WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Image Credit: dailytimes.com.pk Hello Friends, Today I am presenting……
WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Image Credit: dailytimes.com.pk Hello Friends, Today I am presenting……
I rather let everybody see the worst side of me...for i rather treasure real people who accepts me of what……
In a nation like India, form has its solid association with Pakistani styles and wears. Those entirely loose shararas, lehengas, Anarkali……
لندن(نیوز ڈیسک) خواتین کے لیے سجنے سنورنے کا کوئی طے شدہ فارمولا مقرر نہیں……
A beautiful paintings of female by a Canadian artist Danielle !! A wonderful piece of art
Here Is An Big Drama In Canada This Event Start At 6 June 2015 From 5 July 2015 Are You Ready For Watching This Big Thrilling Ladies……
FIFA WOMENS WORLDCUP 2015This Tournament Will Be Held On 6 June To 5 July 2015
FAIR OF THE CULTURES FRIENDS For my was a great experience, since it had not gone previously and this time I was there with my friends……
Three husbands met each other. The first one who was a soldier said:- A woman's tear is a classic weapon but very dangerous.The……
A man was walking along the beach and found a bottle. He looked around and didn't see anyone so he opened it. A genie……
Mi experiencia en Mano Amiga fue al principio un poco difícil porque no estaba acostumbrada al tipo de vida que se llevaba……
Mi experiencia en Mano Amiga El Colegio Mano Amiga me brindado muchas oportunidades es algo que me hace una persona mas responsable……
En Mano Amiga llevo seis años y medio, entre cuando iba en 5to de primaria y ahora ya voy en 4to semestre de bachillerato,……
A lo largo de este tiempo en Mano Amiga he aprendido muchas cosas y lo principal son los valores. Mi vida en Mano Amiga ha sido larga,……
El tiempo que eh estado en Mano Amiga, ha sido muy poco. Entré en el 2013 a cursar 1° semestre de bachillerato. Me fue……
Llevo tres años en el colegio, y ya es parte fundamental de mi vida, todas mis compañeras se han vuelto mi segunda familia……
Llevo 1 año 6 meses en el colegio y mi experiencia ha sido muy buena, aunque al inicio no fue precisamente lo que quería,……
International Women's Day Today marks the celebration of International Women's Day. Aside from Mother's Day and Valentine's……
My experience in Mano Amiga de Chalco is good, initially it cost me a lot of work to adapt. I entered in eighth grade; I already knew……
Mexico is my country, I have lived here all my life, it’s pretty place. It has a variety in cultures, which are interesting……
Yo ingrese a Mano Amiga de Chalco en primero de primaria, mi hermano había ingresado un año antes a kínder y……
México es mi país, eh vivido aquí toda mi vida, es un lugar muy bonito. Tiene variedad cultural, la cual también……
I started to study in mano Amiga chalco since the kinder garden. I have had many friends and although I don’t have a lot of……
It is for me a pride to belon a school like this. I know that everything i have learned i owe to my teacher`s, because they have worked……
Colegio mano amiga es mas que un instituto de aprendizaje, es una familia. En mano amiga se inculca desde la infancia los valores……
Es para mi un orgullo pertenecer a un colegio como este,sé que todo lo que he aprendido se lo debo a mis profesores,……
Mi experiencia en Mano Amiga El Colegio Mano Amiga me brindado muchas oportunidades es algo que me hace una persona mas responsable……
El Colegio Mano Amiga ha sido como una segunda casa para mi, pues he estudiado aquí durante gran parte de mi vida. En el colegio……
Mano Amiga me ha formado durante 6 años de mi corta vida y he tenido muchas experiencias. El estar dentro de este colegio da……
aspectos de mi vida y he conocido a muchos de mis amigos. Mano Amiga, mi experiencia En Mano Amiga llevo seis años y……
Me llamo Alejandro tengo 15 años de edad y les contare un poco acerca del colegio en el que estudio. Llevo casi 8 años……
Mi experiencia en el Colegio Mano Amiga Chalco ha sido muy grata, ya que desde el primer año de secundaria que ingresé……
Yo comencé a estudiar en el colegio Mano Amiga de Chalco desde el Kínder, he tenido muchas compañeras muy divertidas……
I started in Mano Amiga in the second grade and I have about 8 years I'm a freshman in high school and I am very happy here. One of……
Empeze el mano amiga en segundo de primaria ya tengo alrededor de 8 años estoy cursando el primer año de bachillerato……
Al ser una alumna de último año de bachillerato y darme cuenta de que estoy apunto de irme de éste colegio en……
El colegio Mano Amiga de Chalco ha sido mi segundo hogar durante toda mi vida escolar y académica, estudio aquí desde……
every body its make money free u can only 2 mint work daily and earn more and amazing referral earning join fast mu link and see earning……
Mi experiencia en el colegio Mano Amiga de Chalco comenzó a la edad de doce años, ingresando al primer año de……
Para mi es y ha sido una escuela muy buena en los aspectos académicos como en lo social. Al pasar el tiempo desde que entre……
Once años atrás mis padres tomaron la decisión de llevarme de llevarme un poco más lejos de casa, un lugar……
Mano Amiga es una Escuela que se Encuentra en el Edo de México en ella llevo 13 años estudiando, Es Una Escuela muy……
Sinceramente entrar a Mano Amiga no estaba en mis planes cuando era pequeño, pero la influencia de amigos de mi mama tenían……
Desde que entre por primera vez, esta institución ha tenido infinidad de cambios, gracias a todos los donadores que han logrado……
Colegio Mano Amiga de Chalco el lugar donde han estado incrementando mis conocimientos. Entre cuando solamente tenia escasos 4 años……
its true histroy am beginning start am very extremly money earn but that once time forex to gambler am day by day low low and……
México es un país que cuenta con 31 estados y un Distrito Federal y es uno de los más ricos en recursos naturales……
Mexico is a country with 31 states and the Federal District and is one of the richest in natural resources in the world. As i like……
Para mi, México es el país donde yo disfruto vivir. Es muy interesante porque su pasado tiene historias muy interesantes.……
México es un país megadiverso en cultura, flora y fauna donde se pueden apreciar una infinidad de hermosos paisajes,……
Mexico is a country located in Central America, which has 32 states and a federal district. For me Mexico more than the place I belong……
México es un país ubicado en Centro América, el cual cuenta con 32 entidades federativas y un Distrito Federal.……
hello every one some error this site today hosting but today is error remove am daily earn 1btc plus so u don't mis the chance ok……
Mexico for my is a very nice country where I can do many things and there are many pretty things, in the dawntown you can find our……
Mexico it's a huge country wealth in traditions, It's important to mention that in the downtown there's too much pollution but it's……
México es un país maravilloso lleno de sitios hermosos, como: algunas playas, montañas, o zonas arqueológicas;……
Mexico is a beautiful country that has a lot of cultura and many languages around it. There are places like Chiapas: there are forest……
My country is Mexico is huge and many people is living here, it has beaches, forest, parks and has touristic places and it’s……
Mi país es México, tiene diferentes características, en el aspecto cultural, México tiene grupos indígenas……
My country is Mexico it has different characteristics. In the cultural aspect, Me xico has indigenous people who speak a native lenguaje,……
My country is Mexico, Mexico is really dangerous, dirty and ugly because were destroying it in the natural aspect, the only……
México es uno de los países mas grandes del mundo, esta lleno de riqueza, monumentos, museos, diversidad y cultura,……
Mi país es México, está ubicado en el continente americano, al centro, es pequeño y parece la cola de……
Mi país es México, México es muy inseguro, sucio y feo, porque lo estamos destruyendo en lo aspecto natural,……
My country is Mexico, it’s located in the american continent, at the center, is small and looks like a mermaid tail, It’s……
Mexico is a one of the biggest countries in the world, it is full of wealths, monuments, museums, diversity and culture that comes……
Si hablamos de México y sus lugares turísticos podemos encontrar un tema extenso, ya que tiene lugares muy bonitos en……
Mexico es un hermoso pais pero lamentablemente tiene mucha violencia entre buenas y malas personas y este problema provoca inseguridad……
Mexico is a beautiful country but sadly has a lot of violence between good and bad people and these problem provoke insecurity in……
Mexico is a beautiful place, is a country with many interesting things, a country with 32 towns and a federal district (DF ) and in……
México es un país muy rico en cultura y en gastronomía a veces es difícil ver todos estos……
Mèxico is a country rich in culture and gastronomy, sometimes it is hard to see all of these aspects when the political and……
México es un país muy interesante y cultural ya que tiene características muy especiales que lo hacen sobre salir……
For me México is a worker, rich in culture and country with a tropical climate that characterizes. Warm and hospitable people……
Mexico is a very interesting and cultural country that has very special characteristics that make it on out to other nations. It´s……
México, es una hermosa nación con una excelente comida, clima y montones de cultura. Todo lo que ya he mencionado transforma……
Yo vivo en México, es un país hermoso dónde hay playas, bosques montañas y volcanes. En la Ciudad de México……
Mexico, It's a beautifull nation with an excelente food, weather and tons of culture. Everything that i mentioned is transforming……
I live in Mexico, here is a beautiful country. There are beaches, mountains, forests and volcanoes. In Mexico City there are interesting……
Un bello lugar para disfrutar de paz y tranquilidad , rodeado de tanta cultura e infinitas tradiciones. Este unico oasis cultural……
I live in mexico, is a country whit an interesting culture, in Mexico i would like to visit Yucatan, there is located Chichen Itza……
Mexico in my personal opinion, is the place where i was born, also where, i developed and led my studies. Throught my life, i……
En México hay deliciosa comida típica de las diversas culturas antiguas que conforman a este hermoso país, México……
Yo vivo en México, es un país con una interesante cultura. A mi me gustaría visitar Yucatan, ahí se encuentra……
México en mi opinión personal, es el lugar donde nací, también donde me he desarrollado y conllevado mis……
A beautiful place where you can enjoy peace and serenity surrounded of culture and endless traditions. This cultural oasis stands……
México es un lugar hermoso, es un país con muchas cosas interesantes, un país que cuenta con 32 estados y un……
México it´s a place with beatiful beaches in de republic.There are unic landscape that have a lot of tourist in the vacations……
Happy New Year everyone and welcome to 2015. As we move forward with each brand new day, digital……
Francesco Rulli, President of MTI USA inc, founder of bitLanders, Film Annex and Women's Annex Foundation recently wrote……
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible." ……
We want to help support your organization! Here is how: By offering our users the possibility to use their earnings to donate……
Are you a busy lady? If so, then I would recommend that you purchase the messenger bag for women. There can be no denial to the fact……
Help Women's Annex Foundation win $5,000! Vote Now on giv.nyc for The Women's Annex Foundation helps grow and foster digital……
Spiderman says: “With power comes responsibility.” After nearly 10 years of being successful in Online Film Distribution,……
Part One This is Part Two of A New Day In The Eyes Of Afghan Superheroes. Below is the second drawing that I based this……
Francesco Rulli and I are working on a project with the Women's Annex Foundation which is helping to create superheroes for……
It's that time of year. As we are entering the holiday season, we get to remember what we are thankful for. Feeling thankful is also……
The New York Athletic Club host's an international Judo tournament each year. I have been given the……
Each day Exercise and and Timed Meals Indicates you may glimpse greater even you aren’t have great in glimpse. Suggests if you……
Dated - 2014-08-09 03:40 PM The Women's Annex Foundation made a powerful presentation at the NYC Bitcoin Center. The……
"At BitPesa we enable businesses and individual to receive international payments from abroad: for salaries, for trade, for……
Tony Gallippi is the Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Bitpay. He has 20 years of experience in Sales and Marketing in the Robotics……
Hi my Bitlander's friends :) Couple of days ago I did an interview with Marni Melrose who is a Technology and Bitcoin Evangelist. ……
Frank Schuil has founded several companies in various industries including location based social network IRL Connect, fashion……
"Join with BitPay, Xapo, LibraTax, Roger Ver and others who kicked off an initial fundraising campaign that began last week for……
Sono passati quasi due anni da quando Women's Annex ha dato il via alla sua missione di supporto verso le donne nei paesi emergenti……
It has been almost 2 years that Women's Annex has started its mission to assist women in developing countries beginning from……
No one can imagine the living without any illness. There is no lifetime guarantee lots of scientific researches has been done for……
Enjoy pictures from EPP ASSAGBAKOPE Primary School in Togo. This school is located 60 kilometers from Togo's Capital LOME. The……
L'intera squadra di Women's Annex è stata recentemente intervistata da CoinTelegraph, un sito web che tratta notizie……
The Women's Annex crew has recently been interviewed by CoinTelegraph, a website that covers Bitcoin news. Digital Currency or Crypto……
The world is raising awareness against child marriage in developing countries. Organizations such as UNICEF, UKaid, GIRLS NOT BRIDES……
FHM Philippine's annual victory party is a gathering of the hottest women in the land, making the temperature rise a few degrees on……
Un saluto a tutti i nostri amici di Film Annex e Women's Annex. Ultimamente non ci sono stati aggiornamenti sulle nostre……
Hi my Film Annex and Women's Annex fellows, It has been quiet lately and I haven't updated you about our activities. However, I am……
Greater-Tomorrow Foundation Greater Tomorrow Dr. Richards Afonja is……
"Women's Annex attinge a queste risorse, emancipando le donne e portandole ad assumere un ruolo significativo nella loro società."……
"The Women's Annex initiatives are tapping into that resource, empowering these women to take on a meaningful role in contributing……
WA: Puoi parlarci brevemente di te? BF: Sono cresciuto nel Medio Oriente, poco lontano da una comunità Amish. Fin da piccolo……
WA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background? BF: I grew up in the Midwest, not too far from Amish country, so at……
ایک عیب کی بات یہ ہےکہ بات کا معقول جواب نہیں دیتںں جس سے پوچھنے والے کو تسلی……
Il 4 agosto, il team della Women's Annex Foundation parteciperà ad……
On August 4, 2014 @ 7PM the Women's Annex Foundation team is going to present at one of the "Satoshi nights" at the……
Women are careful to be more stylish than men. In the majority cases, this supposition is accurate as women are for all time concerned……
Two years ago, I decided to contact Ms. Roya Mahboob and Fereshteh Forough in Afghanistan to support their business and empower women……
Al pari di radio e televisione, anche l'internet si è evoluto nel corso degli anni ad un passo iperbolico, soprattutto per……
As radio and television have evolved over the years, so has the internet, and at a hyperbolic pace, especially the role advertising……
Il progetto Women’s Annex è un progetto di grande successo che mira al raggiungimento dell'emancipazione femminile nei……
In arrivo Smartphones da 25 dollari Quanto accessibile possiamo rendere l'educazione? Beh, la Womens Annex Foundation ha già……
Women’s Annex Project is one of the most successful Projects that empower women in the various fields of Education and Cultural.……
Filantropia e #Bitcoin Filantropia significa preoccuparsi ed aiutare a creare la felicità ed il benessere degli altri. Ci sono……
$25 Smartphones Are Coming How accessible can we make education? Well, the Womens Annex Foundation has already taken a few steps:……
Humanitarianism and #Bitcoin Humanitarianism is having concern for or helping to improve the happiness and wellbeing of others. There……
Women's Annex Foundation Il 7 giugno Tanaya Macheel ha pubblicato un articolo su CoinDesk intitolato "How Bitcoin Helps Afghan Girls……
Tutti noi sappiamo che le persone hanno bisogno di motivazioni per vivere bene. E sappiamo anche che il cibo dell'anima è……
"... it's amazing to see WAF's expanding opportunities available to women through financial independence" Arianna Simpson is……
Women's Annex Foundation On June 7th, Tanaya Macheel published an article on CoinDesk entitled "How Bitcoin Helps Afghan Girls Achieve……
We all know that people need inspiration to live well. And we also know that food for the soul is just as important as food……
Nelle ultime settimane abbiamo lavorato al futuro della nostra società e del nostro network. È possibile……
Bitcoin are the bricks and measurement for a new digital world, a new land populated by productive and creative……
Pagamenti e Shopping in Bitcoin su Film Annex Netwoks Tim Swanson di CoinDesk ha scritto un articolo molto interessante sugli "ultimi……
Bitcoin Payments and Shopping @ Film Annex Networks Tim Swanson from CoinDesk wrote a very interesting article on "the latest block……
The second round of women Premier League today begins in Kabul. There are eight teams in the tournament and will meet as a group. The……
Cast della Trevor Day School - New York, Maggio 2014 Negli ultimi due anni, Roya Mahboob ha lavorato in collaborazione con Film Annex……
Trevor Day School Cast - New York City, May 2014 Over the last two years, Roya Mahboob has been working in partnership with Film Annex……
Matthew Kenahan is the Founder & CEO of The Bitcoin Society LLC, Entrepreneur and Investor in Digital Media. Below is an……
FA: Puoi dirci brevemente qualcosa su di te? TF: Mi chiamo Tyler Finkelstein. Al momento studio scienze informatiche e gestione d'impresa……
FA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background? TF: My name is Tyler Finkelstein. I'm currently a student at……
Fereshteh Forough, Nic Cary, Roya Mahboob, 和 Francesco Rulli 我们最近在纽约市的贾维茨会展中心(Javits Convention……
La scorsa settimana ho partecipato all'evento Invent Your Future Enterprises a Silicon Valley. È stata una grande opportunità……
"Perché la Women's Annex Foundation emancipa la creatività digitale delle donne nei paesi in via di sviluppo con l'alfabetizzazione……
"Why Women's Annex Foundation Empowers Digital Creativity of Women in Developing Countries with Digital Literacy?" Are you a creative……
Last week, I participated in the Invent Your Future Enterprises event in the Silicon Valley. It was a great opportunity for me to……
Steven Carpenter è il CEO di QLF Incorporated. Contribuisce a Bitcoin Magazine, è un moderatore di Film Annex, un imprenditore……
Steven Carpenter is the CEO of QLF Incorporated. He is a Contributor for Bitcoin Magazine, a Film Annex moderator, an entrepreneur……
Education is so Important for Women’s and Girls Education is a basic human right and a significant factor in the development……
Fereshteh Forough, Nic Cary, Roya Mahboob, 和 Francesco Rulli 我們最近在紐約市的賈維茨會展中心(Javits Convention……
Fereshteh Forough, Nic Cary, Roya Mahboob, and Francesco Rulli We recently met Nic Cary the CEO of Blockchain.info, at the Inside……
La vita è una complessa serie di eventi che formano la nostra esistenza personale e d'affari; uno dei suoi aspetti più……
Life is a complex series of events that shapes our personal and business existence. A complex aspect is to make this series of events……
Ci sono diversi fattori che accelerano il processo di sviluppo di una comunità. Uno di questi è sicuramente l'istruzione,……
There are several factors which elevate the development process of any community. I can name Education with the help of Social and……
2014年4月7-8号,受各界瞩目的"Inside Bitcoin 会议- 虚拟货币的未来"在纽约市的贾维茨会展中心(Javits……
2014年4月7-8號,受各界矚目的"Inside Bitcoin 會議 - 虛擬貨幣的未來"在紐約市的賈維茨會展中心(Javits……
Introduzione: Quando due cose si uniscono, producono un suono. E il nuovo suono di Cultural Collision,……
Il 7 e l'8 Aprile 2014, al Jacob Javits Convention Center di New York si è tenuto Inside Bitcoins Conference. All'evento hanno……
Over the past year, we have made many changes and additions at Film Annex, and we now reference our platforms for the perspective……
On April 7-8, 2014, the Inside Bitcoins Conference was held at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City. There were many……
2014年4月7-8号,Film Annex 和 Women's Annex 基金会将共同参与在纽约市的贾维茨会展中心(Javits Convention……
It has been an eventful week so far in Afghanistan following the landmark April 5th election where Afghans defied Taliban intimidation……
2014年4月7-8號,Film Annex 和 Women's Annex 基金會將共同參與在紐約市的賈維茨會展中心(Javits Convention……
数字化钱币或数位货币的好处是「零处理费用」。 比特币(Bitcoin) 是一种开放源的数位货币,没有人拥有或控制它,而且每个人都可以参与。……
Film Annex 不断地求新和改变。下面是Film Annex 总裁兼创办人-弗朗切斯科鲁利(Francesco Rulli)谈到有关最新动态和变化的视频:……
Il 7 e l'8 Aprile al Javits Convention Center a New York City Film Annex e Women's Annex saranno al chiosco #404 per prendere……
Film Annex 不斷地求新和改變。下面是 Film Annex 總裁兼創辦人-弗朗切斯科魯利(Francesco Rulli)談到有關最新動態和變化的視頻:……
On April 7-8 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City Film Annex and Women's Annex will be at booth #404 at the "Inside Bitcoin……
Che cos'è una comunità? In genere ci si riferisce a un gruppo di persone o a una società; la prima cosa che ci……
最近我和弗朗切斯科鲁利(Francesco Rulli) 拜访了中央皇后区特许学校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,简称CQA),于2014年才成立的中央皇后区特许学校是纽约市第一所针对亚裔移民学生需求而设立的免费公立初中,学校由华人创办,华人担任校长。大约有60〜75%为非英语系的家庭,其中大约有85%高度贫困的学员享有免费或减免的待遇。这所学校的重要核心价值就是素养,包括数位素养(digital……
What is Community? Usually when we are going to think about a group of people ( community) and society the first thing which comes……
Introduzione: L'attrice di Hollywood Sitara Attaie potrebbe essere la prima persona nella storia a citare sia……
Zero spese di transazione con il denaro digitale o le valute digitali (Bitcoin) I Bitcoin sono open-source, nessuno……
On Film Annex film and blogging platform, all users are represented by an avatar that can be customized with different outfits, styles……
數字化錢幣或數位貨幣的好處是「零處理費用」。 比特幣(Bitcoin) 是一種開放源的數位貨幣,沒有人擁有或控制它,而且每個人都可以參與。……
Zero Processing Fees with Digital Money Or Digital Currency (Bitcoin) Bitcoin is open-source, nobody owns or controls it and every……
Recentemente ho partecipato alla Johnson Women in Technology (JWiT) Conference che ha avuto luogo qui a New York City. Lo……
最近我和弗朗切斯科魯利(Francesco Rulli) 拜訪了中央皇后區特許學校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,簡稱CQA),於2014年才成立的中央皇后區特許學校是紐約市第一所針對亞裔移民學生需求而設立的免費公立初中,學校由華人創辦,華人擔任校長。大約有60〜75%為非英語系的家庭,其中大約有85%高度貧困的學員享有免費或減免的待遇。這所學校的重要核心價值就是素養,包括數位素養(digital……
Recently I went to Johnson Women in Technology ( JWiT) Conference here in New York City. The mission of this conference was too support……
Di recente Francesco Rulli ed io abbiamo visitato la Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA), una scuola media……
Recently Francesco Rulli and I visited Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA) which is a tuition-free public charter middle……
昨晚,我再度参与了 Portfolios with Purpose 所举办的年度盛事。这个活动的使命是为那些想为慈善事业作出贡献的金融界者们创造具参与性的竞争。……
Photo Credit: Alena Soboleva Sports is a tool that can bring people together without considering their race, culture, language,……
It is a million dollar question what is the place of women in society? This is the modern problem that arises from the partial adoption……
亲爱的朋友们, Film Annex 感谢大家为2014年纽约公开组锦标赛(2014 New York Open Team Championship)作出的贡献,您们所付出的时间和努力为这个活动带来了巨大的成功!……
La notte scorsa ho partecipato per la seconda volta all'evento annuale di Portfolios with Purpose. La sua missione consiste nel creare……
昨晚,我再度參與了 Portfolios with Purpose 所舉辦的年度盛事。這個活動的使命是為那些想為慈善事業作出貢獻的金融界者們創造具參與性的競爭。……
Introduction: Hollywood actress Sitara Attaie may be the first person in history to quote both the German philosopher……
Last night for the second time, I participated in the annual event for the Portfolios with Purpose. Its mission is to create an engaging……
Il sito www.WomensAnnex.com è adesso totalmente distaccato da Film Annex. Effettuando il login su Women's Annex,……
親愛的朋友們, Film Annex 感謝大家為2014年紐約公開組錦標賽(2014 New York Open Team Championship)作出的貢獻,您們所付出的時間和努力為這個活動帶來了巨大的成功!……
Our website www.WomensAnnex.com is now a completely separate website from Film Annex. If you login at Women's Annex, the content you……
2014年纽约公开组柔道锦标赛(2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship )由法国连获2年优胜。 Film Annex 是这个活动的赞助商之一,参赛的队伍包含法国,德国,日本,加拿大,波兰和美国,比赛地点在纽约竞技俱乐部(New……
"Women are the real architects of society. "– Harriet Beecher Stowe امروز ۸ مارچ روز جهانی زن است. روزی……
2014年紐約公開組柔道錦標賽(2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship )由法國連獲2年優勝。Film Annex 是這個活動的贊助商之一,參賽的隊伍包含法國,德國,日本,加拿大,波蘭和美國,比賽地點在紐約競技俱樂部(New……
Miei cari, Film Annex desidera ringraziarvi per aver contribuito a rendere il 2014 New York Open Team Championship un enorme……
Marni Melrose is an award winning technology evangelist. Business and digital currency consultant. Here she talks about Bitcoin as……
Dear all, Film Annex would like to thank all of you who contributed to make the 2014 New York Open Team Championship a huge success.……
Ieri il 2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship è stato vinto per il secondo anno di fila dalla Francia. L'evento è……
Roya Mahboob and Craig Newmark in California Wondering how the Women’s Annex Foundation is able to……
Yesterday, the 2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship was won by France for the second years in a row. The event was sponsored……
Nel corso della mia prima visita negli Stati Uniti, la mia società ospitante era PriceWaterHouseCoopers (PWC). Di ricente ho……
A volte, devi dare qualcosa per riceverne in cambio. Nel 2013, Donny Deutsch - celebrità televisiva e pubblicitario -……
During my first visit to The United States, my host company was PriceWaterHouseCoopers (PWC). I recently found a very informative……
Sometimes you've got to give in order to receive. In 2013 advertising executive and T.V. personality Donny Deutsch made……
Introduction: When things collide, you always hear the sound. And the new sounds of Cultural……
Oggi ho avuto il piacere di tenere un discorso alla BWG Strategy Bitcoin Conference, condividendo opinioni con i CEO e i rappresentanti……
Today, I had the pleasure to be a speaker at the BWG Strategy Bitcoin Conference, sharing thoughts with CEO's and representatives……
Peggy Kelsey, una fotografa professionista, ha avuto il privilegio di incontrarsi con una delegazione di 14 donne afgane che sono……
Peggy Kelsey, a professional photographer, was privileged to meet with a delegation of 14 Afghan women who passed through Austin,……
"I sincerely believe that you and your organization are doing invaluable work, and putting precious efforts into raising awareness……
在 Film Annex,我们创建了一个平台以教育年轻人撰写文章,博客和上传视频。此平台使用Film Annex 创建的“Buzz分数”(BuzzScore)演算法系统进行每日的财政分配,与其用户(电影制作人,作家/部落客,观众)共享收入。 ……
Mia moglie è una donna particolarmente socievole. Si fa nuovi amici molto facilmente. Le persone gravitano intorno a lei e……
My wife is an unusually sociable woman. She makes friends easily. People gravitate toward her, and she can strike up a……
Since 1980, the Women's Sports Foundation has been hosting the Annual Salute Awards Gala celebrating female athletes and their……
The good news just keeps rolling in for Women’s Annex Foundation. After last week’s announcement of new board member Adriana……
Fereshteh Forough, Biz Stone, and Roya Mahboob Se avete seguito lo svilupparsi della storia del Jelly, avete motivo per festeggiare.……
It’s quite rare for a website to be considered a viable force against oppressive governments. As the Womens Annex Foundation……
Fereshteh Forough, Biz Stone, and Roya Mahboob If you’ve been following along with the Jelly story, you have cause for celebration.……
Le tecnologie più recenti hanno portato cambiamenti radicali in molti aspetti della nostra vita, sia in quella personale che……
The recent technologies have brought drastic changes in any aspect of our life, whether it is in our personal or business lives. One……
Introduction: I’ve heard Afghan Proverbs used in a thousand ways. In high-stakes negotiations inside Afghanistan’s……
" Film Annex e Women's Annex stanno facendo un lavoro di cui c'è davvero bisogno. Dopo un periodo di disordini politici e di……
" Film Annex and Women's Annex are doing a much needed work. After a period of political turmoil and civil war, the media, like……
Heather Barr è la ricercatrice per l'Afghanistan della divisione asiatica di Human Rights Watch. Prima di unirsi ad Human Rights……
Heather Barr is the Afghanistan researcher in the Asia division of Human Rights Watch. Prior to joining Human Rights Watch, she managed……
A number of women around the world depend on the private sector to meet their economic needs. In case women were granted greater empowerment,……
Women’s Annex Foundation is excited to welcome a new board member, Adriana Lopez Alvarez. Hailing from Mexico, Adriana has been……
Nowadays so many organizations are working for education and empowerment of women all over the world and are serious about this issue.……
In Afghanistan, Women faced many challenges and issues like fighting with Traditions, Arrange Marriages, Lack of Educations, Hidden……
Over the past year, we have done much work on two concepts: #DigitalLiteracy, and #DigitalCitizenship. The concept was to give……
Dear Film Annex friends ! It has been a while since each of you have been involved on @FilmAnnex either by writing blogs, uploading……
Noi di Film Annex abbiamo dato vita ad una piattaforma che desse la possibilità ai giovani di scrivere articoli, blog e di……
在 Film Annex,我們創建了一個平台以教育年輕人撰寫文章,部落格和上傳視頻。此平台使用 Film……
DI: NICOLE TAN: In un articolo scritto per una gara relativa al World Retail Congress, io e il mio gruppo abbiamo citato le seguenti……
Here at Film Annex, we created a platform to educate young people to write articles, blogs and upload videos. This platform is distributing……
BY: NICOLE TAN: In a paper written last year for the World Retail Congress competition, my group and I cited this as a key finding:……
Roya Mahboob, fondatrice della società Afghan Citadel Software, ha scritto di recente un articolo per INC Magazine e la……
Roya Mahboob, founder of Afghan Citadel Software Company, recently wrote an article for McKinsey on Society's Voices series, which……
The Women’s Annex Foundation (WAF) is now officially a 501(c)3 designated non-profit organization from the Internal Revenue Service.……
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the direction I’ve taking with the brand Chick Wrestler®. I developed……
It seems like Colleges and Universities that offer Women’s Wrestling are springing up everywhere across the United States. ……
A few months ago, I was with my friend in his village. The village was situated on the bank of the river Indus . There……
The girls and women are half of the human world, that according to Islam they are important and valuable stocks of construction and……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
Under Taliban rule, women in Afghanistan have been stripped of all of their fundamental rights and status. However, under the Asia……
Throughout history, the Afghan women and girls were banned from getting an education. Through the years, many advancements have been……
Any society is only has strong as the women within it; empowering women, educating women, and making available equal opportunities……
Women’s education in Pakistan is a pressing issue as it is in any modern society. The education of youth plays a vital role……
Wrestling season is upon us now and Ben and I are busier than ever. Ben has taken a job at Galileo Middle School as the assisent……
数位素养,数位教育,数位知识和数位学习(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在万维网中导航的能力,利用各种数位化应用程式,软体和技术以创建内容和资讯。识字率和教育的理念与数位应用相结合,让来自世界各地的人们能以极度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,创建,评估和资讯交流。数位素养,教育,知识和学习,是识字率,教育,知识和学习的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特别是对发展中国家。……
Theater is a part of fine art which become usual these days in Afghanistan. Theater has a long history and it use live performers……
By passing the time, the women role in our society especially in the economic development day by day is getting bold, and it is very……
(http://streetetiquette.com/2013/01/24/project-etiquette-nike-be-bold-be-true) Evelyn and I set out this week to attend the……
One of my favorite inspirational organizations is the Newman’s Own Foundation. Actor Paul Newman founded the Newman’s……
Yesterday, the Women's Annex team was invited at the Waldorf Astoria for the Hilton Prize Laureates Collaborative and to interview……
Film annex, the most famous and familiar name which has activities in many countries across the world, is the greatest way and chance……
Stop looking at women in Afghanistan as victims rather view them as the leaders that they truly are. The women in Afghanistan……
FA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background? HR: I am a Swedish medical doctor, academic, statistician and public……
In the next couple of weeks, there will be dramatic changes on www.WomensAnnex.com. They include: The "gamification" of Women's Annex……
I've been dreaming a lot lately. Last night I dreamt I was back at Missouri Valley College, rearranging the trophy case. Over……
I went to visit my friend at Brooks School during the Columbus Day weekend.……
We focus on the rights of women under the Taliban, At this time all of them had died out completely exclude that the، Schools were……
Introduction: In our first interview with Afghan-Canadian recording artist and pop star……
Afghan Women try to change their life. One of the interesting changes which I know is Afghan women are interested in sports. Esteqlal……
Observe the history of women's rights in Afghanistan are not violated, I'll look to the past, Mhmdzahrshah clad women under the reign……
During these 12 years after fall of the Taliban, it is told us that you have the same right as men in Afghanistan. They gave 25% of……
Women's rights and freedom of expression are a common topic for human rights advocates, intellectuals and politicians from every part……
By Chauncey Ross | Gazette Staff Writer The eighth time is a charm — proverbially speaking. Edward Zellem, a well-traveled……
I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the Army’s World Class Athlete Program (WCAP) for Olympic Wrestling. Most……
I am one of those women with a wild imagination.I appeal for respect, and love.I imagine being free of harsh claws that hold my thoughts,Make……
數位素養,數位教育,數位知識和數位學習(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在萬維網中導航的能力,利用各種數位化應用程式,軟體和技術以創建內容和資訊。識字率和教育的理念與數位應用相結合,讓來自世界各地的人們能以極度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,創建,評估和資訊交流。數位素養,教育,知識和學習,是識字率,教育,知識和學習的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特別是對發展中國家。……
自从我开始与 Women's Annex基金会项目(Women's Annex Foundation project)合作,我每天遇到很多想要改变全世界的人,他们充满活力,鼓舞人心和令人惊异,即使这些改变是非常小的一部分。……
Complete ban on women's work outside the home, which also applies to female teachers, engineers and most professionals. Only a few……
NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY: September 15, 2013 – In a week when most international news……
I never had any doubt that the International Olympic Committee would reinstate wrestling. The commotion simply gave wrestling a……
The situation for women in Afghanistan improved significantly after the fall of the Taliban in 2001, but recent protests against the……
自從我開始與 Women's Annex基金會項目(Women's Annex Foundation project)合作,我每天遇到很多想要改變全世界的人,他們充滿活力,鼓舞人心和令人驚異,即使這些改變是非常小的一部分。……
The Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund (“AGFAF”) was established in 2008 to aid young Afghan women who seek a college……
After the fall of the Taliban in 2001, women in Afghanistan have been able to gradually claim their basic human rights - including……
Under the Taliban’s regime, women endured unspeakably harsh conditions and were deprived of basic rights. After the Taliban……
The cinema is a powerful medium to raise awareness on problems people face on a daily basis, sometimes without seeing them. This festival,……
Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning summarize the capacity to navigate platforms like the World Wide Web, create content……
I've been doing interviews with Afghan celebrities and thought leaders for a few months now. Everybody seems to have a……
Under the Taliban’s regime, women endured unspeakably harsh conditions and were deprived of basic……
Imagine swimming for 110 miles, roughly the distance between New York City and Philadelphia, plus another 13 miles. Now imagine doing……
The countdown is on for the Olympic Wrestling community. It’s five days before the International Olympic Committee renders its……
بین الاقوامی خواتین کا دن اصل میں بین الاقوامی خواتین کے کام کے دن سے اخذ……
Citadel سافٹ وئیر کے ایک ساتھی فریشتہ فروغ اِس آن لائن امتحانی سافٹ وئیر……
I have definitely watched and know many who watch the World’s Strongest Man competition religiously once the season starts,……
Women in different terms of history had different roles in various nations. Women as half of the community’s body should have……
Since I have started my collaboration with Women's Annex Foundation project. Every day I meet inspiring, energetic and amazing people……
If women be deprived of their social role in the society, their social growth will be decreased. The society, which women are deprived……
It’s been three weeks now since the birth of our daughter, Evelyn Rose. She is sleeping on my chest, listening to my heartbeat……
I was watching the world swimming championships in Barcelona over the weekend and one individual that is a true inspiration……
Introduction: At first, I wasn’t even sure the Baroness……
تعارف:- یہ محمد ساجد ارغندایوال کے ساتھ دو حصوں والی ملاقات کا دوسرا……
It is was so interesting for me that I saw Fereshteh Frough's interview with Robert Moore the Co-Founder, President, and Managing……
Introduction: Afghan media superstar Khatera Yusufi is a force for change in Central and South Asia, and is what……
See that in the photo? That is the most wonderful little girl in the world. This entire pregnancy I’ve been……
Introduction: This is Part Two of a two-part interview with Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal, a young documentary filmmaker,……
Introduction: Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal is a documentary filmmaker from Kabul. He is becoming a prominent voice and……
Примерно через месяц или около того назад, Net-A-Porter объявили о запуске печатного……
As a ship's captain might say, “Stand by for high seas and heavy metaphors.” ……
In this article I am going to write about the keyword given by filmannex regarding Afghan Development Projects which have been already……
Papua New Guinea is a country that occupies half of New Guinea, the second largest island in the world. One of the last territories……
Once a friend of mine and I went to visit our professor who teaches us anthropology at the university and we had a nice chatting together.……
BY: Nicole Tan About a month or so back, Net-a-Porter had announced their launch of their print magazine, the Edit, available……
The American University of Afghanistan started its activities in Afghanistan a few years ago, and has been attracting many Afghan……
This week was a special one for me. First of all, our new year started on Wednesday, 20th of March, the first day of spring, that……
Introduction: There is a famous Afghan Proverb that says, “Sar zenda baasha, kolaah besyaar ast.” (If there……
Starting from International Women's Day since today, I have read many good news about women in Afghanistan and their great achievements.……
Fereshteh Forough, a partner at Citadel Software talks about this online exam software called Examer educational Software. She explains……
When you hear Film Annex, what do you think? For us, Film Annex is about... ... Films Every week, we get brand new content, from short……
Last Friday was March 8, which was International Women's Day. This week's 60 Minutes program was about one the most powerful women……
Herat is a western province of Afghanistan with no Cinema, but today on the occasion of March 8th coincident with……
Sigourney Weaver is a woman with klout in science films. With strong roles in great movies from Gorillas in the Mist to Avatar, she……
Happy International Women's Day! Before I get to that, let's start with how I tried to help our filmmakers with social media promotion……
This Friday is a special day. Today is the International Women's Day, a day that is the result of struggles and sacrifices of women……
March Eighth is equal to International Women's Day, which is usually celebrated with conferences and different programs all around……
Now that Sundance and the Oscars have passed, it is now time for SXSW to kick off, followed soon by the Tribeca Film Festival. SXSW……
Although International Women's Day celebrates every year by the government of Afghanistan, there are criticisms that shows these celebrate……
International Women's Day originally came from International Working Women's Day, which is on March 8, when many women started their……
This week was productive in moving along with my contacts with short film makers. I heard back first from Heidi Basch, Executive……
It was Sunday night, February 24, and I was waiting to watch the Academy Awards or Oscars. I was extremely excited about Buzkashi……
As women compose half of a society, they have an important role in political, social, cultural, and economic……
د ښځو توانمندی د دوی د انترنتی تولیداتو په کنترولو کیږی، لکه فلمونه او داسی……
A Women’s Resource Center was inaugurated in Balkh on Tuesday to help Afghan women seek education in English language and internet……
Introduction: This is the second in a four-part series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the American expatriate,……
Introduction: It’s always both thrilling and humbling to be face to face with a rock star. That feeling never goes……
by Jasmine Davis When you write for a living, you see lots of cool stuff around the Internet and you learn about things you never……
Women’s Annex gives women around the globe a chance to connect with others through film and writing. One of the best parts of……
Women in Afghanistan are subject to many forms of violence and prejudice. In this country in which women’s rights are given……
In a recent interview, Eren Gulfidan spoke with Nilu Sherpa, a noted female filmmaker in Kathmandu, Nepal, about her work and……
Women's Education is a topic very close to my heart, and intrinsically linked with the progress of Afghanistan. Women were relegated……
“Police Taking Action to Combat Violence Against Women and Girls in Afghanistan” is a new initiative launched this week……
The Ethiopian Athlete Tirunesh Dibaba has won one gold medal in 10,000 meters and bronze medal in 5000 meters……
Just as American women marched for women's suffrage in the 1910s, the women of Afghanistan continue to fight for their equal rights……
With the help of Citadel Software in Afghanistan along with USAID, Film Annex has been building internet classrooms all across Afghanistan.……
Roia Shefayee is the founding partner of the law firm De Franceschi & Shefayee LLP that advises startups and mid-level companies……
Film Annex and partner Citadel Software Company are building Internet classrooms in Afghanistan. The goal is to build classrooms in……
The Singer Sewing Machine was the first consumer product "Game-Changer". The invention won the first "Gold Ribbon" at the 1st World's……
The state of occupation in the Middle East is one story, while people suffer because they are pawns of insufferable……
A month before March, I was getting ready to celebrate this day that belongs to women. It is a day when everyone talks about women……
As the threat of a nuclear Iran terrifies the Western world and the drumbeat of war gains political momentum, in a New York City midtown……
It's March 8th -- and I hope that you are observing International Women's Day with the heartfelt fervor it deserves. The reality of……