Search results for: "women_sannex"


Jenny Fernanda Valdez Olivares

My country is called Mexico whrer there are many interesting cultural and believe in various types of Gods by religion, also as the……

by FerllyValdez

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Irma Roshelly Salazar Onofre

México es una ciudad grande, bonita al mismo tiempo sucia. Algunos habitantes son amigables y otros no lo son. México……

by Roshelly-Salazar

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Irma Roshelly Salazar Onofre

Mexico is a big bautiful city  but is dirty. It’s habitants are friendly and unfriendly. Mexico has a forests, parks, beaches……

by Roshelly-Salazar

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Mi ciudad

Mayra Perez

En México hay muchos pueblos mágicos que tienen tradiciones muy hermosas. Las personas que viven en México son……

by mayra-perez-1633

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My country

Bibiana Erandy Saavedra Cortez

Mexico, my country is beautiful but the delinquency and traffic are making the country a trash. Mexico has beautiful places like Chichen……

by Bibiana-Erandy

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My country

Jessica Torres

Is different of other it has costums that are different, state has its own celebration, and each different types of dances from the……

by jessica-torres

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Mi país

Bibiana Erandy Saavedra Cortez

México es mi país es muy bonito pero la delincuencia y el narcotráfico están haciendo de él una……

by Bibiana-Erandy

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Sinai Limas

Mi país se llama México. México tiene 31 estados y un Distrito Federal, nuestro presidente se llama Enrique Peña……

by sinai-limas

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My Country...

Geovanna Garcia

Mexico is my country, for me Mexico is a big and beautiful place but we can also say that Mexico is the dirtiest and polluted country……

by geovanna-garcia

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