Search results for: "sustainable_philanthropy"
Donny Deutsch on GMRF and the power…
Nicolle Wallace on Global Medical Relief…
GMRF's Ambassador Emilie Hoffer-Brzezinski…
Elissa Montanti on Global Medical Relief…
Carl Bernstein on Global Medical Relief…
Francesco Rulli on Global Medical Relief…
Mika Brzezinski on Global Medical Relief…
Jayant Kadambi CEO @YuMeVideo W/ Fereshteh…
Ed Haslam @YuMeVideo W/ Fereshteh Forough…
Examer - Educating Afghan Children…
The 2013 TIME 100 Pioneer Roya Mahboob…
Sustainable philanthropy and keyword…
Sustainable Philanthropy and Education…
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"Join with BitPay, Xapo, LibraTax, Roger Ver and others who kicked off an initial fundraising campaign that began last week for……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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WA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background? BF: I grew up in the Midwest, not too far from Amish country, so at……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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Afghan Superhero being drawn in Herat, Afghanistan As Film Annex works in conjunction with the Womens Annex Foundation to provide……
by MikeSweeney
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In arrivo Smartphones da 25 dollari Quanto accessibile possiamo rendere l'educazione? Beh, la Womens Annex Foundation ha già……
by Irene-NadeaTranslations
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$25 Smartphones Are Coming How accessible can we make education? Well, the Womens Annex Foundation has already taken a few steps:……
by MikeSweeney
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La scorsa settimana, il ventiduenne Matthew Kenahan doveva prendere una decisione difficile - partecipare alla cerimonia di diploma……
by Irene-NadeaTranslations
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Last week, 22-year-old Matthew Kenahan had a tough decision to make--attend his high school graduation or an international Bitcoin……
by MikeSweeney
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昨晚,我再度参与了 Portfolios with Purpose 所举办的年度盛事。这个活动的使命是为那些想为慈善事业作出贡献的金融界者们创造具参与性的竞争。……
by ellyn
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La notte scorsa ho partecipato per la seconda volta all'evento annuale di Portfolios with Purpose. La sua missione consiste nel creare……
by Antonio-NadeaTranslations
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昨晚,我再度參與了 Portfolios with Purpose 所舉辦的年度盛事。這個活動的使命是為那些想為慈善事業作出貢獻的金融界者們創造具參與性的競爭。……
by ellyn
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Last night for the second time, I participated in the annual event for the Portfolios with Purpose. Its mission is to create an engaging……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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As many of you well may know, Film Annex will be moving to an all-Bitcoin compensation model for its blogger and filmmaker contributors……
by MikeSweeney
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Many Many years ago it was completely a different world in case of trading and transactions, meanwhile the payment system has been……
by forough
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Although real estate may be one of the history’s oldest industries, there’s still plenty of room for innovation. Realty……
by MikeSweeney
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Mercedes Aragonés is currently the Chairman of the Board of the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) for the past four……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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Over the past year, we have done much work on two concepts: #DigitalLiteracy, and #DigitalCitizenship. The concept was to give……
by MikeSweeney
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昨晚我出席了一个鼓舞人心的活动,它感动了在场所有的参与者。全球医疗救济基金(The Global Medical……
by ellyn
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David Woo of Bank of America Merrill Lynch states in his recent Wall Street research report: "We believe Bitcoin can become a major……
by MikeSweeney
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L'educazione delle donne in Afghanistan si sta espandendo rapidamente nel discorso politico dominante. Al Simposio della Georgetown……
by Antonio-NadeaTranslations
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The education of women in Afghanistan is rapidly expanding into the mainstream political discourse. At the Georgetown University Symposium……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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昨晚我出席了一個鼓舞人心的活動,它感動了在場所有的參與者。全球醫療救濟基金(The Global Medical……
by ellyn
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La scorsa notte ho preso parte ad un evento emozionante e stimolante, non solo per me, ma per tutti i suoi partecipanti: The Global……
by Antonio-NadeaTranslations
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Last night I attended an emotional and inspirational event, not only for me, but for all its participants. The Global Medical Relief……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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Last night I was invited to join an American Express Open event held @ThisIsStory, a contemporary space whose philosophy is: "The……
by francesco
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Last week, on Tuesday November 5th, I joined the panel of Yume Audience Insight & Segments, held at the New York Stock Exchange……
by francesco
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Dear students, As you know, Women’s Annex foundation is working on sustainable philanthropy in developing countries starting from……
by RoyaMahboob
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When we first conceived of the Film Annex film distribution network, we wanted to create a win-win relationship between content creators,……
by MikeSweeney
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Introduction: In our first interview with Afghan-Canadian recording artist and pop star……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY: September 15, 2013 – In a week when most international news……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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فلم اینیکس 300000 استعمال کرنے والوں کیساتھ ایک آن لائن پلیٹ فارم ہے۔ جن میں……
by AFSalehi
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昨晚,全球醫療救濟基金(Global Medical Relief Fund)的創始人兼首席執行官 Elissa Montanti 邀請了 Roya……
by ellyn
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Women’s Annex, an interactive platform that promotes and supports women’s empowerment, started as a project of Film Annex,……
by MikeSweeney
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As a native of India and dean of an Ivy League university’s business school, Soumitra Dutta has a unique perspective on the……
by MikeSweeney
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Edward Zellem is a U.S. Navy Captain. He is known for his work inside Afghanistan's Presidential Palace and for authoring……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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A recognized thought leader and frequent author, speaker and panelist, Steve Polo leads OPX’s strategic direction. He has pioneered……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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Mouhamed M.Djalo is the Public Health Manager at MedImmune, LLC and a member of Global Impact's Board of Directors. FA: How……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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Rabih Torbay is Vice President for International Operations and oversees International Medical Corps’ global programs in 28……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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آج مین انڑنیٹ پر مختلف سایٹس دیکھ رہاتھاکہ میں نے انجلیناجولی جوکہ ایک امریکن……
by AFSalehi
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Mark A. Oliphant is the Chief Information and Operating Officer of Global Impact. Mr. Oliphant joined the organization in 2009 and……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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تعارف: Scott Jackson Global Impact کے نۓ منتخب شدہ صدر اور سی ای او ہے۔ گلوبل ایمپیکٹ……
by HayatullahSalarzai
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Introduction: At first, I wasn’t even sure the Baroness……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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افغانستان ایک روایتی اورتاریخی ملک ہےـ خواتین نے ہمیشہ افغان معاشرےمیں……
by HayatullahSalarzai
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Did you know that Film Annex hosts content from over 300,000 people from around the world? Whether it’s a filmmaker in Manhattan……
by MikeSweeney
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Fred Wilson ایک بہترین مالیاتی سرمایہ دار ہےـ وہ ایک انتہائی کامیاب اورمعروف……
by AFSalehi
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مہربانی کر کہ 2013 Time 100 page dedicated to Roya Mahboobدیکھ لیجۓ ۔آپ سٹی بینک کے دو اشتہارات……
by HayatullahSalarzai
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Stan Berman, Global Impact Chief Financial Officer Stanley Berman is the Chief Financial Officer of Global Impact, a charity that……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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تعارف: انٹرویوں کے حصہ اول میں ہم نے انکی بین الاقوامی میڈیا کیرئر، انکی……
by HayatullahSalarzai
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Afghan Citadel Software Company کے ملکان خواتین ہےـ یہ کمپنی سافٹ ویئربنانے، آئی……
by AFSalehi
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میں نے اتنا انجیلا شاہ کی طرف سے اس تصویر کو پسند کیوں کیا تم جانتے ہو؟ بس……
by HayatullahSalarzai
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Introduction: In Part One of our interview with Khatera Yusufi, we talked about her international media career, her fame……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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Roya Mahboob traveled to California and met with Biz Stone, Co-Founder of Twitter. Biz invited her to be part of his board for Jelly……
by francesco
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昨晚,全球医疗救济基金(Global Medical Relief Fund)的创始人兼首席执行官 Elissa Montanti 邀请了 Roya……
by ellyn
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The Afghan Citadel Software Company is a women-owned company which works mostly in software development, networking, IT services and……
by Elahamahboob
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Fred Wilson is one of the best Venture Capitalist in NYC. He is a very busy and successful man who writes blogs every couple of days,……
by francesco
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Please visit the 2013 Time 100 page dedicated to Roya Mahboob. You will see two Citibank advertisements. One is 728x90 and the……
by francesco
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Last Sunday I watched the last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, and was inspired by the story of billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, a former……
by Giacomo
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Introduction: Scott Jackson is the newly appointed President and CEO of Global Impact, one of the world’s top nonprofits……
by EdwardZellem
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Afghanistan is a traditional country with an old history. Women have always played a very important role the society through decades,……
by forough
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The Examer Educational Software is a fantastic project conceived by Ms. Elaha Mahboob and developed in collaboration with……
by francesco
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Yesterday, I went to JFK airport to pick up Roya Mahboob, our partner and CEO of the Afghan Citadel Software Company. She was with……
by francesco
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Introduction: This is the fourth in a series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the American adventurer,……
by DigitalCitizenFund
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Today, I was browsing several websites and I read a very inspiring and interesting news about Angelina Jolie, an American actress……
by forough
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Do you know why I like this picture by Angela Shah* so much? Just read below. In 2006. I started Film Annex with the intent to……
by francesco
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Film Annex is an online film platform with over 300,000 users, of which 40,000 are professionals from the film industry. Each one……
by francesco
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