Writing Tips For Every Writers in Bitlanders.com

Photo Credit Via Canva for Bitlanders.com Writing Tips for new writers in Bitlanders Hello there! Just like you, I was one of those……
Photo Credit Via Canva for Bitlanders.com Writing Tips for new writers in Bitlanders Hello there! Just like you, I was one of those……
Photo Credit: Free-Photos via Pixabay, Edition by Pamclamille for bitlanders.com Some of us are caught up with thoughts……
What do you do for fun? It’s a simple question that brings so many emotions in people- I’m sure you have a television……
This is the first Fortnite Newspaper headline I made.. I create these each week that new challenges are released in the……
Image credits: Typewriter by Free-Photos via Pixabay.com and Canva.com It's almost that time of the year again: November, and with……
Hello everyone, a newbie here!!!. I have joined Bitlanders today and I am really ……
Hello; I am a published writer of two books: A book of short stories (Ghostly Tales), and a fantasy novel (Dark Plane Cycle). I was……
You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was the books that taught……
Hello guys!This is my first blog post, and I thought I am going to tell a little bit about myself and the thinks I will write about.……
Foucault’s assessment of Author Function Source: Google Images System of Ownership “Historically, it [ownership……
Adele Laurie Blue Adkins[5] MBE (/əˈdɛl/; born 5 May 1988) is an English singer and songwriter. Graduating from theBRIT……
Hi friends my name is babar rafiq and i am from islamabad pakistan, i am a student of fsc and want to become a future doctor. i like……
Hi friends my name is babar rafiq and i am from islamabad pakistan, i am a student of fsc and want to become a future doctor. i like……
T I T A N I C Image Courtesy www.google.com Titanic Is an American classic romantic……
Today i am going to tell you about another Web TV Channel "Documentaty". As you can see that Documentaty comes from a Word Documentary.……
After My Previous Blog about Sportivy i decided to write about Conversaty. It is also An other Web TV Channel of Bitlanders. So let……
Bitcoin: What is in to keep for 2016 At the same time as the hype may have dwindled a bit, 2015 becomes still a busy year for bitcoin.……
What is Classimatic Classimatic is basically on line channel for those series ans films which were famous in their era or time……
My hobby is writing on different topics and I get excited whenever Micky announces the topics of Double Reward for writing.……
After lot of failures with pending payouts and low revenues , the site owners of Bubblews , now , decided to stop the business……
Shutter (2004) "She never leaves you." Details: Movie: ShutterThai: ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณDirector:……
After several previous blog discusses about the TV Show, this time I will discuss about a movie. Because watching a movie is one of……
Life without smile, laugh or gag is just like a tea without sugar. Being serious in mood all the……
Having joined the Bitlanders, every newbie has a goal in his eyes of reaching that Leaderboard……
Welcome To My World! Ranked among the top 1% of Freelancer.com Writing providers! I am a professional writer with over 4 years of……
History - What Did You Do Yesterday? Today? Image source: google.com "What's history?" Willie asked. Willie's……
Inside your look for crafting jobs and possibilities, the Writer Help Wanted Program is your well-deserved possibility to achieve……
There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer. When asked to define great, he……
This is my Pen. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My Pen is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must……
her ruddy lips whisper of wondercheek to cheek we press afiresounds of wanting, breaths suspireosculating kisses impassion to please fuelled……
Strong writing skills in English come from practice and determination. No one is born an excellent writer. Learning to be an……
french, writer, musician of jazz and blues, alwyas in paris and evrbody in portugla knew him damn well for there were libraries and……
from lebanon, lives in paris, member of college de france and contínues to be tu in french, all portuguese libraries gott works……
argentinian always a writer in paris at french press and always tu in both languages and smoker
and tu in english, french and portuguese all the time
all portuguese libraries gott its work, he gives lectures torugh all europa always full, smokes cigars
fought at spanish civil war by the side of republicans, lived in cuba already in fidel time, all its works are made to movie by hollywood……
phisician graduated in coimbra, writter of neorealism , translated to all languages in life, everyboduy gott its work since the time……
and everybdy in portugal has its books published in brazil and always tu in english, french and portuguese, died in 80 with 89
The early emphasis on the organisation of work has been continue in the field of supervisory studies and the development of specific……
My ServicesI will make a blog or web with pages and gadgets (price 2000rupe)I will do SEO your blog (price 1000rupe)I will write an……
and since guterres time mandatory in portuguese . every year all portuguese students study it for portuguese exames !no brazilian,……
died in 89 , from buenos aires, wrote novels, filosofia, poetry, shrot stories mexing latín, english, french, german,greek……
that was a reporter at the xix century french press and writer!in spain they´re reedeting it and we in portugla gott all its……
Letter_writerAhmad who was working a long way from home ,wanted to send a letter to his wife, but he could neither read nor write……
instead he worte in portuguese papers, everybody know him damn well trough tv directly talking about evrything and its books……
smoker , bestseller all over europa, my friend at fb, gives lots of lectures all over europa always full and all portuguese libraries……
I don’t think Americans know how to ‘do’ Europe. Sure, the US and EU are in advanced stages in negotiating the Transatlantic……
I need a theme. I can not write different things in each time. To do this, I have to go look for ideas, news, information, and I do……
Jeffrey Howard Archer, one of the bestselling novelist and former politician. Jeffrey is an English novelist he did his graduation……
Francesca Recchia is an independent researcher and writer. She has worked and taught in different parts……
What a disappointment, spam has taken over on Bitlanders! I guess spammers don`t care about the rules and various warnings that……
Lazy Summer FREE Kindle Book Promotions- 30 August to 1 September 2014 FREE Books for Children Mason Visits The Magical Universe……
Code of Ethics*Role played by Code of Ethics:*Protecting the interest of public*Serving the public*Guidance*Main obligation of the……
Contribution Can Women Make to the Society of Pakistan ……
In his book, "Journey to the Centre of the Earth", Jules Verne wrote about a secret ocean below the surface of the Earth. I watched……
Christopher Udemans is a reporter at HumanIPO. He is also a Writer and Composer. He hopes to make a living using pen and paper, residing……
Being a writer myself, I enjoy watching movies based on characters who are in the writing profession from Authors, to screenwriters,……
Having the utmost respect and trust on educational institutions seems to be shattering for me, I always believed that college time……
Matthieu Aikins è uno scrittore che vive a Kabul, Afghanistan e scrive articoli sul Centro e Sud Asiatico per……
Matthieu Aikins is a writer who lives in Kabul, Afghanistan, and reports on Central and South Asia for magazines like Harper's, Rolling……
Every educated men or women should know how to write a soft and reading letter. Every one may have to write business letter of some……
Women's Annex 的任务之一是寻找合适的内容以教育和培养发展中国家的年轻女性和男性,使他们可以实现自己的梦想和职业。……
On Thursday, 10 October 2013, Roya Mahboob, the founder of Women's Annex foundation, with some bloggers participated to awards ceremony……
Afghanistan’s outstanding story writer Rahnaward zaryab was born in Rikakhana pass that is one of the ancient lane of Kabul……
At some point during the week, many of us usually wonder, hmm, I what movie do I want to watch this week? Well, for those……
One of the most intriguing modern world religions has to be Scientology, especially when prominent celebrities such as Tom Cruise……
Women's Annex 的任務之一是尋找合適的內容以教育和培養發展中國家的年輕女性和男性,使他們可以實現自己的夢想和職業。……
Vi sarà senz'altro capitato di leggere articoli e recensioni su film o su serie televisive in uscita (o anche di seguirle in……
Books make us grow. Book is the most glorious and valuable phenomenon in the being world. Book transfer experiences of thousands of……
When we think of the various faces on American dollar bills and coins, names that pop into our head include George Washington……
When thinking of a strong woman, Fran Lebowitz usually isn’t the first that comes to mind. Instead we wonder, who is this……
Ariana Delawari is a multimedia artist. She is a musician, filmmaker, photographer, actor and writer. Delawari graduated from USC……
BY: Charlotte Delgrange Without dimensionality, the amusement of creation would be empty, and the sense of form would be ignored,……
If you’re ever in the mood to read a very emotional book that will keep you alert and attentive, then you must have read……
BY: Eileen Doñiego de France Aerosmith videos featuring Alicia Silverstone first taught me the importance of freedom and rebellious……
Being from Canada, I am very fortunate that we have a lot of arts funding sources in the way of arts grants and government funding. ……
Good afternoon Film Annex-ers. I've got my 7/11 coffee (hey 7/11 you should sponsor me) and fresh donuts on one side of……
Hello, guys. Today I would like to say THANK YOU to Gene Geter, and dedicate this blog to him. A few days ago we uploaded several……
Hi, I just joined Film Annex. I label myself as a film worker with an experience of 12+ years in the industry. I am a director, writer,……
Image Source: Time.com This week DC Comics rubbed fans the wrong way by hiring a well-known anti-gay writer named……
PRODUCER of Ouroboros Fiona De Caux Biography Born in Perth Australia Fiona de Caux moved to Adelaide where she has been involved……