[Artificial Intelligence] 2019-005: Difference Between AI and Robotics

Photo Credits: robotics.org Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are two VERY different things. People who says otherwise actually……
Photo Credits: robotics.org Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are two VERY different things. People who says otherwise actually……
[Artificial Intelligence] Bionics And Cybernetics - Theoretical Foundations Of Robotics - Photo credit: brookings, edition by……
Image credit: Franck V. via Unsplash, changed by Vimi "Most impressive artificial intelligence projects" is my new C-Blog for "bitLanders……
[Artificial Intelligence] Anatomy of Robots - Photo credit: behance, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders The present century has……
[Artificial Intelligence] How Robots Will Change Labor Market In Near Future - Photo credit: fortune, edition by Amber255……
[Artificial Intelligence] Household Robots With AI - Photo credit: new.qq, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders Today, robotics……
Have you ever wondered what would it be like if robots became our mothers? Photo Source: The Daily Beast (thedailybeast.com)……
Photo credit: Sumana Rao; modified by Engrxy of Bitlanders Hello, Bitlanders! I would like to impart to all of you some of the things……
Image credit: Screenshot of Querlo chat If you also want to enlighten others in the area of artificial intelligence, join the project……
Hello again guys. This is me again, Jvanity1, and I'll be writing the third part of my blog regarding my opinion on Artificial Intelligence……
Hello guys! This is the second part of my blog regarding my opinion on Artificial Intelligence (AI). You can read Part One by clicking……
Image credit: Pete Linforth via Pixabay, changed by Vimi "BitLanders C-Blogging: Robots and Artificial Intelligence" is my new C-Blog……
What comes to your mind when you hear the word Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Do you immediately think about robots or computers that……
video credits: MIND & MACHINE: Future Technology, Futurist Ideas via Youtube How Artificial Intelligence is changing……
TOMORROWLAND Movie Review - Photo credit: imdb, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders Studio Disney got accustomed to pleasing its……
A.I. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Movie Review - Photo credit: twitter, edition by Amber255 for bitLanders A.I. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE……
Image credit: Geralt via PixaBay, changed by Vimi This is my new C-Blog for the AI-inspired project known as "BitLanders C-Blogging."……
Before I start, here is a video on What is Artificial Intelligence Exactly? Video Credit: ColdFusion via Youtube AI or……
KILL COMMAND Film Review: Robots Declared War On Humanity? - Photo credit: youtube, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders This is the……
C-Blogging: Sexiest Movie Female Robots Humanoids - Photo credit: bbc, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders Science fiction,……
Hi. Photo Source: Alisha Ober (news.stanford.edu) To be honest, I find it difficult to blog now because of the new blogging rules……
I had the great fortune of watching a movie tonight called I Am Mother. Without giving away too much of the plot, it introduces……
4 Areas That Were Changed By Artificial Intelligence - Photo credit: blog.dataprius, edited by Amber255 via bitLanders When artificial……
Will Robots Become Assistants Of Teachers? - Photo credit: eswarprasadguru.blogspot, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders The development……
bitLanders AI-Themed Blogging: Can Robots Be Friends Of Humans? - Photo credit: deccanchronicle, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders……
bitLanders AI-Themed C-Blog: Humanoid Social Robots - Photo credit: twitter, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders Automation,……
AI-Themed C-Blog: The Most Famous Human-Like Robots - Photo credit: diyphotography, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders Like many……
Humanoids With Artificial Intelligence Or A New Kind Of Digital Human? - Photo credit: twitter, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders……
AL-Themed Blogging: The Visit Of Humanoid Sophia In Lithuania - Photo credit: dailymotion, edition by Amber255 for bitLanders.com……
Image credit Sujin Soman from Pixabay Video credit Technology 2019 via Youtube Technological advancement in the last decade……
Video Credits: ColdFusion via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders (Image edited via Canva) Relative to the announcement……
Robotization - New Unlimited Possibilities, Luxury or Necessity - Photo credit: pixabay.com, Edition by Amber255 via Bitlanders.com……
Artificial Intelligence: What Do We Know About It And What Else Can We Expect? Photo credit: internalvoices.org ……
"Chappie" Offical Trailer video source: movieclipsTRAILERS Hello Bitlanders! Time to review a movie that honestly makes……
The future of wonders Credit: pelotte via Pixabay Internet, robots, interstellar travel, tablets and smartphones, hoverboards,……
Images Credit: Google Images
'Real Steel Boxing' is a 3D Graphical Game For Your Android Phone,,, It's Full Of Action And Fighting Among Metallic Robots,,, *You……
China Wants to Replace Millions of Workers with Robots.China is planning so as to lay the basis for a robot transformation to computerize……
Source: Personal BIG HERO 6 is a masterpiece of animated movies. Now a days, in the race……
1968Stanley Kubrick makes Arthur C. Clark's, 2001: A Space Odyssey into a movie. It features HAL, an onboard……
Introduction: Hi friends today I will show you how to make a simple robot with moving arms. All the parts that are needed in this……
"Robots are becoming more advanced and human-like as enormous amounts of money are spent on development, including by the military.……
40% of women have hurled footwear at a man. I imagine if you are a guy with a foot fetish this could be an enjoyable thing. As much……
We've always said that we're going to need people to be janitors and garbage collectors, but how true is this, really? With the advent……
Metropolis In the 21st-Century, a de-humanized proletariat labors non-stop in a miserable subterranean city beneath a luxurious……
We currently working on a type of robot which will give us interesting styles of a football player and will play like a real football……
A computer is an electronic device meant for automatic and swift processing of data through a range of software applications. The……
So for my university 3rd year solo project, I'm going to do a series of models and turnarounds of a construction company based a century……
Year 2013 has been a great year for technological and scientific innovations and discoveries, we have to remember the most important……
This article is about mechanical robots. For software agents, see Bot. For other uses of the term, see Robot (disambiguation). Articulated……
The present-day electronic computer was developed during the 20th century. During this time computers began to run on electrical power.……
Computer is a great invention. In this age it become the need of every common man. In its early time as its name, it is only a computing……
APPLICATION OF COMPUTERS Computers are used in almost every field. Nowadays, computers have become so important for us that it is……
In past posts we've discussed about size of characters in posters, the cool thing in this IMAX one from Transformers: Age of Extinction……
Someday people will live in space. By the end of the century will be permanent settlements that will allow people to lead a normal……
Okay, to start off with, I just want to say that this film was not only as good as the original, but it blew the original out of the……
Pacific Rim summed up in four words: visually stunning, boring content. Going into this film I was hoping it would not disappoint,……
Robots are and have been taking over jobs. Now what? According to Wired Magazine, automation creates hundreds or millions of……
When we think of some wacky places we would like to see at least once if not multiple times in our lives, they usually revolve……
Step aside human bartenders, as Carl and James, the robot bartenders caused quite a splash on the German bar scene. The Daily……
Over the weekend I was listening to a podcast on Radio Lab which I had originally heard on NPR. It was very intriguing because……
Have you been a victim of technological unemployment? As much as that question sounds like a poorly created late-night television……
Let’s paint a picture of the future that involves robots helping your lovely nana or grandpapa around the house, reminding……
I would love to imagine a world where windows are no longer an issue of maintenance, no balancing acts to clean windows and……
Looking back at your own childhood, I’m sure you can think of at least one robot that was very memorable and left an impact……
The world of artificial intelligence is truly mind-boggling, especially at the rate it is going and the direction it is taking as……
Like most awesome kids, I remember watching Dragon Ball Z aka DBZ as a child practically religiously. And like the awesome kid that……
Hello guys. I recently spoke with one of my significantly younger cousins about cartoons he watches on television. Just talking about……
Hello. This collection of pictures is called "Reengineering Humanity." I just decided to share some pictures of our electric friends……
GROCERY SHOPPERS! PREPARE, TECH SHOPPING IS IN THE AIR! Imagine a new technologically advanced Supermarket that takes……
Drone invasion is Orwell’s inauguration Choose: man or machine? This question sparks very interesting debates within a variety……
Robots and I is a blog which will update its post on such topics as: robots, new tech, innovations, etc. Most of us (adults……
Michael Bay and Paramount Pictures have announced that Chinese actress, Li Bingbing ("Resident Evil: Retribution") has been cast in……
Human robots have their own positive and negative impacts towards the current community.The main……