GUN SHOOTINGS IN THE USA SCHOOLS Image Credit: There has been an untoward phenomenon of shootings……
GUN SHOOTINGS IN THE USA SCHOOLS Image Credit: There has been an untoward phenomenon of shootings……
submitted by jwithrow. Click here to get the Journal of a Wayward Philosopher by Email Journal of a Wayward Philosopher The Future……
Education - the gathering of knowledge and understanding - enables one to make meaningful contribution in spheres of human activity……
So a day or two before, the citizens of Islamabad were all wearing light clothes as the weather was quite comfortable. Neither……
So a day or two before, the citizens of Islamabad were all wearing light clothes as the weather was quite comfortable. Neither……
Pupil (on phone): My son has a bad cold and won't be able to come to school today. School Secretary: Who is……
I am regular user of bitlanders and I am a student of B.S Chemistry. While using bitlanders I have read different blogs regarding……
I was sixteen years old, attending school and thinking about my future goals to be either a doctor or a journalist. I knew nothing……
México is a big beautiful country full of culture, i live in central México, in the state of méxico, speciafically……
Montessori Education What is Montessori? Source: Google Montessori education is a great system of education for the kids,, in this……
Killing children is not the answer, teaching them to kill is also not the answer. Using religion as a reason for killing is not the……
This time i am going to talk about the Major Attacks in Pakistan.And the most Sad attack of Today..16-12-14. ISLAMABAD: The……
Computers combine knowledge with pleasure. Play is a naturally method of learning about something. Most of the computers programs……
Teacher should follow the following point before teaching the students. Teacher should prepare the lecture first. Preparation of lecture……
The person who is under learning stage is known as student. Students are of many types. These are following: Students with IQ above……
Life in a big city now becomes very complicated and difficult. It creates many social economical and political problems which make……
The chose of career is a very difficult job. On this choice depends the success and failure of a young man’s futures life. Therefore……
As Pakistan is facing big terrorism for many years but now once again Pakistani government issued orders to clear the North Waziristan……
The importance of education cannot be denied. Education is highly desirable to bring the nation in the rank of developed countries.……
A hamlet is a small town located in a nation zone. It consists of a few small huts and mud houses. These houses are built all over……
Pre Schools and child care centers are mainly happiness for working parents; who care for children during working hours.Pre Schools……
In arrivo Smartphones da 25 dollari Quanto accessibile possiamo rendere l'educazione? Beh, la Womens Annex Foundation ha già……
$25 Smartphones Are Coming How accessible can we make education? Well, the Womens Annex Foundation has already taken a few steps:……
The computers coming in the largest shape today are the mainframe computers; they are expensive one. They have huge storing capacities……
Schools are places where education is delivered to students. The purpose of this education is to help us think about the world and……
Those of you who are regular readers of my blog know that for the past several years I have been seeking a solution to address the……
In Pakistan there are board at divisional basis which held the annual examination at the basis of matric and intermediate. They control……
Schools controlled and financed by government are called government schools. There is no fee in these school. Students get free education……
Few days back I write about book as consider the book as knowledge archive. Today I am going to write about the place where the books……
La scorsa settimana ho partecipato all'evento Invent Your Future Enterprises a Silicon Valley. È stata una grande opportunità……
There are several factors which elevate the development process of any community. I can name Education with the help of Social and……
What is Community? Usually when we are going to think about a group of people ( community) and society the first thing which comes……
As Pakistan's national dress, shalwar kameez, the national game is hockey. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan. ……
Technical education may be defined as the practical application of general principles and methods of scientific studies to the teaching……
As it would seem our former foreign minister also known as the ‘decorous doctor’, Mr Zalmay Rassoul hasn't been short……
Pakistan is basically an agricultural land and 70-80% of its population is composed of rural area or the countryside. Villages and……
Today we talk about the educational problems that are occur in our society and our students should not get perfect education. And……
There was a time when education of women was opposed tooth and nail by many in Pakistan. Even today, the orthodox are opposed to educating……
In recent years, Afghanistan has been a difficult place for women to participate in civic matters.Afghan society is male dominated……
Afghan girls still face problems in education. Afghanistan is a country that has struggled through three decades of war. Afghan girls……
According to Jelly’s website, “Humanity is connected like never before. In fact, recent white papers have concluded that……
The good news just keeps rolling in for Women’s Annex Foundation. After last week’s announcement of new board member Adriana……
There are a lot of schools in Afghanistan that students are studying there. The first school in the country was Habibia High School……
Herat is one of the beautiful and historical cities of Afghanistan with different accent and kind people. Although, Herat is one of……
Women’s Annex Foundation is excited to welcome a new board member, Adriana Lopez Alvarez. Hailing from Mexico, Adriana has been……
Lets began to Define the word co-ed and also the word single. co-ed which means mixed like when we say that this school is co-ed school……
Nowadays so many organizations are working for education and empowerment of women all over the world and are serious about this issue.……
Dear Students, We all know that “Every Morning in the world, a child wakes up."It’s time that Afghan children wake up and know……
In Afghanistan, Women faced many challenges and issues like fighting with Traditions, Arrange Marriages, Lack of Educations, Hidden……
Painting art means to bring something into the world that did not exist up to now. But the painter creates it by the available accessories.……
Dear students, Film treatment writing help the societies to improve and get more promotions. Afghanistan with several decades of war……
Afghanistan is a Country which is Located in the Heart of Asia and has 30 Million Population, this Country has been witnessed……
At first I must tell that what is Women’s Annex and what is its role in our city and for what they are operating? As we all……
Roya Mahboob, fondatrice della società Afghan Citadel Software, ha scritto di recente un articolo per INC Magazine e la……
Roya Mahboob, founder of Afghan Citadel Software Company, recently wrote an article for McKinsey on Society's Voices series, which……
Is it really hard to answer who can build the peace? No, it is too easy. Peace isn't a dream, everybody can make it and catch it.……
First of all I have a question that what is the paper recycling mean? The paper recycling is a process, which old papers changes to……
Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
Everybody I want to talk about financial education. Now I understand most people are adverse to discussing or even thinking about……
The Women’s Annex Foundation (WAF) is now officially a 501(c)3 designated non-profit organization from the Internal Revenue Service.……
I love successful stories, and I love them even more when they come from an underdog. Women in Afghanistan are the underdog,……
Leela Corman ha studiato pittura, incisione e illustrazione al Massachusetts College of Art. A seguire trovate una sua intervista……
Leela Corman studied painting, printmaking and illustration at Massachusetts College of Art. Below is an interview of her on the concept……
Hai mai sognato di essere un supereroe o una supereroina? Chi era il tuo supereroe preferito quando eri bambino? La Marvel Comic……
Have you ever dreamed of being a superhero/heroine? Who was your favorite Superhero character from your childhood? Marvel is an American……
It has been some time since my last update and for this I apologize; I have been trying my best to remain ‘off the grid’……
It is not a long time passing from Afghanistan Development Project, but still we see it is impressive achievement toward education……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
Throughout history, the Afghan women and girls were banned from getting an education. Through the years, many advancements have been……
Yesterday I was invited to the Yume Partner Day event at the New York Stock Exchange. Yume is a digital video advertising solution……
Hard times in life always has its end no matters what, the time alwaysgoes on… Women in my beloved land had the darkest era……
School is the only place that can be called the common house for education. In the past schools were in a awful situation,. The students……
One of my favorite inspirational organizations is the Newman’s Own Foundation. Actor Paul Newman founded the Newman’s……
IN many countries around the world more and more people live in cities. Cities share many characteristics. But are also different……
Nowadays globally we hear about digital literacy, in pakistan as a student I only just read it in newspaper or on social media networks.……
When we are talking about the Sustainable Education and Digital Literacy it means we are talking about the improvements of Education……
The government in Pakistan Administered Kashmir has failed to reconstruct almost 40 percent schools that were decimated by earthquake……
To attend school is much different today than many years ago. Sitting behind the tables with computers in modern classes have made……
Today’s world is the world of digital literacy, target thinking, and internet. The main reason of the success of the developed……
School is the only place that can be called the common house for education. In the past schools were in an awful situation,……
“When I was a fifth grader I was sitting on a floor without even any carpet.” This is the voice of Maryam, 23, who……
Afghan Citadel Software Company is only working to enable Afghan women in education fields. It teaches cinematography, social media,……
Herat female schools are of those schools that were closed while Taliban was in power. Whenever they have been coming out of their……
Women’s Annex and Film Annex have started their activities in Afghanistan since one year and half, which they have worked on……
“Everyone has a story to tell. What is your story?” says Fereshteh Forough of Women's Annex Foundation in a recent……
“Now, I get up sooner than any other time in the past to get preparation for school.” This is the voice of Halima who……
To attend school is not a dream for Afghan girls anymore. Now, not only Taliban are gone from Afghan power, but the rate of injustice……
One can see lots of girls in black and white on Herat streets in the morning. This shows that the girls are not only eager in attending……
Afghan women are no longer limited as much as they were at least ten years ago. They no longer suffer illiteracy and not being in……
“Afghan Citadel Software Company” has already planned to connect some of Herat Girls’ Schools to abroad “Landon”.……
These days Herat female schools are talking about “Film Annex and Afghan Citadel Software Company” a lot. One talks about……
آج کا دن افغانستان کے لئے بہت عظیم دن ہےخاص کر خواتین کے لئے ۔ٹائم میگزین……
Film Annex 的愿景-"No Politics, Just Internet" - ”没有政治,只有互联网“-将个体用户放置于宇宙的中心,并且使他们可以实现最大限度的自由言论和财务独立性。这就是为什么我们设计了Buzz分数仪表板的原因,我们想让来自世界各地的人们可以自主学习和实现他们的全球梦想(Global……
Film Annex 的願景-"No Politics, Just Internet" - ”沒有政治,只有網際網路“-將個體用戶放置於宇宙的中心,並且使他們可以實現最大限度的自由言論和財務獨立性。這就是為什麼我們設計了Buzz分數儀表板的原因,我們想讓來自世界各地的人們可以自主學習和實現他們的全球夢想(Global……
Less than half of all girls attend school in a country where conditions for women have been slow to change since the fall of the Taliban.For……
Afghanistan has rebuilt an education system that had nearly stopped functioning. In 2002, only 900,000 students were in primary school,……
Last week was another great week for Film Annex and Women's Annex here in New York and in Herat, Afghanistan. We opened the 10th school……
In the changing world, the education role is getting highlighted more and more every day. Stable Development needs knowledge and educated……
Co-education means the teaching of both boys and girls in the same school and under the same roof.This system of education aims at……
786 There are some famous of web TV production companies like Next New Networks, Vuguru, Revision3 and so on and……
Roya Mahboob is the Managing Partner of Citadel of New York which owns Women’, and Roya was recently featured on the cover……
An animated video by Tomas Schats showcases what Afghan children can do with Examer, an educational and interactive……
ACSC کی مالکن رویا محبوب کا نام سو بااثر شخصیا ت میں شامل ہونے پر مبارک باد……
یہ ایک خاص دن ہے۔ آج عورتوں کے بین الاقوامی دن ہے۔ وہ دن جوکہ عورتوں کے کوششوں……
In 1955, the first techniacl school was opened in Kabul by the support of America. since that time, the Afghn govermant has……
Introduction: When Afghan movie star Leena Alam told me about the many great works of Hamid Naweed, I knew that the hardest……
Crowdsourcing پریکٹس روایتی کارکنوں اور supplier کے بجائے سروسز,مواد وغیرہ ایک……
Introduction: At first, I wasn’t even sure the Baroness……
When Taliban was ruling in Afghanistan, even there were not 50 schools in the country. They closed and destroyed……
گزشتہ اتوار کوCBS کے last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS پروگرام کی آخری قسط دیکھی اور ارب……
افغانستان ایک روایتی اورتاریخی ملک ہےـ خواتین نے ہمیشہ افغان معاشرےمیں……
Did you know that Film Annex hosts content from over 300,000 people from around the world? Whether it’s a filmmaker in Manhattan……
ابھی میں نے ایک مضمون پڑھا کہ کسطرح ٹیکنالوجی لوگوں کے زندگیوں کو کتنے مختلف……
تحصیلات یکی از ارکان مهمی زنده گی هر بشر بشمار میرود . و در زنده گی ……
Schools in Afghanistan are one of those factors which have changed people’s life and its number……
In Afghanistan women and men did not have always the same opportunities therefore women didn’t……
Since women are in the back of a laptop or computer in an office where men are visible, it means Afghan women……
السيد روبرت مور شريك الموسس و مدير المبيعات لمنظمة مختبر المواقع الانترنتية……
However Kazakhstan is a country whose economy is growing fast, it is faced to some educational challenges.……
Recently I read a very interesting article on how technology is changing people's lives in many different aspects. The article is……
In a recent video interview with Fereshteh Forough, Robert Moore, the cofounder, president and managing director of sales for……
التفكير المستهدف ، تجهيز و تطوير المحتوى و استراتيجيات وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية……
There was a celebration of a new building with five classes opening. There are more students studying outside the classes in most……
القوات النظامية الاجنبية , قوات حفظ السلام في افغانستان ,مع معدات التدريب.……
"Information is not knowledge"Albert Einstein I don't know how often it happens to you to see someone whom you were reading about……
To make money online is a new type of job for Afghans. As the world and technology develops, people’s knowledge develop, too. Before,……
بناء المدارس في افغانستان موضوع……
Kabul City Center Mall Roya Mahboob, CEO of the Afghan Citadel Software Project, gave a speech last week in Kabul, Afghanistan to TEDx.……
Uzbekistan is a landlocked country located in central Asia. This is one of the 3rd world, and developing countries. The low quality……
It is over 10 years that construction is on going in Afghanistan intensively. One of the parts that Afghan goverment and other nattional……
Internet is world of technology and education for students with low cost. Today distance learning and Internet provide this opportunity……
Last Sunday I watched the last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, and was inspired by the story of billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, a former……
Poisoning 150 school girls in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul can be construed as another act of discouraging families sending their……
Afghanistan is a traditional country with an old history. Women have always played a very important role the society through decades,……
While reading the post about Roya Mahboob's award in April in New York, received for what she has done in the recent years in her……
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela At the elementary school where I work……
Building Schools in Afghanistan Written by Nikki Shaver Although in recent times more children than ever before are attending……
Afghanistan women social development is new, but vast. About a decade ago they had no right to go out of their homes. Today,……
Congratulations are in order for Roya Mahboob of the Afghan Citadel Software Company on the honor of her being named one of TIME……
Education is the key factor for developing countries. Without education, a country cannot achieve a convenient economical development.……
Today is a great day for Afghanistan and especially for Afghan women. TIME magazine published its list of The 100 Most Influential……
Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people,……
Today I was looking to my photo galleries and came to the four months film making course pictures and also student’s……
Nobody can forget about what happened on Friday December 14, 2012, in Newtown Connecticut where 26 people that includes 20 children……
Yesterday, I went to JFK airport to pick up Roya Mahboob, our partner and CEO of the Afghan Citadel Software Company. She was with……
Today, I was browsing several websites and I read a very inspiring and interesting news about Angelina Jolie, an American actress……
Before the establishment of the school (Maktab) new Afghan student reading the Quran, reading and writing were taught by the Clergymen.……
Do you know why I like this picture by Angela Shah* so much? Just read below. In 2006. I started Film Annex with the intent to……
Afghan girls’ schools have increased since the last 12 years in Afghanistan. When first International Community entered Afghanistan,……
Last week, Roya Mahboob was in Dubai celebrating the Persian New Year. At the same time, I was travelling to D.C. with Fereshteh……
Target Thinking is very addictive! Last week, we visited USAID to film two important and inspirational interviews. The first was with……
Over the past two weeks I had a very enlightening look into the corporate world, and the lack of innovation it creates by having a……
This Friday is a special day. Today is the International Women's Day, a day that is the result of struggles and sacrifices of women……
by Jasmine DavisAlthough I normally focus on women filmmakers and how they stand up for women’s empowerment, today, I want to……
Knowledge has an important role for development of each country By good knowledge each person can do something for their country Bye……
Since the last ten years, Afghan girls’ schools have increased substantially and hundreds of female schools……
We got some great news on the past week: Film Annex now translated in Russian. You can find button at the bottom of the site. Now……
by Jasmine DavisOne of my favorite Film Annex writers, Franceso Rulli (who also happens to be the president of the company!), recently……
by Jasmine DavisChances are, if you’ve visited Film Annex at any point in the last year (or read any of my blog posts!), you’ve……
Woman as a human being makes half of the human population as well as men and women have a significant role in the development of societies,……
Education of women in Afghanistan is one of the initiatives that Allied NATO forces and aid organizations are working very hard at……
When someone says, "Afghanistan," what comes to mind? For me, it's war, mistreatment of women, and an element of mystery. Maybe……
If you read my online interview posted recently on Film Annex, you know my most difficult challenge in trying to provide disabled……
I play guitar. I'm not a great musician, to any stretch of the imagination, but I've been actively involved in music all my life.……
by Jasmine Davis Female empowerment in filmmaking has been on the rise lately. As one article puts it, although women filmmakers may……
Thinking about terrorist attacks in any part of the world is painful and heartbreaking. Beside the physical destruction and anarchy……
I had a research about social media marketing, specifically in Afghanistan. I have found an interesting and important subject that……
I have started my week with a great news from Afghanistan. Afghanistan National Institute of Music has a tour in the USA and on February……
د افغان پرمختیایی پروژو نه مننه، نن په هرات کی ۵ ښوونځیو کی تر ۲۰۰۰۰ ډیر……
دا چی آیا ایمیل مړ شوی دی، له ډیره وخته یی په فکر کولو بوخت وم. کله چی په ۲۰۰۱……
"With the right vision for the future and the right emphasis on improving the quality of education and getting 100 % of school age……
Afghanistan is a traditional country with a very old history, beside the variety of tribe, languages, customs and lifestyles music……
Malala Yousafzai's recovery is moving forward. After the Pakistani schoolgirl was shot by the Talibans last October,……
Hey Everyone! Sorry I have been gone so long, it has been a very eventful month; both informational and enlightening. I spent a couple……
Reading news about women and their activities give you a pleasant feeling and it makes you more hopeful when it is about women in……
Photo by Angela Shah*. The Internet is a great space for keeping up on current events, following your friends and learning more about……
Politics, it is one of the important issues which defines strategical point of views of each country and in the other hand it establishes……
The schooling process in Afghanistan had been with vast changes since the Taliban regime up to now. In Taliban era no schools……
by Jasmine Davis Today’s world is incredibly interconnected - just look at your social media profiles. Chances are, you have……
Women’s Annex gives women around the globe a chance to connect with others through film and writing. One of the best parts of……
Schools, where the average ages of Zoo Vanda beings civilized human into the 21st century. Unfortunately, Afghanistan had not luxury……
In a recent interview, Eren Gulfidan spoke with Nilu Sherpa, a noted female filmmaker in Kathmandu, Nepal, about her work and……
I was fortunate enough to stumble upon the site Kabul: A City at Work recently. The site, which features videos and photos of Afghanis……
As a famous Afghan Proverb says, “Maahee-ra har waqt az aab biggeree, taaza ast.” In English this translates as……
Education represents the basis upon which society is built. It’s the foundation of most skills and thought processes that need……
The first school in Afghanistan One hundred and five years ago, in the reign of Habibullah, the first modern school was build.……
When Taliban were in Afghanistan, they did not allow to female to go to school for learning education which is very important for……
Many kids living in "developed" countries keep education for granted these days. They consider it as something they have to do, and……
Film Annex is like the Hulk, an ever growing beast, with millions of monthly viewers, hundreds of thousands of registered users, and……
Illustration from Zarbul Masalha: 151 Afghan Dari Proverbs by Edward Zellem New York, NY, December 14, 2012 – Continuing its……
The Rulli Debates are an evolutionary series of conversations and reflections of an "Irish guy from Philly" working with an "Italian……
I was recently watching an episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, when one of the pieces on the show caught my attention. Scott Pelley was……
I know I always recommend a blog to read at the start of most of my own blogs, but that is usually because something inspires me and……
During the last decade, Afghanistan has recorded progresses through promoting and protecting human rights, women rights, freedom of……
A little bit earlier today, I was asked an interesting question to answer, about the social media site LinkedIn. Before I address……
I am excited to say the first members of the SUNY New Paltz and Central and South Asia collaboration are officially signed……
Growing up in Philadelphia, I attended Cynwyd Public School for grades K-6 with in Bala Cynwyd with many Jews in the neighborhood.……
Today, I had one of the most interesting meetings of my life. 5 motivated individuals (which I thought would be a good fit for the……
Overall, I know I have explained how excited I am to be a part of Building Schools in Afghanistan, and talking about Central and South……
Discussing with different people about the Afghan Development Project, and as Mr. Rulli elegantly states above in his meeting with……
In this test, students will answer questions about blogging online and Film Annex specifically. PART I A blog is a. An email……
In this test, students will answer questions about filmmaking and how filmmakers can fund, promote, and distribute their movies online.……
Calling all FILMMAKERS! In the age of social media, filmmakers need all the support they can get. Believe it or not, a student in……
Cultural diffusion is no longer confined within the melting pot known as America, and hasn't been for a while. This really……
17th Annual Business Day Conference, Hosted by the SUNY New Paltz American Marketing Association As the Executive Vice President of……
That was a really nice busy week at Film Annex.At the beginning of the week I did corporate style interview for Jennifer Powers. She……
Recently, we had the opportunity to meet freelance journalist, Angela Shah, via our initiative, The Afghan Development Project. Shah's……
Examer is an Online Examination System for schools which is considered to change the Afghanistan school examination routine. This……
Today I was asked “how someone like you got hooked on Afghanistan?!” It's a great question and it has several ways to……
This month marked the 12th Anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. As the war continues in this country, the best way……
The first step is to provide the tools to the students: Computers and Internet connection. The second step is to help them create……
Sustainable social responsibility, philanthropy, and education is the only solution to a better World. Dropping money into a……
Film Annex means: فیلم پیوست The "Annex" means addition or extension. Film Annex has two mottos. One is Connect Through Film,……
Edward Zellem is a US Navy Captain and the author of Zarbul Masalha: 151 Afghan Dari Proverbs. His book caught the……
Thanks to the Afghan Development Project, today in Herat, Afghanistan, in 5 schools, over 20,000 students are able to register on……
Every country, starting from Afghanistan, has 4 major sectors in which both men and women must co-exist and share responsibilities.……
Many people ask me what the Afghanistan currency is and how the Afghanistan GDP is growing. My approach on Afghanistan is very……
Since the very beginning of time, people have strived to reach eternal youth. My conclusion is simple: WATCH VIDEOS and don't SMOKE!……
Despite threats from Taliban, insecurity and a challenging geography, a UN/Afghanistan government program to eradicate measles……
The most used language online, in particular for business purposes, is English. It is not a coincidence that the Olympics opened with……
The Taliban have enforced a ban on polio vaccines in the tribal border area of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Helping save the health/lives……
(soon in english) Día a día, incluso antes de ducharnos, acostumbramos encender nuestros computadores y casi por defecto……
Why the Education of Afghanistan's People Has Become a Power Struggle Power doesn't only refer to control of large groups of people.……
No real peace is possible in Afghanistan unless abuses against and rights of women/girls are addressed. However, the negotiations……
Film Annex has found another supporter for their development initiatives in Afghanistan! Check out the following video of Sean Behr,……
Many have sought to conquer Afghanistan - and failed. Before the Soviets and most recently the US/NATO, it has been the British Empire.……
It might be difficult to gauge a women importance from a famous saying "behind every good man there is a woman or women" but the fact……
Let me introduce you to the Film Annex Afghan Business Incubator, a program developed from Film Annex's Afghan Development……
This video documents the improvements at an All-girl high school in Afghanistan. Associates of Film Annex built a computer room……
I don't know about you, but after I published last week's article, I was still intrigued about this whole “incubator and technology……
When we are children we all dream of what we'll become when we grow up. But some of us from very early on know that we are destined……
Film Annex and partner Citadel Software Company are building Internet classrooms in Afghanistan. The goal is to build classrooms in……
The Afghan Development Project is on a mission to ensure that the children, men, and women to have the opportunity to receive the……
When we contacted animator and filmmmaker Tomas Schats a few weeks ago to let him know about Film Annex's Afghanistan Initiatives,……
Daniel Yomtobian, the CEO and founder of, is now collaborating with Film Annex in the promotion of the Afghan Development……
For most children across the world going to school means gathering knowledge in preparation for a bright future. And it generally……
I was raised in Florence, Italy. My grandmother, Stamura Giannoni, had a major influence in my life. She was born in 1916 during the……
As part of our interview series with Digital Media thought leaders, we talked to Henrique Jorge, the CEO and Founder of Eter9, an……
Across the World, major newspaper headlines are talking about upcoming US election and withdrawal of US and NATO forces from……
As Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Sofware Company celebrate the opening of the new Internet classroom in Kouz-E-Karbas High School -……
Our friends at USAid have a target of reaching 100,000 mobile money users. We are now talking about numbers and timelines, and this……
This past Wednesday, Roya Mahboob and her team from Herat celebrated the official opening of the second Film Annex INTERNET classroom……
Sometimes I still can’t believe my mother went to Iraq during the war. She was there in 2010 with an association of volunteers……
Child labor is the adversary of educating children particularly where families may be dependent on the even meager earnings of youngest……
Film Annex's vision of "No Politics, Just Internet" places the individual user in the center of the universe and empowers her/him……
Last Tuesday, Mike Sweeney and I had the pleasure to travel to Washington to meet with two USAid officials, Mr. Clinton L. Doggett,……
Today, Mike Sweeney and I traveled to Washington DC to meet with two USAid officials, Mr. Clinton L. Doggett, USAid Project Development……
Each one of us would agree that building a school is a noble deed especially in a country like Afghanistan where education is the……
As part of our interview series with Digital Media thought leaders, we talked to Hector Pantazopoulos, Vice President and co-founder……
This was the underlying message President Obama gave in Afghanistan earlier in the week as he spoke to U.S. Soldiers, the people of……
Last week, we opened the first Internet Classroom in Baghnazargah School, Herat, Afghanistan, and we are already working on the……
AdON Network President Bhaskar Ballapragada partnered with Film Annex for a 30-day online promotion of the Afghan Development Project.……
On May 1st, 2012, we sent a new wire transfer to our partners in Afghanistan, the Afghan Citadel Software Company. The funds were……
A new age is about to begin in Afghanistan. Its future looks bright now that the United Nations and President Karzai have agreed on……
As I read wide-eyed the dismally low statistics of the number of children that go to school in Afghanistan, I assume that being a……
The US kills the bad guys, UN helps run elections and money is tossed at economic ventures; however, the effort to transform……
“Over the coming decade, there are expected to be two million more information and communications technology (ICT) jobs than there……
Film Annex talked to Entrepreneur, Richard Grace about his thoughts on the Film Annex initiatives in Afghanistan, the Afghan Development……
Still from the short film Rough Patch. Tim Orchard has been part of the Film Annex community for a few years, and is regularly presenting……
Today, our partner in Afghanistan, Roya Mahboob e-mailed us the pictures of the INTERNET Classroom we built in Baghnazargah School,……
Ambassador Mo Sacirbey with Muhammad Ali at the UN Film Annex is investing in Afghanistan's educational system by building Internet……
The Afghan Development Project is building Internet classrooms in 40 schools in Herat while the war in Afghanistan is still going……
I just watched Film Annex’s latest independent film in which they interviewed several female teachers and students who……
For the fourth segment in our series of interviews with Digital Media thought leaders, we talked to Devin Yeager, the Chief……
For the third segment in our series of interviews with Digital Media thought leaders, we talked to Ryan Gombeski, the Director of……
Ashley Paczolt, the Manager of Ad Operations at Altitude Digital Partners, told us what she thinks about the recent Film Annex initiatives……
We recently interviewed Daniel Yomtobian, the Founder and CEO of about the recent Film Annex initiatives in Afghanistan.……
A big part of Film Annex's business model involves social media strategies and advertising. Our model allows us to invest in Afghanistan's……
There are two companies that are undoubtedly world's "thought leaders;" one is Cisco and the other is Goldman Sachs. From two……
Film Annex's Afghan Development Project is in the process of building Internet Classrooms in Schools in Afghanistan. The first……
Cisco is going long on Afghanistan education and is heavily invested with their initiative Cisco Networking Academy (PDF). Here's……
What you see here is three Internet Cables that will be used for the Afghan Internet network Film Annex is creating in Herat's schools.……
During my daily reading of articles on Mashable, I came across this amusing video which brought me back a decade ago as it shows what……
In the last few days I spent time on Skype talking to our cinematographers shooting Afghanistan videos for Film Annex. We are……
"Women can drive in Afghanistan"]Women in Afghanistan are slowly being given the rights that most Americans take for granted every……
Building schools in Afghanistan has been a serious topic for the last ten years. The book, Three Cups of Tea, has been a revealing……
“Economic cooperation is basic to laying the foundation for a secure future. A stable security environment is also essential……
Emerging from the shadows of a rigid Taliban rule, women who were earlier not allowed to come out of their houses without complete……
My father Roberto is a retired textile agent. When I was a kid, he used to take me along to visit some of his clients in Tuscany.……
Film Annex has over 280,000 registered users and of those 5200 are from Afghanistan. Film Annex shows 30 million videos a day to 12……
The text (s) below (s) contains an invitation.Havaianas, join us!The Brazilian most famous beach sandals could help the Afghan education……
UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has partnered with religious institutions to provide solar panels that will power much-needed……
Here is a brief update on the Afghan Development project. We are working with Roya Mahboob to identify where to start building schools……
One of the most meaningful achievements of the Internet is its ability to connect people from different backgrounds into a common……
“Shanghied” (1915, Chaplin) This film can easily get lost in the multitude of one-two reel films Charlie Chaplin made.……