سيدة أيطالية من سيدات الاعمال غيرت العالم , التجارة المستدامة لافغانستان و ما وراءها .

قضيت سنوات عدة مع جدتي استامارا جياناني Stamura Giononiو الاشخاص الذين كانوا بعمرها……
قضيت سنوات عدة مع جدتي استامارا جياناني Stamura Giononiو الاشخاص الذين كانوا بعمرها……
I spent many years of my life with my grandmother Stamura Giannoni and people of her age. My grandmother was born in 1916 during World……
انیس سال کی عمر سے میں نے اپنے والد کےساتھ textile product development کا کام شروع کیا……
MTI USA is a fashion business division and started back in 1995 when my brother Francesco asked me to join him in his adventure in……
I have been working in textile product development for over 20 years, starting in Italy when I was 19 with my father Roberto Rulli……
The Olympics passed. I have always believed that sports could contribute to a cultural revolution in Central and South Asia,……
My father Roberto is a retired textile agent. When I was a kid, he used to take me along to visit some of his clients in Tuscany.……