When the world was sinking in the abyss of ignorance and civil and military wars were on the rise, there was a need for a reformer……
When the world was sinking in the abyss of ignorance and civil and military wars were on the rise, there was a need for a reformer……
union is strength is a universal truth.The fruits of unity are peace ,strength and prosperity .while disunity brings……
Three proud mothers are discussing their eight-year-old sons. "I just know my little Johnnie is going to be an engineer,"……
Three proud mothers are discussing their eight-year-old sons. "I just know my little Johnnie is going to be an engineer,"……
A woman is…the motherof a president,scientist,professional. She gives birthto sons whobecomethe loving fathers,the caring brothers.……
A mother, I live in Afghanistan.There is no safety here, no feelingfor humanity, no feeling for a logical life,no understanding for……
Hurray! Its an awesome part of life that sometimes good shows come & have a very pleasent info on it. today. its a good news that……
Men and women are equal Let us start right from the beginning , the creation of Adam and Eve as revealed by God in the Quran.……
His wife asked him to go for dinner and cinema with someone else after 21 year shared life. His wife told him that she loves him but……
Those women who do make up to show other men and tempt them, they are going to be punished very severly in the hereafter. Men……
It is not lame or stupid to tell your mum everything.She is your mother and have to know everything about you.Don't think like ..."my……
Two very exciting updates in the celebrity world have left me in utter shock, awe and anticipation. I recently found that the……
Apparently Charlie Hunnam wasn't really aware of his schedule when he accepted a to play the role of Christian Grey from the best……
Maybe it's the sex scenes or the numerous red rooms and tie ups, but Charlie Hunnam has left production of "Fifty Shades of Grey." ……
We have to discuss the recent casting for the greatest trilogy ever made in the world of romance and fantasy, Fifty Shades of……