Bermuda Triangle – A Mystery

Source: Google Bermuda Triangle is a strange and one of the most mysterious area of the world. Shape of this area is triangle and……
Source: Google Bermuda Triangle is a strange and one of the most mysterious area of the world. Shape of this area is triangle and……
Depressive realism is the hypothesis developed by Lauren Alloy and Lyn Yvonne Abramson that depressed individuals make……
Albert Einstein A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. A theory……
“Sean reaches between us and slides a thin bracelet of red ribbons over my free hand. Lifting my arm, he presses his lips against……
I was originally supposed to be born during Virgo season. However, due to my lack of desire to enter the world, I was eventually forced……
A herd of buffalo can move only as fast as the slowest buffalo. When the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones……
video courtesy of youtube i’m a big fan of aliens and until these years i’m still fascinated if they are for real. i have……
A herd of buffalo can move only as fast as the slowest buffalo. When the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones……
Hello, everyone! The most of you know that bitcoin has been made by a guy called Satoshi Nakamoto. But there is not much known……
Most people think it was Einstein who, in the first decade of the twentieth century, came up with the theory of relativity –……
The study of physics is the study of the universe and more specifically, just how the universe works. It is without a doubt the……
RESEARCH is a systematic and defined technique of thinking employing specialized tools, instruments and procedures in order to obtain……
A new theory claims that there was no Big Bang and so there would be no big crunch. The scientists who have suggested this new……
Duty of care , not just the owner of the company in terms of maximizing shareholder value.
Management of the organisation as the stewards of its assets ,charged with their employment and deployment in ways consistent……
Do all the Pixar films take place in the same universe, just at different times? There seems to be some compelling evidence to that...……
The Great man theory emphasizes on the inherited qualities of a leader. It says that a leader is born to lead. It claims that……
Participative leadership theory suggests that the ideal leadership takes input from its followers or subordinates. These leaders make……
Code of Ethics*Role played by Code of Ethics:*Protecting the interest of public*Serving the public*Guidance*Main obligation of the……
George Bernard Shaw was the modern dramatists. He was born and brought up in Ireland, but at the age of twenty in 1876. He left……
SPACE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM (Part 4) In the previous lectures we study about the space and the solar system. In this……
The dispute of Jammu and Kashmir is between two independent states Pakistan and India.Many other states which were not under the British……
APOLOGIES TO DARWIN Mankind came into existence by the successive shrinking and evolution of chimps due to various biological and……
Cos'è la vita? Ci sono molti fattori da considerare, quando ci si pone la domanda "Qual'è il senso della vita?" Per……
What is Life? There is a lot to consider when asking the question "What is the meaning to life?" For thousands of years, science and……
At different times in the history of mankind, manual labor has been looked down upon and a manual workers treated as an inferior……
#7 Celebrities You Didn't Know Were Gay (at least I didn't or forgot at some point)! 1. X-Files Star, Gillian Anderson: x- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~……
These thoughts crystallized at Allahabad session of All India Muslim League in December 1930,he presented his thoughts in his presidential……
Object:To attend a boring class. Requirement:Hot/Cold weather,classroom,strick teacher,pin drop silence, and boring topic.Theory:A……
Importance Of History Of Pakistan Establishment as a homeland for India Muslims, Pakistan has fewer Muslims then than India……
True Detective had its season finale this past Sunday which answered the majority of questions fans had wanted answered, but definitely……
This is a very important topic that are related to the education and the types of education. In the education , there are many branches……
Appyling New Critical Theory for the Poem I heard a fly buzz when I died I heard a fly buzz—when I died— The Stillness……
This is a very important topic that traveling is also included in the education. Because when we go outside we learn and get many……
Two reviews in one day, I must be going for some kind of record. It has taken me six years to watch the latest in the 'Indiana Jones'……
Prices have substantially increased since 1995. We all feel that something should be done to check the prices. There is a lot of anger,……
Network is about the tension and exploitation of the media network in order to get the highest rating possible. The story of network……
What is Consumer Behavior? The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and……
I recently came across the theory that men are the reason why women go through menopause while listening to the radio not too……
What is Poverty? The concept of Poverty or the way poverty is perceived in developed and developing countries are not the same. For……
Tahiti is a breeding ground for biodiversity. I was reading an article over the weekend in regards to the huge increase or rather……
I feel like I am craving for ice cream all the time in this summer. Hoping the coolness could heal the heat in me. I don't really……
To raise the stakes in the competition between conglomerates, Google Inc. is developing a videogame console and wristwatch using its……
Narratives shaped by personal experience, and narratives shaped by cinematic experience. The personal experiences are those that……