Lucky One for the day (26-01-2015)

The lucky One for yesterday is @Alpana-Das Thanks for your participation Now I am following you have dropped……
The lucky One for yesterday is @Alpana-Das Thanks for your participation Now I am following you have dropped……
Hello all! I'm new to bitlanders, in fact this is my very first blog entry here. One of the reasons I love to blog is I like to share……
Chưa bao giờ gã có suy nghĩ sẽ gánh vác cả một gia đình, Diễm Ngọc chỉ vừa gợi……
On March 8th the Jason Morris Judo Center was asked to occupy a booth at the 2014 "GE Kid's Expo" held at the Empire State Plaza.……
La scorsa settimana ho avuto il piacere (e il privilegio) di partecipare alla serata d'apertura della premiere mondiale di One Night...……
Thousands of people join military to serve their country and even help other people around the world against oppression and violence.……
What is guilt, if not the "remorse caused by feeling responsible for some action or lack of action?" Living with the remorse of having……
During the war, it is not only the civilians who suffer but also on the other side there is military troops. Those who are going to……
11 years. That's how long the war in Afghanistan against the Taliban movement has been going on. September 11th 2001 started……
In the wake of this month's tragic mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary, a broader discussion of mental illness and access to……
The Army Times is currently running a series of articles on veterans' unemployment. Increasing attention is focused on this……
You understand how much veterans have to offer your company and why hiring them is good not just for your business, but for national……
In a speech at Fort Bliss on Friday, President Barack Obama announced a newly-signed executive order, which addressed access to mental……
As American troops withdraw from Afghanistan and look toward a more compact military, the quality of recruits will become even more……
No matter the circumstances of life, time keeps moving forward. I once again have a theory I would like to share about……
On June 26th, Film Annex and Citadel Software are planning the opening of the third classroom in the area of Herat at the Hatifi high……
War and business, two opposites with similar needs to succeed at either one. Stepping on the battlefield with only thoughts……
I read a blog written by CEO of filmannex Francesco Rulli that stuck in my head as is I have the same opinions. ……
Watching the growth and eventually the success of veteran businesses can be considered somewhat of a chess game for……
An amazing factor of life I have been constantly encountering since my return from Afghanistan is no matter what you……
Film Annex talked to Entrepreneur, Richard Grace about his thoughts on the Film Annex initiatives in Afghanistan, the Afghan Development……
Michael Pett, Blake Schroedter, and Tony Genovese met while serving the United States in the Illinois Army National Guard. All……
Ambassador Mo Sacirbey with Muhammad Ali at the UN Film Annex is investing in Afghanistan's educational system by building Internet……
For the fourth segment in our series of interviews with Digital Media thought leaders, we talked to Devin Yeager, the Chief……
For the third segment in our series of interviews with Digital Media thought leaders, we talked to Ryan Gombeski, the Director of……
Ashley Paczolt, the Manager of Ad Operations at Altitude Digital Partners, told us what she thinks about the recent Film Annex initiatives……
We recently interviewed Daniel Yomtobian, the Founder and CEO of about the recent Film Annex initiatives in Afghanistan.……
A big part of Film Annex's business model involves social media strategies and advertising. Our model allows us to invest in Afghanistan's……
Closing my Saturday evening off with a blog that was inspired while shooting an interview with two of my fellow Marines Luke……
Film Annex joined forces with Citadel Software Company and created the Afghan Development Project in order to build Internet classrooms……
Watching the first steps in Filmannexs' help with the educational system in Afghanistan was a proud experience for me. ……
There are two companies that are undoubtedly world's "thought leaders;" one is Cisco and the other is Goldman Sachs. From two……
Cisco is going long on Afghanistan education and is heavily invested with their initiative Cisco Networking Academy (PDF). Here's……
Film Annex is taking a “for profit” approach to consolidate long term business opportunities in Afghanistan, utilizing……
There are many who are optomistic to the views that could help Afghanistan develope into a more modern society. There could……
I have shared Film Annex's mission of building schools in Afghanistan and creating Veteran business opportunities with several friends,……
“Social Media” is a very popular term today. On Google Adwords, it's claimed to have 2.7 million searches a month. The term “Social……
My day started bright and early today at around six a.m. this morning as my fiance woke me when it was time for her to wake up for……
Afghanistan has come to reflect to Afghans and Americans the worst of cross-cultural interaction – from US soldier killing 17……
My father Roberto is a retired textile agent. When I was a kid, he used to take me along to visit some of his clients in Tuscany.……
The four topics that seem to dominate most political programs are: Politics and economy, War and diplomacy. Contemporary Politics……
Last week, I met my new neighbor; she is a leading national security expert and commentator on a major news network. Since our acquaintance,……
NEW YORK, NY, March 21, 2012 – Film Annex, online film distribution and financing platform, has recently launched (G.I.V.E.),……
I was inspired to write this from a comment left on my blog Education system of Afghanistan is for doers, not thinkers. The comment……
My patience with politics and money is always very easily tried the older and more educated I become. The more Afghanistan blog……
In the last two weeks, the presidential candidates have been focusing on the current events in Afghanistan and stating that it's time……
Last week Frank Abagnale delivered a speech at SXSW. Frank Abagnale inspired the movie Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo DiCaprio……
This morning Vinicius Donola and I had our usual coffee after we drop off our children.Vinicius is a leading journalist from Brazil……
SXSW has been a very positive and inspiring experience. Film Annex's Creative Director, Eren Gulfidan coordinated the trip……
What is the difference between thinkers and doers? Thinkers are very good at thinking and explain a concept, mostly in writing,at……
Today Eren Gulfidan and I are on our way to Austin TX, to attend SXSW, an interactive festival that merges music with film and digital……
Articles on Afghanistan and tomorrow's topics about Afghanistan:World News Afghanistan:Marine Cody Wilson establish global headquarters……
A fellow Marine who was also my driver, and friend Michael Huie inspired me to write about this topic as I also shared……
Looking into how big the internet has become and how limitless money making from the internet can be it has been a piviledge working……
I know firsthand how military experience carries over into civilian business skills. At my last job, I had the great privilege……
Calling All War Veterans: G.I.V.E. is Just for You The Afghan war has ended and the U.S. soldiers have returned to American soil.……
Yesterday, Film Annex's Eren Gulfidan contacted three major technology companies:Canon (we are currently using the 5D Mark……
People have opinions, but very few are heard. Shouting at the street corner is not a good way to be heard. It might get you arrested!Writing……
Today, I was introduced to the article by Capt. Meehan, Ret., US Army, A Parade? One Vet's Dissent. Please take the time to read……
"Patience is the virtue of the strong" is an old Italian saying. But in today's digital and hyper-competitive world, is this……
Afghanistan's current events switch from good news to bad news, fueling the debate over the country's current state and what……
Judo is the sport that my father Roberto and I have been practicing for over 30 years.Film Annex is the company my brother and I started……
Motivation- The biggest road block standing in your way to getting in shape is not genetics, despite what most people think. It is……
Careers for military veterans- In my opinion careers in the sports and fitness world are some of the best options for veterans. The……
In the last two weeks, we have been working on our new initiatives, using the best that Film Annex's online video platform has……
Last night, the Oscars celebrated millionaires giving each other golden statues. Or at least that's how Billy Crystal put it at the……
In the last few weeks, Film Annex has defined two very important initiatives: (G.I.V.E.) Global Initiative for Veteran EntrepreneurshipThe……
During my two-day visit to Jacksonville, NC, I learned more about Afghanistan than the 43 years I spent in Florence and Manhattan.……
The article of Kyle Smith published on the New York Post on February 12th made me once again think of about why we recently created……
On Saturday, February 11th, the Film Annex team visited Jacksonville, NC and met with 18 Marines to discuss employment opportunities……
One of the greatest weapon we can bring to the table to defeat any form of terrorism and religious fanaticism in countries like Afghanistan……
The project Film annex, Francesco Rulli and I are putting together (G.I.V.E.)'s every veteran a chance or to put it in better……