troll :D

this is how i did the last post
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Whites to civilization to the Indians. Winter came, the Indians asked: - Whether this year's winter cold? - Then you keep on going……
Three bidders participating in the bidding revised White House fence. People from Florida after measurement, calculate carefully said:……
A common group of students went on a motorcycle, was on the road, the police were blowing, the party stopped. Police asked: "Why dare……
The doctor told the patient: "He was a cold, patiently awaiting recovery. Winter vulnerable people but there is not any medicine cured"The……
Chồng nhậu khuya về say khướt quên mất tường nhà vừa mới sơn xong, nên để lại nhiều dấu……
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It's time to get back to our crazy friends! Umpisahan na ang revenge! Bwahahaha! The Poop Attack The Mayo Donuts Shrimp Air……
Me: Santa, I want a PlayStation 4 for this Christmas! Santa: Be a bit more modest, ask something more rational.. Me: Well, then, I……
Wanted Poster Turn your picture into a "wanted" poster. You can use the poster graphic to personalize a website or blog, use it as……
Tôi đã mang dép đi ra ngoài rồi Went out in my slippers Len and Jim worked for the same company. One……