Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 expected to be launched in mid-January, say rumours

Looks like Xiaomi wants to start the new year with a bang. After announcing that it is going to be part of the Consumer Electronics……
Looks like Xiaomi wants to start the new year with a bang. After announcing that it is going to be part of the Consumer Electronics……
Bạn đang thắc mắc và muốn mua cho mình một chiếc điện thoại Xiaomi mi Note Pro cũ đã……
Xiaomi has officially announced the Redmi 3 smartphone. The device is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 616 chipset, and sports a 5-inch……
My new smartphone has arrived!! It´s the new chinese brand model Xiaomi Redmi note 2. It´s a phablet , cause it is 5,5"……
Below are the main features of XIAOMI Mi4C 4G: Notice: XIAOMI Mi4C Advanced Edition (3GB RAM 32GB ROM) is different with XIAOMI……
The RedMi Note 2 equipped with MTK annual flagship Helio X10 processor, using the new generation of 64bit architecture, better performance……
I met up with the shop.gizchina.com team today who gave me a rather exciting present, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 2. Here is my……
Chinese mobile making upstart Xiaomi is gunning to steal Samsung’s thunder by launching a pair of phablet……
In a sign that the market for wearable devices remains nascent, China’s Xiaomi has risen from nowhere to become the industry’s……
Xiaomi merupakan salah satu merk yang fenomenal di tahun 2014 ini. Produsen ponsel pintar asal Tiongkok tersebut berhasil menjadi……
Xiaomi Teased its new smart TV earlier this week. Rather than the third-generation product many expected, it today unveiled……
Xiaomi its new smart TV earlier this week. Rather than the third-generation product many expected, it today unveiled……
We've been charting Xiaomi's steady rise in China over the past few years, but the latest stats from IDC make it clear just how far……
Watch this video for a quick comparison. Stay tuned for the review!
The Chinese brand Xiaomi started a new revolution in the smartphone industry. With the introduction of their latest flagship phone,……
Cupertino - not a secret anymore if Xiaomi, Samsung and other players in the smartphone battle globally branded as an iPhone copycat,……
Samsung had to face a tough competition with Lenovo and Xiaomi. Samsung Electronics predicts profit drop by 60% in the third quarter……
Smartphone Android buatan Xiaomi bisa menjadi legenda Smartphone asal Tiongkok, karena memang terbilang sangat fenomenal dalam hal……
REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD NOT BUY XIAOMI MI 3: CALL QUALITY ISSUE #1 Many People on flipkart have complained about Xiaomi Defective pieces.……
This is the review of MI4 smartphone made by Xiaomi, powered by Android. It is a High-End smartphone with luxurious metal finishing……
This is the review of Redmi Note smartphone made by Xiaomi, powered by Android. It is a mid-range android phablet beautifully designed……