[Artificial Inteligence] Smart Home: Security And Access Control

[Artificial Inteligence] Smart Home: Security And Access Control - Photo credit: shipmansecuritysystems, edition by Amber255……
[Artificial Inteligence] Smart Home: Security And Access Control - Photo credit: shipmansecuritysystems, edition by Amber255……
Some Tips On How to Protect Personal Data Online - Photo credit: seidenbergnews.blogs.pace.edu Photo edition by Amber255……
Image credits: Computer Security by TheDigitalWay via Pixabay.com & Canva.com Being a network engineer, and having to help people……
For a long time , I've been seeing people fighting over whether which language is better , which language to learn , and what I get……
For a long time , I've been listening around , why 'CODING' ?Why learn "Programming" , what's that cool in it ?Even I've listened……
Kadang kita sering kesal apabila komputer kita lambat atau lemot, dan anda kebingungan untuk bisa mengatasinya , karena mungkin……
The wireless or Wi-Fi connection links the camera to your cell phone and/or computer without a tangled mess of cords. You can, therefore,……
Sometimes you accumulate far too much stuff and your house is just bursting at the seams. But whether you're simply struggling for……
With all the recent reports of card slider tampering at public outdoor ATM machines there just has to be a better way! One thing that……
Goal: Device that tracks owners biometric life signs and informs company of death, drugging, torture, etc. As a service, upon owner……
Hey guys, I just wanted to share some info about Clickjacking. It's basically low to medium risked issue but the sometimes the risk……
Barcelona celebrates the arrival of 2016 with a great show in Montjuïc (image source: google.es) For the third……
Source: Google As technology has revolutionized twenty first century, we are able to declare that we're witnessing the most advance……
Here I am again, Shaiera, presently one of the top earners at bitlanders.com. From my previous blog bitlanderscom-a-tutorial-for-the-newbies……
Youth is that part of human life in which the skills of young man’s are on the rise. Desires, aspirations and passion of doing……
Image courtesy of http://www.bitlanders.com/adgoggleko Gone were the days where everyone you know was been once you talk personally.……
This is how to update avira anti virus offline, please see the video.
Some books give you good advice, but only about part of the security problem. Others provide solutions so generic that they aren’t……
Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux Book Details Paperback: 310 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing……
Internet Banking has become an important delivery channel for banking services enabling banks to offer traditional banking services……
Cyber Security Training ================[COVER:]================================[INFO:]================Cyber Security Training3……
n an enormous indoor vegetable farm run by robots, 30,000 heads of lettuce are produced every day. This isn’t a scene from a……
Security companies step up service for Balloon Fiesta Balloon Fiesta brings in the most tourists that Albuquerque sees all year, but……
A bug discovered by security researchers Eric Taylor and Blake Welsh can change a standard customer feedback system called……
BITCOIN Bitcoin is crypto currency and a new payment system in which……
The bitcoin is one of the safest currencies, as mathematically speaking, is impassable. The only way for lovers of the alien from……
Then carry on to incorporate written content and boost the web sites after a while ... just before you know it, your enterprise will……
KARACHI: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif on Saturday held that Pakistan had exposed its motivation to collaborate……
Google has announced its latest foray into the exploding mobile payment market with Android Pay.Android Pay is, in effect, a follow-up……
Not sure how critical this one is. Does not affect all servers and you still need serious power to crack keys http://www.wired.com/2015/05/new-critical-encryption-bug-affects-thousands-sites/……
The of arms control disarament is as old as warfare. Disarament is the elimination of araments to preserve international……
Apple is setting Double Security for iCloud It’s good to hear that apple is so fast to react on the recent most discussed topics……
The move gives Check Point a mobile security piece that’s a bit different from the traditional mobile device management you……
NERAL: When Usha Mantri brushed off frowning traditionalists and moved into a retirement village, she became a pioneer for a generation……
https://scrypt.cc?ref=bajpZ Mining bitcoins, great!!
Tikrit: Smoke rises from central Tikrit as Iraqi security forces attack IS groups positions on Sunday.—AP BAGHDAD: Iraqi security……
Computer security is security applied to computing devices such as computers and smartphones, as well……
Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) is an antivirus software (AV) product that provides protection against different types of malware……
Tokyo: China’s Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Liu Jianchao (left) speaks at the 13th round of Japan-China Security Dialogue……
Missouri: The former head of the US National Security Agency has revealed that Chinese hackers in the reign of George Bush to……
http://bit.ly/1Cgy54G Trusted by 640 million users, 360 Security is the only all-in-one speed booster and antivirus app that optimizes……
According to researchers, a massive security flaw that is found in both Apple and Google devices leaves smartphone and computer users……
Bitcoin security is important, and paper wallets are one of the most effective methods of putting your bitcoins into cold……
You only need a nickname and a password with the anonymous registration In the era of social media and with the increasing……
During this Modern day age most of protection departments just take into consideration this they will modify all over globally……
Career-changers find fulfillment, job security in nursing (BPT) - Marquita Davis, a registered nurse, began her professional life……
This time i am going to talk about the security during Muharam-ul-Haram. KARACHI: Sindh police department in a letter to the……
How to Identify and Avoid Phishing Scams Phishing is a form of social engineering technique used by hackers to gather sensitive information……
The Taliban has risen again.They had a good time regrouping when our political leaders were busing solving their issues with each……
Love’s Mystery Love is a beauty, a tempter and a fire,but love is bitter, a cheater and a liar.It leads us in, opens our heart,then……
The term Internet Scam or Internet Fraud refers to any type of fraud scheme that uses one or more online services to conduct fraudulent……
Social Security System of the Philippines In 1957, the Philippine government created an agency that will provide retirement and health……
Tips to Maintain a Virus Free Computer Is your computer infected with virus? Do you often get mysterious error messages? Well, this……
The most recent airport scanners are dedicated to detect weapons but nonmetal which include explosive devices. The new and improved……
As these compounded problems do not any augur well for the Pakistan so the programmatic approach towards the issues is badly required.Rational……
The Kashmir issue is one of those problems which the UN has been unable to solve over the last 55 years. When South Asia was given……
GLOBAL SPYING (TRANSLATION) Few days’ earlier American resources disclosed that during the government of Pakistan People’s……
You all need to investigate Armory wallet offline and online desktop version. With the offline version it does not need the block……
Terrorism means inflicting terror on innocent people in any society by committing acts of violence. Throughout the 20th century, terrorism……
The govt.should create an investment friendly environment in order to boost up the economy and industrial activity as raising the……
In a move to enhance security of foreigners and counter terrorist attacks, the federal government has established to special……
Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed land land between India and Pakistan since over a half century. When the indo-pak……
For the first time the term "bitcoin" appears in the research publication of Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. The true identity of the……
Inhibiting invalid transactions from a given person's or corporate's wallet is what bitcoin security is. A single bitcoin deal shifts……
This is the most important issue now a day but most of us really unaware of it. As we all know the use of the Bluetooth feature in……
PUBLIC SECURITY The Govt protects the lives and affluence of its community. This defense is called Public Security. Our Govt. has……
Election in Afghanistan Election is a people phenomenon, which is normally running in countries……
5th April was the day of presidential and provincial council elections, which all Afghans above eighteen years welcomed this national……
Did you know that your search history is saved in your face……
Defeat and victory are part of human life. But the man never not dares to faint. Win, and lose. If we speak of the game when the competition……
As Afghanistan has passed three decades of devastated war because of having independence and we know that people had to have guns……
Though after the disagreement with the requisite President Karzai, the US indicated, it will move forward with their contingency……
Success getting what you want, Happiness wanting what you get. This is Qamar Nisa. I am sixteen years old. I am form beautiful……
All records have a security aspect. Most people are sensitive about how much they earn and do not want all their colleagues to share……
Women`s right in afghanistan have suffered through tremendous turmoil in the last three decades or in the last quarter of the past……
Afghanistan has been placed in top four most dangerous countries to visit. The report is based on worsening security situation of……
Miki Biasion 在义大利布雷西亚(Brescia,Italy)举办的赛车活动“Motor Circus”中谈及了他在拉力赛车世界的新计划:“拉力赛车私人教练-……
Miki Biasion 在義大利布雷西亞(Brescia,Italy)舉辦的賽車活動“Motor Circus”中談及了他在拉力賽車世界的新計劃:“拉力賽車私人教練 -……
I recently attended a lecture at the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research in Abu Dhabi where Hekmat Karzai, the Founding……
Bei der Veranstaltung Motor Circus im Brescia hat Miki Biasion seine neue Initiative für die Rallyewelt beschreibt: "Rally Personal……
Miki Biasion, during the Motor Circus event in Brescia, has presented its new initiative linked to the world of rallying. " Rally……
Security means having slability and peace in a country and means not to have war in a country If we are secure and have security……
The political system in Afghanistan is broken and shattered as the country is going in to the presidential election this year with……
nVacatio is very ampourtant for all becouse when we work when we study for along time our mind will get tird we will get depeessd……
In Kabul capital of our country games among 16 teams have been started since last month in ghazi stadium and this is the fourth……
Afghanistan Loya Jirga was held from 20 – 24 of November 2013 in Kabul city in order to discuss about bilateral security……
العقلية الأمنية تتطلب البحث عن الأشياء السيئة التي من الممكن ان تحدث أو……
هل اديموقراطية قيمة عالمية؟ ما هي تكاليف القوة الغير خاضعة للمساءلة؟ متى،……
Finally, the new 100 dollars bills hit the streets. Get to know more about them! The new sophisticated features of The new $100 bill.……
Even though more and more women in the business world are rising to positions of power, but harsh gender stereotypes remain,……
Election is a formal process where each step is predetermined, it is also for the decision of people or part of the public to choose……
Many of us take IDs for granted but imagine not being identified by your government, sounds unthinkable doesn't it? Well, the……
If I can go anywhere absolutely I go to Germany. I have several reasons for going to Germany. 1: I love Germany’s……
More than two decades of conflict left Afghanistan with a deeply fragmented administration, poor policy management capacity,……
This question asked us a lot in young age was our answers : a doctor, a businessman , engineer, pilot, artist , but these professions……
میں نےہیلری کلنٹن کا مضمون پڑہا جس کا عنوان Helping Women تھاـ خواتین کی آزادی……
We talked with a smuggler and will leave the country end of this week. Why do you stay here? What are you waiting for? Are you waiting……
Gadgets used in movies are slowly becoming our reality as Motorola Solutions Inc., a major provider of public safety communications……
Today I am going to talk about one of the most successful robbery ever. The Antwerp Diamond Heist Antwerp, Belgium,……
Security is the most significant matter which people of Afghanistan thinks about, and is the matter of chatting everywhere in……
Afghanistan's Interior Minister, addressing National Security Council, complained about the House of Representatives’ interference……
Yesterday I read an article about Hillary Clinton: Helping Women Isn’t Just a ‘Nice’ Thing to Do in The Daily Beast. Depriving……
Today on Twitter, you may have noticed Kim Jong Un, North Korea, and #whyaustin (which is referring to Austin, Texas supposedly making……
Provision of security and rehabilitation of security institution are considered as one of vital factors of nationalization process……
Afghanistan is one of the Islamic countries. The capital of Afghanistan is Kabul. Afghanistan has 34 provinces. The people speak different……
According the agreements of Afghanistan and American governments, American and NATO forces will leave Afghanistan at end of 2014.……
Credit history is one of the most important issues for many countries and specially for those who live in the USA. As a customer who……
"With the right vision for the future and the right emphasis on improving the quality of education and getting 100 % of school age……
What is NATO? The acronym NATO stands for……
What is security? ……
Last month People across the world work up to a new offensive that started in Palestine. There were war cries with both side accusing……
It is not war yet, but Turkey and allies have determined this time to respond differently and open the door to potential military……
Is the United Nations the Titanic with a couple of Captains giving the order or an armada of nations plying toward shared objectives?……
After recent talks between Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders consistently underperformed expectations and recent oil/mineral finds……
His public comments were less direct and more circumspect about what next on Syria; however the private assessment of new UN/Arab……
"The members of the Security Council reiterate their grave concern about the continuing deterioration of the security and humanitarian……
Vuk Jeremic yesterday assumed the role of President of the United Nations General Assembly having been elected a few months earlier……
UN failing its own principles in Syria? Recently the UN offered a new set of guidelines for mediators in how to address evidence of……
None have joined the International Criminal Court, but India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea have become “nuclear club”……
“Six weeks ago, in visiting the memorial at Srebrenica, I said I did not want my successors to apologize years from now for……
Diplomacy has not worked very well for Syria. So how about rethinking the whole diplomacy thing in Syria-Diplomats not talking so……
“Very few of the convicted perpetrators are effectively serving a sentence, due to the low penalties imposed or other benefits……
Australia’s Parliament adopted an act that would allow the re-opening of offshore detention center for migrant asylum……
“These are already some of the most vulnerable families in the West Bank – forcibly displacing them from their……
Why has Syria still not been referred to the ICC? Big Power ambiguity/hostility to the ICC, particularly China, Russia but also the……
Central Asia is on the cusp of greater chaos or immense prosperity depending on the perception of the past, present and future.……
... or at least, can UN borrow "intelligence" capacities of others? The UN does try to anticipate both crisis, threats to international……
Assad, Kremlin and Beijing had counted on Kofi Annan’s diplomacy to effectively act as buffer against more sanctions or greater……
“Our staff and partners in Uganda, Rwanda and eastern DRC have been receiving regular and extensive reports of widespread human……
Spewing xenophobia and having established herself as Uncle Sam’s and God’s chosen to choose who is fit to be American……
It had become more of a stand-off between the big powers than about Syria’s neighbors or even that country’s citizens.……
“UNSMIS is not a static mission – it will continually adapt and reconfigure to best serve the needs and aspirations……
Turkey can invoke NATO’s mutual defense pact under Article V in what is now a direct military confrontation with the……
Mali has been now embroiled in coups and rebel fighting complicated by famine that threatens to tear apart the country at its most……
New Russia in Syria is looking very much like the old one as Putin seeks to regenerate the Empire. The UN is blocked from acting……
A “Press Statement” representing the consensus of all 15 members, the UNSC “urge(d) Libyan authorities at……
BRICS falling? Recent news about economic slowdown and a rapidly falling currency complicate India’s active effort to……
Blocking UN Observers from performing their mandated task may appear to pale in comparison to the continued killing and massacres.……
“Those who bear the greatest responsibility have been indicted. The current challenge is their arrest,” according……
In December 2011, President Barack Obama made the official statement that the U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan would be……
On Sunday, the world was once again shaken to see a series of attacks carried out by the Taliban forces on a number of strategic targets……
Assad’s Syria Regime has failed to honor its own set deadline of April 10, 2012 for ceasefire. However, the “UN/Arab League……
There will be no sleeping bags, campfires or marshmallows but a lot of fireside conversations. This now annual outing will go on tonight……
“The key to overcoming Russian stubbornness at UN Security Council may be in pressing in the General Assembly…” The spike in……
Set for release on April 20th, the sci-fi prison break film Lockout has debuted its domestic trailer at IGN. The movie is titled "MS……
Nabil Elaraby will be coming to NYC to press ahead with the Arab League plan. Syria has strenuously objected to plan which calls for……