My Opinion about Artificial Intelligence (Part 2)

Hello guys! This is the second part of my blog regarding my opinion on Artificial Intelligence (AI). You can read Part One by clicking……
Hello guys! This is the second part of my blog regarding my opinion on Artificial Intelligence (AI). You can read Part One by clicking……
Life of a Teacher If you have been following my posts here, I have already mentioned that I am working as a part-time teacher……
So, I work in schools. I’ve worked in schools for a good 7 yrs now. The one thing we have engrained in us is to never touch……
Semester is almost over! It was a crazy journey but it I enjoyed it a lot. I was able to experience some of my first……
THE PLANNING I work as a public teacher in junior high school in a suburb area particularly in the city of Butuan, Caraga Region.……
Prospective online students are skewing younger, tend to enroll in local institutions and put a program's cost and……
Math is commonly known to be the most hated subject by most students all over the world due to the various theorems, equations,'s……
A good teacher according to students is 1 who : -Should Be Absent At Least 3 Times A Week-Should Come In Class 10mins Late And Left……
Source: Google Now a days child abuse has become most horrible crime over all the world. Child abuse cause childhood trauma. Trauma……
It is said that if a person determines strongly to achieve a goal, then he doesn’t care about any problem of world. Lyari is……
When the world was sinking in the abyss of ignorance and civil and military wars were on the rise, there was a need for a reformer……
Teaching Important instructions and guiding the students……
A young girl at school is being told of by the teacher. "You never get anything right," complains the teacher. "What……
The teacher asked: Why are you late for school?Johnny: Because of the Sign.Teacher: What Sign?Johnny: The sign that says "School……
One of my students was late to answer my call. And he's feeling tired. Then he asked me, "Can I speak slow?" Me: Yes, okay. (But in……
Eric Fleming was one of America's greatest actors that was born on July 4, 1925 (USA Independence Day) in Santa Paula, California……
While visiting a country school, the chairman of the Board Of Education became provoked at the noise the unruly students were……
TEACHER: Can anybody give me an example of COINCIDENCE? JOHNNY: Madam, my Mother and Father got married on the……
Little Johnny looked so sad his teacher had to inquire what was wrong. “What’s the problem?” she asked. “I……
Two boys were arguing when the teacher entered the room. The teacher says, "Why are you arguing?" One boy answers, "We found……
Teacher: I give the Moon or the Sun farther away than that?Games: Sun farther sir.Teacher: Why?Game: Why the Run My ạTeacher: No,……
A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying. “Everyone who thinks……
One day, a teacher was attempting to teach the names of animals to a class of 5-year-olds. She held up a picture of a deer,……
A Sunday school teacher was giving her class the assignment for next week. "Next Sunday," she said, "we are going to talk……
3 friends die in a car accident and they go to an orientation in heaven. They are all asked, "When you are in your casket……
Recently a teacher, a garbage collector, and a lawyer wound up together at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter informed them that……
A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow……
This is my first ever blog post. I'm new here and I think it is just right to introduced myself with some bits of life background.……
Eight-year-old Sally brought her report card home from school. Her marks were good...mostly A's and a couple of B's. However,……
It has been several months since my last entry, and while I have taken a bit of a hiatus from blogging I have not stopped working……
My name is muhammad kalim.I am a teacher by profession.I have been teaching english for the last 17 years.I came to know about this……
Dubai: Human role in building the career teacher in every field based on the value and the key is the teacher in every society,……
The personal qualities of a teacher Everyone will not search for some qualities, but some qualities written in this passage……
all portuguese libraries gott its works!1 of the master works that generations of students read in portugal is como fazer 1 tese
teacher and filosofo at écolle des hautes études in paris
Montessori Education What is Montessori? Source: Google Montessori education is a great system of education for the kids,, in this……
graduated in romanics, with phd made at sorbonne 80 years ago, was teacher in portugal and brazil and always tu , talked about the……
and its work was already translated to french 50 years ago, neorealism with lots of sex, was well knowned of the portuguese, french……
I remember I was 13, a schoolgirl, far from my hometown, far from Kabul, where there was only the sound of school bells, no shouts……
This heart criesFor those innocent soulsWho had just tasted theSweetness of lifeWho had just steppedOn the stairs of lifeWho had no……
The importance of teacher in our society : Teacher are an extremly importants facts of an society for a maltitude reasons . Teachers……
If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members……
surrealism, lots of desconstruccion of reality, lots of psichanálisis
he studied 80 years ago at home, sjm, and made exames at toulouse college and apssed and was teacher in france , i knew him damn well……
I usually think as Man not god as i am Muslim but his lessons are great as he was.One of his students asked Buddha, “Are……
Front Tagline: This is one killer class!Brief Synopsis:In the days before Ashton Kutcher made punk'ding socially acceptable,……
Cô giáo gọi một học sinh lên bảng, ra đề hãy miêu tả một chú gà trống……
graduated at lisboa faculdade de medicina in 71, borther of Jorge sampaio, that graduated as atorney at lisboa faculdade de direito……
Previously i made a blog on some of the web2 tools that are useful in teaching and in this blog i will mention more tools that……
I was never really a good student. Having been one of those kids who asked far too many questions in class, I usually ended up standing……
The role of an English teacher is following. A good teacher tries to improvement of skills and professional upgrading. They have better……
The guidelines are following. Dictionary: A good teacher always keep dictionary with it. Like oxford dictionary or Webster’s……
I’d love to be a boxer,Met a stern disapproval from my father,who thought my age would make me lighter,and my height would make……
If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate……
In the near past, woman were considered inferior to men. They were debarred from taking part in social life. Their sphere of……
According to the "paper arrears" to the school in 2012, in 2013 we collected, one student wrote: "As difficult family conditions……
I get up very early in the morning and offer my prayers.Then I recite some verses of HOLY Quran with Urdu translation.After recitation,I……
Since teachers can affect how students perceive the course materials, it has been found that teachers who showed enthusiasm towards……
Teacher : Kids,what does the chicken give you?Student : Meat!Teacher : Very good! Now what does the pig give you?Student : Bacon!Teacher……
After a long time, "missing", Midu just go back to the audience by getting played guest roles in sitcoms projects wits 5 episode 14……
Được bình chọn là "cô giáo dạy tiếng Nhật xinh đẹp nhất Trung Quốc", cô giáo……
I hope you enjoy my review of a film -- Like Stars on Earth -- that is an absolute must see for any parent or educator of a child……
I wanted to reach out to the Bubble Community to see if any of you had any advice. My daughter just started a new school year this……
Having both a degree in Film Animation from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design and an Bachelor of Education from the University……
In our general talks we cannot explain that what is the……
The right of peace: Islam is a religion of peace. Islam insists upon such state which is peaceful for its……
The revolution, civil war and years of fighting in our country Afghanistan, made more people to leave their homes and immigrate to……
It is perfectly human to have an ambition and to take steps to realize it. Every student sets before him a goal and looks upon education……
Education is a new world In the field of education. In 1950 first time in the history B.F.skinnar launch a programmal learning .In……
Life is small so try to be happy and make other happy.. 1) Teacher: Tum late kion aye ho? Student: Ammi Abbu lar rahy thay eslie Teacher:Wo……
Usually the word mother is used for the personality which carries her baby for almost nine months without any sigh and then gives……
A teacher is a person who carries alot of responsibility whether its in the class or private tuition. Schools are usually one of the……
These days computers are as common as pin. They are rightly regarded as the most fascinating invention of the modern age. Computer……
The most beautiful word on the lips of the mankind is the mother and the most beautiful sound is call of the my mother.……
World is like a bank and in this you will get that thing that you have stored in it. Although tongue is not a sword but it is mightier……
All of us are members of the human society. We depend on orders for our existence. This dependence on others is a felt at every hour……
There is always problems with new word in English especially for afghan students . because English is their third language at……
Teacher is actually the builder of a nation. The base of any nation is put by a teacher. A teacher is a reformer of a nation.……
Sources of Motivational Energy You have……
It has been an eventful week so far in Afghanistan following the landmark April 5th election where Afghans defied Taliban intimidation……
FEMALE EDUCATION Not long ago, the idea of women’s receiving education was supposed to be a revolting one. People thought that……
"Teachers are spiritual parents." As a teacher it is essential parents honor and and Respect like this are essential for the……
“I am indepted to my father for living but to my teacher for living well”. According to “Plato” a teacher……
The teacher plays a key role in education. There can Be no revolution in education without revolution In the role of……
“Ambition Makes A Man Energetic and Active”. People have their own dreams in life, some wants to become rich or……
The mother of their children , not only is responsible . His concern is rather complex . Today, the mothers of the children are very……
Big Bad Wolves review. We are in front of one of the best films of the year, with a very personal touch, mixing genres like thriller……
We know that education is our based of life and its make our future and also build our personality. Education is an important……
Ambition is very important in life progress peace and prosperity is the main outcome of human ambition .A person who has no ambitions……
Every person during their life need for this to know everything and this can be a question that how a person can know everything?……
The slap and kick of the teacher or of any other elder, not only torture children physically but also affect……
“Reading Maketh A Perfect Man Conference A Ready Man And Writing An Exact Man”. A School is a secreted place for learning……
I am living in Multan for studying Engineering in civil . I study this degree in a private institute . The name of this institute……
I made good friends in I have spent a good time in school life when I was in 9th class. I have good memories about my school life.……
, my dear teacher,the window of knowledge, Toward the dense of green flowers, I can remember the very first day of college,……
Wahid familyHellow , my name is wahid iam from Afghanistan iam afghan iam a carpenter .i have a small family . there are six……
To day i am really happy and thanks the God that I see you all again here,And I am greatiful to God that you are fine and well .Today……
” Education is an act of love & there fore an act of courage” If it doesn’t want to be considered as a joke.……
INTERNET USEFUL SITE - by this site u can find every things you wanted for exmple (pictures ,music ,movie……
We read for two reasons-for learning and for pleasure. If we have to learn something, our reading requires more attention. If we are……
The first goal of a teacher should be to create appropriate, friendly and supportive communication with the students. A teacher should……
It is also a shocking more percent of women experience violence in their lives . But I am happy that women……
It’s an old saying that “To err is human.. To forgive is divine” First of all I will tell you that why people commits……
Spring is the most pleasant season in pakistan.It is like the summer season in England.When I get up early in the morning,I love to……
I have 60 class mates and they are from different areas and different races. They speaks different languages and all are different……
In Pakistan only a small number of people know about the problems of a teacher especially those teachers who teach in private schools……
Teacher is a person who polishes his students and changes them from a raw material……
Every man wants to adopt the best profession which is most respectable in the world. The reason is that, man is always known by the……
In the great day of teacher, the Majuba Heravi high school administration with the cooperation of the administrative officials, headmaster,……
د ښوونکی په ورځ باندی د محجوبی هروی لیسی اداره او د اداره غړیو٬ سرمعلمینو٬……
Taking note in the class in one of the classic techniques which students use. Most of students want to take notes better and easier……
“You guided me when I was lost. You supported me when I was weak. You enlightened me when I was dark.” This is a post……
Teacher's role in community The teacher plays a key role in education, there can be no revolution in education without revolution……
Today is Teacher’s day which is especial for students and teachers who are in schools. Most students are celebrating this day……
زمانی به صنف قدم می گذارد، بهار با نسیمش می شگفد و مهر، لبخند و عاطفه فضا……
Teachers are on extremely important facet of any society for a multitude of reasons teachers are the people who educate the……
The teacher plays a key role in education. There can be no revolution in education without revolution in the role of the teacher.……
1: when you are in the class you must listen to your teacher. 2: when you don’t know any things about the lesson you just wait……
Careers of USA: Part 1- Best jobs in America Many people aren’t open to new ideas, or revolutionized thoughts on aspects, that……
In the changing world, the education role is getting highlighted more and more every day. Stable Development needs knowledge and educated……
The teacher plays a key role in education. There can be no revolution in education without revolution in the role of the teacher.……
“Existence of hymen” is the only proof of virginity of girls who marry in Afghanistan. A few days ago I came across……
It's a little known fact that I used to be a high school animation teacher. After attending the Emily Carr University of Art……
Over the weekend I usually like to take my time reading the thick and juicy Wall Street Journal newspaper, overflowing with……
Taliban, NATO, ISAF, 2014 everything has gotten so much confusing now days. I seriously have no idea about what is going to happen……
Everybody has their special moments where they get extremely happy and are counting the seconds to share……
The first "Bad Teacher" made $216 million worldwide so it's no surprise that Sony is moving forward with its plans to make a sequel……
Fereshteh Saba is one of the teachers of Baqh Nazar Gah School. She is in third class of mathematics field at Herat University. Here……