Documentaty Web TV Channel

Today i am going to tell you about another Web TV Channel "Documentaty". As you can see that Documentaty comes from a Word Documentary.……
Today i am going to tell you about another Web TV Channel "Documentaty". As you can see that Documentaty comes from a Word Documentary.……
Today i am Going to Briefly introduce Suspensaty. It is also another Web TV Channel of bitlanders. Now most of you are thinking what……
My hobby is writing on different topics and I get excited whenever Micky announces the topics of Double Reward for writing.……
"We don't have the budget for that" It's a phrase that is said everyday around the world in every industry. It's always a reminder……
Filmmaking is both the easiest and hardest thing to do. It's hard because there is never enough or money time to do what you want……
As you know, I really like to plan each take that we want to make for our works, with Victor Silva, our director of photography we……
Yes, you read that right.
Hello everybody! Today I´m writing really happy, because a couple days ago our short film "Yellow Apples" won the National Film……
Hey guys So on my university filmmaking course its shoot period again (YAYYY!!!) And this is probs the best……
Thanks for the support. Love you.
A short teaser for the new short film "Feast" from the director of "Paperman". Feast will premier with Disney's Big Hero 6.
A watercolour epic of micro-proportions!
Hells, yes. The Missing Scarf deserves every drop of praise it receives. Magnificent story-telling in every detail. And yes, that……
Blissful insanity.
I recently discovered this lovely animated film called Phantom Limb. I've been researching for techniques to animate, classically,……
Adding a new commercial this week in the list of my favorite examples of native ads... Well commercial isn't exactly the word. The……
Chanel released yesterday the teaser for its upcoming advertising revealing Gisele Bündchen as the new face of Chanel N°5.……
In this post, I'll detail how I went about transforming the old man to a little girl (poor old man :( ). In the film, she will be……
Take 5 minutes from your day to watch Australian Director & Cinematographer Gerard Lambkin's short film "Great Adventures" an……
Day 3 of our shoot was mainly concentrated on shooting on the bank of the ganges river, some shots in a college then some dialogues……
From the last blog post, I described the modelling and sculpting process of the main character of "Uyir". In this post, I'll detail……
Hello everybody!! As you know, a couple months ago we finished our short film "Manzanas Amarillas" (Yellow Apples). We had the avant-premiere……
I'am really excited to announce my new short film called" Madman". Its a short film based on comedy Genre & surely some action……
In the last post, I detailed how I went about the concept art as well as the story. In this post, I'll detail the storyboarding and……
2nd day of our shoot was planned on a railway station, the scene was, as the train reaches the station and comes to a halt, the main……
The 1st day of our shoot was planned on a roof top of a 4 storey high building. In that shot we were mainly try to frame the protagonist……
In the year 2008, I was thinking of making something, something creative, something which others may see and enjoy it, then thought……
In this post, I'll be detailing the pre-production phase of my 4th short film project "Uyir"! I was able to complete this phase pretty quickly,……
I've decided to move on to my 4th short film which I've entitled as "Uyir". I was happy with the response for "Vetri" and took……
Creating this new animated short film titled [reminded of my Weight]. Started 3 weeks ago and almost finishing it. Going to submit……
The less said about it's shocking plot the better, it begins with an outcast little boy who comes to school on his birthday, is relentlessly……
This is just a quick update to tell you what's in store for the future of PREnetwork. First things first, new content is coming out……
Hello everybody! By this days I´m a kind of busy finishing a new animation project for the National Council of the arts and……
I love Pretoria! I've lived here for most of my life. It is calmer and more relaxed than Johannesburg, even though its practically next……
Hey so i've been recently in touch with a fellow staffordshire university student who wants help making a short documentary for Nigerian……
A journey through a family's life, living in the streets of São Paulo, facing the consequences of the FIFA Soccer World Cup's……
Hello everybody, this is Mauricio Vargas and I invite you to check out my experimental short film The Awakening. It´s been a……
This is a story about a ten or 12 year old African boy, Joseph (Olutunji Ebun-Cole) who has fled a war-torn nation and is experiencing……
Based on a true story, a young man is manning the control tower of a very small airport in the Azores when he makes contact with a……
LOOKING BACK AT BITTER SWEET I started my film career with my friend Jaydeep. We used to make films, have fun and what not.……
“Curfew”, won over 40 awards in Film Festivals before winning the Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film at the 85th Academy……
Here is some images caputured from new music video of "Hashmat Parafshan" performed " Sayre Hasrat" and the video is directed by Jamil……
Vetri has finally released! After 6 months of work, I've finally decided it's time to release this short film. "Vetri" is about a……
If you collect the blu rays of Marvel movies then you are probably familiar with Marvel's One-Shot series. The series includes Item-47, Agent……
In some of my previous blogs I told you about our upcoming new short film “Manzanas Amarillas” (Yellow Apples). I describe……
If I say 2+2=5, how many of you will stand against me, I hope everyone, now if I again say 2+2=5 and have a gun pointing at you, now……
Oggi è stata una giornata speciale. Abbiamo iniziato guardando Alleluia, un film molto sensuale e violento con un'attrice spagnola,……
A little while back I wrote a short film called "Yuuki" as a part of a collaboration with three other students, Jackie, Sam, and Xia,……
Oggi è stata una giornata rilassante. Siamo andati in spiaggia e abbiamo potuto fare per un po' i turisti al di fuori del festival.……
Domenica e lunedì sono state giornate davvero impegnative! Abbiamo iniziato guardando alcuni film, il mio preferito è……
Traduzione dall'inglese a cura di Nadea TranslationsArticolo originale di Miguel Ángel Font Bisier Oggi è stata……
Oggi ci siamo svegliati piuttosto presto, per controllare alcuni film ed altri dettagli al Palais. Quando siamo arrivati, abbiamo……
There are infinite possibilities of what our lives can be. But only one reality we can live in. Only one we will ever know. Make sure……
I may not of had much level 6 crewing experience due to clashing time tables and other commitments but i did enjoy the small role……
Hey AllOn this post I want to talk to you about the role I payed in the film Jo Daene directed by Ross Alexander.Jo Daene was another……
During my semester of crewing for final year film production students I was given the opportunity to be the camera operator for Director……
Vetri's post-production is finally underway! I can finally see the film coming alive after months of hard work! I'm running a little……
Have you ever loved someone so much but you just can not say it? A Funny Yet Romantic Story when a Matchmaker Fall In Love. Its a……
It's 11pm on a Saturday night. After several technical hitches I am pleased to present my latest film that has been showing at several……
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, heard or even touched, they must be felt with the heart. - A famous……
Just watched a silent short film "Replaced". Well its a simple, clean, straight-forward and a tight script. When you are doing……
The final short-film of the semester that I was given the opportunity to crew on, was for Dir. Rhys Cartwright. The short-film in……
I was recently offered the role of Director of Photography on a short-film called "Reminisce" by a talented filmmaker and script writer……
I was recently asked to shoot a Behind the Scenes video for the short-film "P^RTS" by Dir. Amanda Fox. An excellent music video displaying……
Hey Guys A few weeks back I was involved in a shoot, the film named "Hazy Eyes" and is directed shoot. No, not because it was set……
Josh Presuto
Jack Tew and Sorcha Anglim contacted me not long ago to preview their latest film and give 'honest feedback'. HONEST FEEDBACK they……
While last night's snow was a very unexpected and un-welcomed event here in New York, it is, in fact, Springtime. Although i……
ARK 2007 - A short animated film, the story is based on an unknown virus which has destroyed almost the entire human population. Oblivious……
My latest short film has been released! My latest short film has been released and is on Vimeo and YouTube right now! Click the picture……
Here is another shot for our short film called "warchild". the short will be around 4 to 5 minutes that show a little kid struggling……
On Tuesday I teamed up with my Greek friend Panos and we did a test shoot with the recently released Full Sensor BlackMagic 4K (He……
I have been thinking a lot recently and i've decide that whist I am a film maker i feel i am more a drama film maker as i've……
Hey! i thought i'd share some stills from films I've been working on including my own to let you see what I've been up to ! hope you……
hey guys so i've finally started my edit properly much to my disappointment i don't have sound i need but its my own fault as……
Hello film annex! Long time no write. My apologies. You see I have been extremely busy working as an art team production assistant……
Hey guys so I haven't blogged frequently over the past few days I've been super busy helping others on their film shoots so here's……
It's been a hell of a long time since I've been involved in making a creative short film; like many other filmmakers out there I've……
Film Annex is a platform where you are paid to be creative, literally. Each time you write a blog, film an interview or a short film,……
"WARCHILD" SHORT FILM POSTER This is the poster for my upcoming short film "WARCHILD" that am currently working on post production.……
So Sunday just gone i was a emotional shoot featuring interviews with two people about one of them saving the others life and I had……
Hey! This blog is a bit delayed due to a insanely hectic week but oh well here it goes! It was a really great shoot and i had……
So for my next film 'Paws' I had my first shoot day today so i'm going to explain how it went ect. The weather put a down on the shoot……
(Lillian Chan - animating her sequence in Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam) With the upcoming internet launch of my 2013 animated……
Crewing update: ‘SCARLET’. So as part of my degree, I have to do 80 hours crewing for the level 6’s on their graduation……
"Ante" a short film directed by "Chris Cronin", written by "Paul Thomas". How much is your life worth to you? Bids end in fifteen……
The animation of 'Vetri' is finally coming to an end. More than half of the final scene is complete with only the last 30-second climax……
El último cortometraje del director Isaac Berrokal, "Fly, Dance & Dream", ha sido seleccionado en el festival Torrijos……
The second short the students and I filmed on the same day as filming Live View, was a short test / experiment of coloured liquids……
I've now made the full and raw exam scene available online. This should give an idea of how the animation of the final film will look.……
So i finally have my idea for my next short film, its still in very early stages but this is my first chance to direct a non fiction……
Another short film which I watched recently is "Tell-Tale", as different is the name so is the film. It is directed by Greg Williams……
(Malcolm Sutherland - Drawing and playing around with Post-it Notes in his studio) With the upcoming internet launch of my 2013 animated……
Day 5 shoot of our short film Payback was done after around 2 months from Day 4's shoot, the main reason being, Day 5's shoot was……
In previous blog I have told you about how we successfully accomplished our 3rd day of our shoot. Now today I will tell you details……
El cortometraje "Killrats", de Isaac Berrokal, en el cual realicé tanto la grabación como el diseño y post-producción……
El último cortometraje del director Isaac Berrokal, "Fly, Dance & Dream", ha sido seleccionado en el festival Mazarrón……
This week, I've spent time working on a car collision scene. This scene will show Vetri driving erratically and then crashing. Although,……
I joined Film Annex a few days ago. I am really enjoying my time here, watching the movies and the episodes on Web TV. There are so……
After months of work and collaboration with many other filmmakers, artists and designers I am finally releasing my previous short……
In my last FilmAnnex blog, I wrote about the possibility of starting a Kickstarter campaign to fund my new short film. I finished……
Payback is not strictly speaking my 1st film, as I had made some before (the details of which I will publish shortly) but I would……
I'm now well into the climax of Vetri! These are the scenes where Vetri attempts to change his ways and become successful. So far,……
Its incredible for me how ahead of its time “Metropolis” was. And even though it is an epic production, “Metropolis”……
Another scene done! I’ve now managed to complete more than half the production of the film in 2 months! At this rate, I would……
SITE AÇORES 2010 Interview This interview was originally published on "SITE AÇORES" website, but the website……
One of the challenges I constantly faced while making ‘Vetri’ was that many of the scenes need plenty of characters. There……
A director without a crystal clear vision is doomed from the very beginning of the shoot, and It will be a tough uphill battle from……
So, here it is guys! A very personal film about the animal I love the most - cats! I'm incredibly happy with the result……
January is ending and finally I can make a review on my 2013; in some way it was a transition year and also a time were many…… Funding for my new film project, now currently in pre-production, has officially……
Firstly to understand why I am posting I could just tell you it's my new film and move on, but I don't want to be that brief and for……
At long last, I’ve been wanting to do this for the last few weeks now, but here is my latest film, Dentures.It’s a short……
And the final day had come, yesterday we had the last shooting day of our new shortfilm "PEON". If you want to know more about this……
Afghanistan In My Heart - Inspire Peace Our little Actor for Omar Adim Music video Little actor with his father - they were hired……
Late last year I discovered an iPad app developed by the National Film Board of Canada called McLaren's Workshop. The NFB has……
Music Video and behind the scene photo Director and DOP : Jamil Yosufi Bikerider and dirt thrower : Jawed Nikzad Another Actor : Khalil……
Here it is, the KINO EXPOSED FESTIVAL screened "How Things Should Be" is finally on Film Annex.I wrote a blog earlier explaining the……
Without too much ado, so to say, I am pleased to announce that my latest short film 'Last Remnants' has completed its festival circuit……
Over the last few weeks, I have managed to make maximal use of these holidays and finish animating the first scene entirely. That……
Making short films, to some extent, is even more difficult than standard movies. Why is it so? The creators have a difficult task……
A couple months ago I wrote a blog about we were making some submissions for the National Founds of culture for film production. A……
On christmas day it marked my 1 year anniversary of when I got my Canon 650D. Since then I've collected lenses, tubes, ND filters,……
Hi again to everyone! Today I'll write about the first fictional short film I directed. It took more time than I expected, to finish……
The last night (26th) we were in our third shooting day of our new short film “PEON”. As you know, this is a short about……
Costumes were something that I was especially keen to get right. I have always had the same opinion on costumes within film;……
It's been a while, Film Annex! Since my last post I've been on numerous shoots, edited my film and completed a report - it was such……
Been very busy the last few weeks. The (almost) final animatic for the film is now complete. Now I can finally start the Production……
Hi, Here is a link to an interview with me about my film "First Lesson In Love" and about me as a young filmmaker.……
The twist, to some that’s a horror word, get out of jail for a underwhelming when it comes to film, to others it’s probably……
Since I've last blogged, mine and Anderson's shorts have been shot! There were no last minute drop outs from the cast, no rain……
Recently, I was asked by some fourth year animation students attending the Emily Carr University of Art & Design in……
This weeks Official Selection 'Currents' is about a youthful drug addict who visits his grandfather.……
Hi everyone, I've just launched a new exciting project about Santa Claus ! And to produce it, I've decided to use crowdfunding. ……
I'm taking a bit of a break in between my blog series where I'm answering student questions (part 3 and 4 of Ask Jeff is coming up……
This weeks Official Selection 'Mallas, MA' is about two paranormal investigators who are con artists.……
My latest grotesque horror short 'M is for Mandible' is now live here on Film Annex! Check it out...if you think you can stomach it...……
I'm happy to announce that I have a new short film, and it's now on Film Annex. It's a one minute animated short about the George……
Production is coming along for the short, Tea Break, which is due to be shot on 1st December. Almost all the crew are onboard now,……
Hi everyone ! I am about to launch a new project ! Join us on facebook ! More news……
Recently, I was asked by some fourth year animation students attending the Emily Carr University of Art & Design in Vancouver,……
I am now venturing into my 3rd film titled “Vetri”. Originally, I titled it “Guide To Success”, but it sounds……
My lack of posting recently is due to good reason: I've got a new job (extra money for making films) and I've been crazy busy with……
This post will go into depth about the making of 'Morning Cloth' so if you haven't yet seen it, do watch it first: Finished watching……
Oggi voglio parlarvi di un altro tipo di proiezione. Ha avuto luogo giovedì a Bodegas Arráez, un gran bel posto situato……
Nel post di oggi vorrei dare una semplice occhiata alle fasi di produzione e offrire una breve introduzione sui passaggi che seguo……
This weeks Official Selection 'Pargu' is like nothing you've ever seen before. Take a digital trip with a penguin on acid. ……
Introducendo il nuovo video - Le Scelte di Film Annex Il nostro team ha realizzato un video per spiegarvi cosa sono le Scelte di Film……
In all honesty I have not been overly familiar with the work of Phillip Bloom in the past, and it is only quite recently that I came……
As I head further into the pre-production period of my short-drama, I now arrive at to the point I've been looking forward to, where……
This is an idea i was highly considering for my film for the first semester of my second year at university, after developing it more……
I'm going to write this purely to log a technique for motivating me to write something! Its true...I haven't made a film since……
As long as I can remember, I've had an incurable obsession for motorcycles, ranging from vintage Nortons; right through to modern……
I can't think of a single short-film maker that hasn't said to me at one point "I wish I made that film", or "why didn't I think up……
Last week, I found out I could not do my original film idea due to unforeseen logistical reasons. I was devastated - I only had one……
My latest short film 'Morning Cloth' is now finished and online here at Film Annex! I am quite proud of it. Check it out below and……
It's a scary thought that this is my final year at university. I'm a week into the first semester, and so far we've been introduced……
On Friday night I found myself at the Cornerhouse cinema in Manchester, to see Pie Money being screened as part of Filmed Up, a programme……
With the development of the internet, the short film, which for some time seemed under threat of irrelevance, is now experiencing……
After a lot of work on my film Shine I have decided to take a break from the production of it and come back to it at a later date.……
This weeks Official Selection 'The Interview' is an investigation into what really happened to a missing woman.……
The Magic Cube, A childhood memory. Have you ever got so annoyed and angry over the Rubix Cube you just want to throw it at the wall?……
Not to sound too repetitive but I have more good fest news to announce as 'Last Remnants' has been accepted into the 2013 Lowcountry……
کل مجھے معلوم ہوا کہ Quat Media نے میرے شارٹ فلم Yellow Sticky Notes کو لینے سے دستبرداری……
My latest short has just been accepted into the 2013 HorrorQuest Film Festival in Atlanta, Georgia! It will play there in late October...Just……
میرے خیال میں طنزومزاح تمام کوشش کے متعلق ہے کہ خاکہ بنانے کیلۓ آپ……
I came to Film Annex through hearing on the grapevine the success of my graduates, work notably the graduate year of 2010! That graduation……
I have been busy teaching a film course for children for the last few weeks, so I have not been able to put as much time into my film……
Yesterday was very interesting filming we did with Earnest Williams, a 30 years veteran in modeling industry for Models WebTV. We……
I suppose that this blog is something of a spiritual sequel to one I posted about a week ago, I also took a lot of inspiration after……
No, this isn't a blog about my height, it's to celebrate the fact that I've decided I'm going to make another short film! It's……
I feel like I've started writing a blog post on here time, and time, and time again - probably for the best part of a year. A's……
For the last several months I've slowly been working on a new live action short film called 'Morning Cloth.' Here's the poster for……
What is your Idea about This Animation?What are good points what is bad?
In animation one wish a dandelion acts as a messenger for a little kid in war-ravaged Afghanistan. The dandelion travels all around……
Hello!!! Well, I´m passing trought a weird situation as a filmmaker, by this days I´m really busy with lot of things as……
At 3:00am last night I finished rendering the last shot of the film. So after 6 weeks of animating I now have a rough edit of Shine.……
The Awakening short film as only an exercise has had a really good reception from viewers. I want to thank you all for your feedback……
I recently just got back from the Melbourne International Animation Festival in Australia. While there I presented a talk at……
Hello, This my first blog post in Film Annex, so it would only be fair to explain a little bit about myself.I am Tom, 21, a newly……
Check out Mauricio Vargas' The Awakening here! Read more movie news or watch the best movies on Maumau Web TV's 12 Channels!……
I Want A Dog directed by Sheldon Cohen, National Film Board of Canada In this animated short by Sheldon Cohen, young May wants a dog……
Christopher, Please Clean Up Your Room! directed by Vincent Gauthier, National Film Board of Canada This short animated film……
La Fille Qui Détestait Les Livres, realisé par Jo Meuris, Office National du Film du Canada Court métrage d’animation……
An Aqueous Solution, by Jo Meuris, National Film Board of Canada This short animation is bleak and apparently grim, but it is an assertive……
The Girl Who Hated Books directed by Jo Meuris, National Film Board of Canada This animated short about literacy introduces……
Mauricio Vargas' short film The Awakening is coming soon exclusively on Maumau Web TV. You can learn more about it in the following……
Take a look at a behind the scenes short documentary of Mauricio Vargas's The Awakening, soon to be released here on Film Annex!Click……
After the premiere of the teaser trailer today, new images are now online from Mauricio Vargas' upcoming short film The Awakening. ……
I'm glad to introduce to you the poster for my upcoming short film "The Awakening". Stay tuned for updates, more images and……
Hi everybody, this is Mauricio Vargas writing and I'm really exited to share soon with you my next project. For now I'm gonna talk……
So it’s been a while since my last blog about my next up and coming film… Mainly because I’ve been changing my idea daily and……
Hello everybody!! In this occasion I´m going to show you how I´m working in the scrip of this new short film. As I told……
Ok! today a was testing colors for "Hon wo Taberu" and finally I decide to use this selection for him as a previous conceptual design.……
Hey budding filmmakers! Below is an example of a treatment for my short film KYLE found here. This is the treatment I used to present……
Hello! Well, June starts and I have a little delay with the start of my new stop motion animation movie HON WO TABERU (Book Eater).……
Hi there! My little project is coming soon to Film Annex and Maumau Web TV. Stay tuned! ……
Just been reminded over the weekend on how good this short is from one of my students last year. The film is called Dawid &……
Here is my first Teaser clip for my latest film 'Shine' This technically is the first animation I have shown anyone so things aren't……
I am excited to be able to announce that my latest live action short film 'Last Remnants' has just been accepted into this year's……
I've been in an unusual place of recent. Not a desperate situation of potentially fatal or traumatising consequences, rather that……
Back in 2008, I won “Best Short Film” for ‘Doors’ in my first year at University, at their screening: Evolve……
Today I uploaded a short film I made back in 2007 called ‘Regret’, which was the first short I ever created. ‘Regret’……
This is part two of a two part blog series on my experiences using Film Annex as an online video-sharing platform. If you haven’t……
So today was the day to find a location for my new short ‘Couple’. I was after an empty bedroom with a high ceiling. Simple……
Hi All!Its been quiet for a few weeks for me on film annex, mainly because my week days have consisted of 6.30am calltimes, and wrap……
I just found out yesterday that my short film distributor, Ouat Media, decided they did not want to take on my latest short film Yellow……
I was interested in reviewing three short nostalgic gems of footage from the great hero of slapstick, Charlie Chaplin. What is most……
Film premieres as we know them are mostly red carpet events part of a movie's promotional tour. TV series now also premiere their……
Despite my new year resolution of limiting the amount projects to take on, I still find myself multitasking various personal……
As usual, a phone call to my mother enters a phase where she has to put up with waffle about cameras, editing and online presence……
Comedy is all about trying to figure out how far you can go in my opinion. When people go to see a stand-up comic, what the……
Over the weekend I got a chance to DP a short film. Director Mark Kuczewski’a latest film Falling.It was the first short film……
It was Sunday night, February 24, and I was waiting to watch the Academy Awards or Oscars. I was extremely excited about Buzkashi……
Review of Create If you’re a fan of Aardman Animations, I would very much recommend you check out the hilarious short film ‘Create’……
Mental illness is a very real problem in society today. Diagnosis of the problems people have is on the rise, although many question……
Recently, I had the world premiere of my latest animated short film, Yellow Sticky Notes | Canadian Anijam at the 2013 28th Santa……
Relationships are never easy to figure out. There is almost no one you can talk to who can give you perfect advice on the subject.……
The first book I ever read about screen writing was Syd Field's “The screenwriter’s Workbook”. It impressed……
Hello!! Here I am again, i was kind of busy working in the pre-production stage of my first featured film and I was without the time……
Sorcha Anglim is a female short film maker who started out at Staffordshire University. She is currently working as a freelance Production……
Today I wanted to take a break from talking about screen writing, and just pay respect to the crew members who worked on my……
This blog post is a continuation of my last blog post, Yellow Sticky Notes – Part 2: The Tribeca Film Festival. ……
Pause for gasps, applause, or the unwarranted "Oh...that's...neat" response. Raise your hand if you love what you do for a living,……
A long time ago, back last year, I mentioned a short film I was producing, "lull"! Its been a little while coming, but it's finally……
Well, in other posts I shared with you some drawings and storyboards of "Humanoide no robot", this time I want to share some photos……
2012 was definitely a busy year here at Meditating Bunny Studio Inc. We had two independent productions on the go this year. The……
As I told you in another post, I really enjoy drawing as a first step in the creation of a movie. Here I want to share with you the……
Behold the teaser trailer for my upcoming short film 'Last Remnants!'
Can you punch like a south-bound freight trainTell me just one thingCan you move in a whirl like a humming bird's wingIf you need……
So, I thought that it might be kind of neat to show you how the Sasketchshow gang went about putting together 'Ben The Unicorn'.……
ME! Morning folks Very excited to be enrolling with a new film making community! My name is Ciaron (Keer-On, not Kuh-Ron, Key-Rin,……
The New teaser Trailer for The Price short film has been released exclusively on Maumau Web TV, and you can watch it HERE. ……
Once a Week Online Film Festival is a weekly showcase of short indie films under 30 minutes. Each week we highlight one Official……
Most of us have taken part in some form of sports activity when we were young and some of us take it to the next level as we grow……
Director Matt Lee shares with us his animated short film "Pinhead". This is the story of Tom Newsom, an assistant to……
Directors Denis Bouyer, Yann de Préval, Vincent E Sousa and Laurent Monneron, bring to you the story of Buck, an ordinary guy.……
Hey guys! As a filmmaker I'm always interested in how other people have made their films, whether looking for tips, ideas, inspiration……
It's been a long time coming, but on the 13th July, I head back up to The Midland Gliding Club to shoot a film for them. The last……
Hiding myself away in a quiet corner, I grab a chewed pen and an envelope and scribble down the foundries of a hopefully new and challenging……
Hey Guys! Thanks for opening this up and hopefully I can keep you hooked. Just a brief few words as to what I'm about and what I can……
The idea to the first episode of no Saints is to describe how we do business with apparel manufacturer in China, with a sense……
We've all thought about the perks and perils of human cloning. This short film by Alex Nakone follows the aftermath of what at first……
Check out "It was nice meeting you" on Film Annex ! One of the shorts I've directed during my studies in NYC
"Mauricio Vargas Presents" has updated The Price's official website and has also released exclusively on Maumau Web TV, the teaser……
A new photo from the upcoming short film The Price has been released and Maumau Web TVwill exclusively present the teaser trailer……