One Night 4: The pro wrestling fan fiction saga continues...
One Night story 1: Tim Donst and Austin AriesIt was a warm December night in Orlando. Tim had a try out with TNA Wrestling. I was……
One Night story 1: Tim Donst and Austin AriesIt was a warm December night in Orlando. Tim had a try out with TNA Wrestling. I was……
Story one: A spring night with Chris Hero It was a very warm spring night. I was looking outside and I was taking out recycling……
Note: This one have videos One Night: Story one-Austin AriesI was really mad about this. Jimmy Jacobs has won me in a bet against……
I was talking a friend about some twitter situation, when I notice Tim Donst's blog that he posted over an half hour ago. In it I……
Author note: This fan fiction, I Lindsie Starr will not be the one who is the first person in this fan fiction, but I will be mention.……
Note: I done this fan fiction months ago. I got this ideal on an episode of the Simpsons, when Lisa and Marge went to see a movie……
I was on Facebook and saw a link from Tim Donst and it was an article or blog entry from Gregory Iron. Gregory talk about Dennis Stamp,……