Women empowerment: The Need of the Time

Image Source: Google Edited by Moon Khan As word Empowerment means to give warrant power and when we use the term “Women Empowerment” it……
Image Source: Google Edited by Moon Khan As word Empowerment means to give warrant power and when we use the term “Women Empowerment” it……
Education means “enlightens” or “acknowledgement” it also means the development……
EDUCATING WOMEN IN PAKISTAN Education plays a significant role in the socioeconomic and cultural development of a country. It……
The recent terrorist attacks in Paris confirm the necessity to analyze even further the role of women in radical religious communities.……
Pakistan: Women education, time to resurrect Exceptions do count like Malala Yousafzi from the Swat Valley in Northern Pakistan who……
Education has changed the lives of women drastically. Education helped them to open their minds to a wider sense. We all know that……
21st century is the generation we are living in, where women are rising up the ladder to unthinkable heights, and at the same time……
None can deny the fact that female education is very important for the progress of the nation. if the education is necessary for the……
Education is a basic need of every human. Educated person has its own respect in society. He can manage his life affairs well.……
Empowering Africa There are numerous pre-assumptions about the continent of Africa that are complete false, due to misunderstanding,……
There are almost 150 nations in the world.Every nation is spending large amount of their resources on the education.Education is very……
Photo Courtesy of MovieSpirit.com The Lady of Myanmar Written by Nikki Shaver Continuing with my research into Myanmar……
Today I was looking to my photo galleries and came to the four months film making course pictures and also student’s……
Last week I had a short trip to Washington DC for participating in American University of Afghanistan ceremony. There were many people……
Fereshteh Forough, a partner at Citadel Software talks about this online exam software called Examer educational Software. She explains……
It was Sunday night, February 24, and I was waiting to watch the Academy Awards or Oscars. I was extremely excited about Buzkashi……
Afghan women started from abysmally low school enrollment for girls with very few women venturing out of their homes and being employed.……