Do you speak Elvish? The story of Constructed Languages in Books, Movies and TV Shows
I have always been impressed by some writers' extensive imagination and their ability to create whole new worlds and mythologies.……
I have always been impressed by some writers' extensive imagination and their ability to create whole new worlds and mythologies.……
我們與比茲·斯通(Biz Stone)和 Roya Mahboob 在紐約的辦公室舉行了一個重要的會議;由於星際迷航的運輸機還在修理中,因此我們留在紐約市,而不是赫拉特(Herat)或喀布爾(Kabul):)……
ہم نے نیویارک شہر میں ہمارے دفتر میں بز سٹون اور رویا محبوب Biz Stone and Roya……
我们与比兹·斯通(Biz Stone)和 Roya Mahboob 在纽约的办公室举行了一个重要的会议;由于星际迷航的运输机还在修理中,因此我们留在纽约市,而不是赫拉特(Herat)或喀布尔(Kabul)。……
We had a great meeting with Biz Stone and Roya Mahboob in our office in NYC. Due to the fact that the Star Trek Transporter……