my last article I told u about the freedom of girls in Saudi Arabia and I told u that my next article will be on polygamy and adultery……
Islam is religion of tolerance par excellence. In fact, it is tolerant to the extent of generousity. The fundamental principle enunciated……
The help of poor people is very necessary because it change our society and give us a better environment. In the Pakistan many……
I have always been a huge fan of scientific documentaries. In fact, I would dare to say I watch more documentaries than I do films!……
During this segment of society , there are some students who study a full , regular and constant practice can not afford . But after……
Science means knowledge , knowledge is s learning and . science is the way for development, and it have all the other in its……
Fast is the third pillar of the Islam religion and after shahadah (declaring there is no God expect God and Mohammad is God’s……
Religion is very important topic and it is the meaning of a life. Religion is very important for our souls.So without religion there……
Truth Seeker By Jeran Campanella What's the truth, and how would any of us know? We've all been told lies, and told which way……
I became a Muslim in 2004. I’d been fairly familiar with Islam since my college days, having lived a year in India, and gotten……
I am going to write about Egypt. Egypt is the old country in which the lots of ancient time king spend there lives. They build some……
¡Alabado sea Jesucristo! Febrero 14 del 2014 INICIO DE MI PARTICIPACIÓN EN FILM ANNEX Muy queridos……
Today I am going to write about my city. I have spend many years of my life there. There are lots of historical and old places. Rahim……
As you now, before the creation of Pakistan the Muslim and Hindu were live together. There Muslims are not free. They're not free……
Tramonto a Medjugorje Questa è una foto scattata a Medjugorje, luogo santo, nel mio quarto pellegrinaggio nell'anno……
Now a day’s beggary is become a profession in all around the world as well as in Pakistan. According to my observation there……
Il 19 maggio 2013 abbiamo festeggiato la Pentecoste alla Casa di Preghiera "Gesù Amore". Si percepiva - durante la preghiera……
Do you know how many colors’ are there in the flag of Pakistan? Our flag has two colors’ a large part of our flag is green……
When we say that Knowledge is power", we mean that knowledge is the only source of strength in the world. The idea that wealth……
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” is quoted by Benjamin Franklin. ……
This is not a topic for read,it is a sound foe everyone like to have this freedom for himself but it is not ready to give it to other……
Nel 2011 la meta del mio viaggio estivo - come già altre volte - è stata "Medjugorje" - luogo meraviglioso……
The man of determination Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the founder of our country (Pakistan). He was the man, who alone fought……
Today we talk about a very important topic which is education and also about education of women.Education is a way that take us on……
Nel mese di marzo 2013 presso la Casa di Preghiera "Gesù Amore" abbiamo partecipato al Corso sui Sette Vizzi Capitali dal titolo:……
“We Can Enhance The Beauty Of Life By Celebrating Different Occasions With All Its Traditions”. Islam is the Religion……
Women who are members of our society and live without women like live without mother and sister mother and sister, will……
hazrat Ibrahim had a son Ishaq from his first wife,sara. Isahaq grew up to be a prophet and later his son, yaqub and his son,……
Nel mese di settembre 2013 alla Casa di Preghiera "Gesù Amore" di Pelago - FI, c'è stato l'incontro con Suor Rosalina……
Quest'anno, come già altre volte - ho passato un fine anno molto spirituale - un desiderio che mi si è avverato, così……
Many peoples are not agreed that we are happier than our ancestors because our life are more complicated than our ancestors.In ancient……
Pollution means contamination or dirtying of environment. These days it has become a serious problem which is destroying the purity……
Cleanliness means to clean the body,clothes,house,villages,cities,countries and also the whole world.In our daily life people only……
Ethics is he greatest motive force which reflects the human in its best from as ethics is the introducer of real humanity. the progress……
Festivals are the chance of pleasure. They get the peoples closer to each other to share their happier. They are also the chance to……
The fundamental belief which serve as the foundation of a religion are called its articles of faith in Islam belief in prophet hood……
Ever since the dawn of human life on this plant ,Man has always tried to understand Nature, his own place in the scheme of……
A country needs a system to be governed. The basic phenomenon of a system is to share the “power to the people” and make……
I remember Aushura Day in my childhooh. Cooking, cleaning was banned in our home. Early morning of Aushura we went to help cooking……
Education in its basic definition is a form of learning of Knowledge, Skills and habits, is the most important part of the Human Race.……
As I told and mentioned at the first part of this topic, that it would be continued in two parts, this is the second and the last……
Islam is Arabic word which means submission. Surrender and obedience. As religion it stands for complete……
You know him well, and he knows you better than anyone else. Today we are going to interview the one and only THE MR. DIVIL. Interviewer:……
Is your religion “right”? Those of us who strongly believe in a certain belief system tend to feel that it is the……
Arcos the world people besides their daily lives they have same national and international ceremony in which people enjoy their……
Scrupulosity is quite frightening, especially if left untreated. It is a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) that is……
La discriminacion por raza, sexo, religion o edad, es un problema conocido desde hace siglos y ha venido incrementandose de manera……
In afghanistan different races are there people speaks different languages and wear different types of clothes.Afghani’s are……
Living Interfaith Church of Lynnwood, Washington hopes to bring the “interfaith” experience to everyone, embracing……
"Are you serious?" I asked Shakila, my sister. I felt very delighted all of a sudden. It was my last week in Afghanistan when I found……
Are you an American? What does it mean? Many of us ask ourselves this question at one point or another especially every four……
One of the most intriguing modern world religions has to be Scientology, especially when prominent celebrities such as Tom Cruise……
The National Park Service released a series of videos showing American Muslim students, primarily girls, claiming any hatred……
Many of us have not heard of this belief system before but there is a UFO religion known as Raelism or the Raelian movement……
Does a fully veiled Islamic woman really inhibit the progression of Islam in the modern world? Well, some believe so. I was……
We have all heard this term before and many of you shudder at the thought, immediately picturing a merciless, vengeful devil……
Something that we may not consider a big deal but truly is for the Islamic-dominant society in Iran, cabinet members opened……
In my country, Afghanistan mostly people don’t care about their clothes label as much as in other places in the world people……
When we think of the various faces on American dollar bills and coins, names that pop into our head include George Washington……
One of the most controversial topics when discussing the beliefs and practices of world religions has to be euthanasia, ending……
5 Words is about the persecution of religion in the former Soviet Union, specifically Christians during the 1950's-60's. This film……
We always hear about Mormonism but many of us are not entirely sure of the details behind this religion. I was actually watching……
Importance of Education in Islam: In a society where religion and knowledge in general and science in particular do not go hand in……
I was having a standard conversation with one of my acquaintances yesterday and we somehow began to discuss the subject of religion……
Let’s test your knowledge of Dutch customs just a tad. I was reading a little more into this culture and the interesting……
I have always been very curious about the world’s religions specifically the religion of Islam in all its intriguing practices……
What is the first thing you think of when you hear the month of July? The summer sun? The beach? Ramadan I……
I learnt something new about European families who break bread religious way. Eastern Europeans have a multitude of traditions that……
My life can be divided into two parts, the part before I moved to the United States and the part afterwards. After my immigration,……
As most of you know, Buddhism is one of the widest religions in the United States. But what do you know about Buddhism. American Buddhists……
There are so many stories that touch my heart, but the one I saw on TV today had even better impact on me. A Costa Rican woman and……
It's been a while since my last post and although my research into screenwriting has hit the point where I would be best rewarded……
Afghanistan culture is around for over two millenniums. Afghanistan is famous as “Land of the Afghans" having nation's official……
What do you know about Malaysia? Hello, my highly educated and slightly degraded friends! Today SweetAsiaTV (Sweet Asia TV)……
The storey goes back when I was 14 years old, a teen boy who looks to discover world surround him. I found me among the people……
The name of the religion is Islam, which comes from an Arabic root word meaning "peace" and "submission." Islam teaches that……
Release of Christian pastor charged with apostasy has been welcomed; however, arrest and detention of many others continues to be……
Religion and culture does play an integral role in the work of the United Nations, but a benediction or blessing as seen in the US……
At least not over a cheap, base film produced by a hateful Christian pastor based in Florida. As a film critic, one might ban the……
Anders Behring Breivik (Above Photo-Self-Portrait) acted as religiously/ideologically motivated terrorist killing 77 fellow Norwegians.……
“The overall picture of Cyprus is largely shaped by the reality of bi-communalism which also has repercussions for the situation……
Don't get it how rape is somehow wiped away as crime or moral offense by any union between the victim and rapist. Worse, if……
“Respect for freedom of religion or belief as a human right does not depend on administrative registration procedures, as it has……
“We recognize and celebrate the values that are shared across religious traditions,” said UN General Assembly President Nassir……
Today is International Day of Zero Tolerance to Genital Mutilation of women/girls - UN Report shows that almost 2,000 communities……