Five Main Groups of Animals With Backbone
Animals with Backbone around us The main groups of animals with backbone are: Photo Credit: isamadero79 Via in SlideShare 1- Mammals:……
Animals with Backbone around us The main groups of animals with backbone are: Photo Credit: isamadero79 Via in SlideShare 1- Mammals:……
DO NOT buy products made from wild animals and exotic hard woods! If people do not buy products made from wild animals, the people……
Pakistan Museum of Natural Histroy (PMNH) was established in 1976 in Islamabad.This museum is full of large number of natural……
Alligators are in the same family as other large reptiles like Crocodiles but are native to only two countries,……
Mata mata Turtles is an aquatic specifes that hates deep water because it likes to keep its snout afloat, this turtle from my nightmares……
(Cantor's Giant Soft-Shelled Turtle) - This super pancake looking turtle can grow up to 6 feet long and weigh 100lbs! The Asian……
The word dinosaur comes from the Greek language and means ‘terrible lizard’. The word was coined by English paleontologist……
Picture me this; a monster snake with a length of 50 feet weighing approximately 2,500 pounds. Sounds like something out of……