数位素养(Digital literacy)是全球教育和培训的一种最实惠的形式。对于全球性平等教育,资讯取得和永续商业的唯一障碍是网际网路的存取。例如在阿富汗这样的国家,网际网路是可用的,但并不总是可以连接到万维网。这就是为什么在……
数位素养(Digital literacy)是全球教育和培训的一种最实惠的形式。对于全球性平等教育,资讯取得和永续商业的唯一障碍是网际网路的存取。例如在阿富汗这样的国家,网际网路是可用的,但并不总是可以连接到万维网。这就是为什么在……
品质是好生活和成功的关键。 就像您期望您所吃的食物品质和您所呼吸的空气品质是好的,您也应该期望在您的网站的观众品质或社交活动的品质是好的。在过去的几个月里,线上广告业已经开发了新的工具,用来监控用户品质和特定的人口资讯以匹配广告主的期望。在Film……
当您是房间里最聪明的人的时候,那么您就走错了房间!今天,我走对了房间! 今天早上我和 Roya……
Se sei la persona più intelligente della stanza, sei nella stanza sbagliata! Oggi però ero nella stanza giusta! Questa……
當您是房間裡最聰明的人的時候,那麼您就走錯了房間!今天,我走對了房間! 今天早上我和 Roya……
品質是好生活和成功的關鍵。 就像您期望您所吃的食物品質和您所呼吸的空氣品質是好的,您也應該期望在您的網站的觀眾品質或社交活動的品質是好的。在過去的幾個月裡,線上廣告業已經開發了新的工具,用來監控用戶品質和特定的人口資訊以匹配廣告主的期望。在 Film……
When we are talking about the Sustainable Education and Digital Literacy it means we are talking about the improvements of Education……
數位素養(Digital literacy)是全球教育和培訓的一種最實惠的形式。對於全球性平等教育,資訊取得和永續商業的唯一障礙是網際網路的存取。例如在阿富汗這樣的國家,網際網路是可用的,但並不總是可以連接到萬維網。這就是為什麼在 Film……
昨晚,全球醫療救濟基金(Global Medical Relief Fund)的創始人兼首席執行官 Elissa Montanti 邀請了 Roya……
Rabih Torbay is Vice President for International Operations and oversees International Medical Corps’ global programs in 28……
In my latest blog, I asked the question “What is your Buzz Score?” On that blog, my partner Roya commented that her Klout (not……
کلیفورنیا میں ہماری سیاحت کی دوران میری اور رویامحبوب Roya Mahboob کی ملاقات……
Yesterday, I visited the Film Annex and Digital Design Annex Development offices in Florence. There, we met with Lorenzo, Maurizio,……
Fred Wilson ایک بہترین مالیاتی سرمایہ دار ہےـ وہ ایک انتہائی کامیاب اورمعروف……
پچھلے رات میں نےزمبابوے کی اصل آرٹ کودیکھنے کےلیے گیا تاکہ CAMBA کی حمایت کرلوجوکہ……
Film Annex ایک online فلم ڈسٹری بیوشن کمپنی ہے جس کہ ریجسٹرڈ یوسرز 000،300 ہے اس……
کہاں جاتاہے جب انسان اپنے آپ کواردگردبہترین اورعظیم لوگوں کے درمیان پاتاہےتواسےنہایت……
کوالٹی معیاربہترزندگی اور کامیابی کی ضامن ہےـ جیسےکے ہم اپنےماحول اورخواراک……
Afghan Citadel Software Company کے ملکان خواتین ہےـ یہ کمپنی سافٹ ویئربنانے، آئی……
Quality is the key to good life and success. Just like you expect great quality in the food you eat and the air you breathe, you should……
Roya Mahboob traveled to California and met with Biz Stone, Co-Founder of Twitter. Biz invited her to be part of his board for Jelly……
昨晚,全球医疗救济基金(Global Medical Relief Fund)的创始人兼首席执行官 Elissa Montanti 邀请了 Roya……
Last night, Elissa Montanti, Founder and CEO of the Global Medical Relief Fund invited Roya Mahboob and me to attend the Council……
When you are the smartest guy in the room, you are in the wrong room! Today, I was in the right room! This morning, Roya Mahboob……
As a traditional country, women in Afghanistan always have faced with challenges and problems on their way towards being more active……
During our Californian trip, Roya Mahboob and I visited with some of the most famous and empowered women. Sheryl Sandberg is the Chief……
The Afghan Citadel Software Company is a women-owned company which works mostly in software development, networking, IT services and……
Last night I went to see the original art from Zimbabwe to support CAMBA which is a non-profit agency which provides services that……
Film Annex is an online film distribution company that has 300,000 registered users. Of those, 40,000 are registered as professionals……
Fred Wilson is one of the best Venture Capitalist in NYC. He is a very busy and successful man who writes blogs every couple of days,……
Please visit the 2013 Time 100 page dedicated to Roya Mahboob. You will see two Citibank advertisements. One is 728x90 and the……