I often wonder how the world would look like if there were no conflicts. I wonder how it would feel like to human beings to live without……
I often wonder how the world would look like if there were no conflicts. I wonder how it would feel like to human beings to live without……
During the war, it is not only the civilians who suffer but also on the other side there is military troops. Those who are going to……
I read a blog written by CEO of filmannex Francesco Rulli that stuck in my head as is I have the same opinions. ……
Watching the growth and eventually the success of veteran businesses can be considered somewhat of a chess game for……
A big part of Film Annex's business model involves social media strategies and advertising. Our model allows us to invest in Afghanistan's……
Closing my Saturday evening off with a blog that was inspired while shooting an interview with two of my fellow Marines Luke……
Film Annex joined forces with Citadel Software Company and created the Afghan Development Project in order to build Internet classrooms……
Cisco is going long on Afghanistan education and is heavily invested with their initiative Cisco Networking Academy (PDF). Here's……
Film Annex is taking a “for profit” approach to consolidate long term business opportunities in Afghanistan, utilizing……
Afghanistan has come to reflect to Afghans and Americans the worst of cross-cultural interaction – from US soldier killing 17……
My patience with politics and money is always very easily tried the older and more educated I become. The more Afghanistan blog……
Last week Frank Abagnale delivered a speech at SXSW. Frank Abagnale inspired the movie Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo DiCaprio……
On Saturday, February 11th, the Film Annex team visited Jacksonville, NC and met with 18 Marines to discuss employment opportunities……