52 Cinematic Views of Britain: 2. Burn Burn Burn (Director: Chanya Button)

The British road movie is a niche genre. The journey can be spuriously motivated. An artist (Peter Capaldi) travels from London……
The British road movie is a niche genre. The journey can be spuriously motivated. An artist (Peter Capaldi) travels from London……
I think people misunderstand the point of those sandbags. It looks like this corner of the building is on the highest part of an incline,……
ICC T20 world cup & Bitlanders Cricket Accessories ……
NYC’s Best Picnic Spots Grab your basket and stretch out under the sun In New York City, great weather comes just three……
New York – often called New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the State……
He’s a very loud and charismatic .New York gained internet fame as the crazy and outgoing host of Wine Library TV, a video……
On Sunday March 29, the Women's National Judo Teams of Cuba, France and the USA will face each other at the New York Athletic Club……
Liam Neeson gives two performances in the pacy New York-set thriller Run All Night. For the first twenty minutes, his character, former……
NEW YORK, NY- NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton announced Thursday that 350 heavily armed NYPD officers, called the “Strategic……
New Zealand's Kane Williamson inched towards his ninth Test century as he combined with BJ Watling to stave off Sri Lanka's push for……
Commuters in Dhaka city, especially office goers, have been experiencing immense suffering since Monday morning for lack of vehicles……
THE MU'TET is led by JEFF COFFIN, saxophonist from Dave Matthews Band. Also a composer, educator, and 3x Grammy winner, you likely……
new york coffee is now in karachi - the american-style cafe satisfying customers since the year 2000 in manama,bahrain.we import gourment……
New York, NY, 3 sentyabr, 2014 - 3 sentyabr 2014-cü, MTI USA, Inc bitLanders.com, bir Influencer nin RPG (rolu Play Game) İtaliya……
New York, NY, September 3, 2014 – On September 3, 2014, MTI USA, Inc. launched bitLanders.com, an Influencer’s RPG (Role……
It started like any other day. I was wasting time on Facebook because I am a productive member of society. After a few minutes of……
Posted by The New Yorker
Modern print media of USA have started in the earlier parts of 20th century. In USA some of the print Medias are exclusive and at……
NYTVF's 10th Annual Independent Pilot Competition Submit your original TV and web series pilots -- 4-22 minutes in ALL genres.Awards:Guaranteed……
New Yorkers to the vast majority of the planet outside the five boroughs have a certain reputation - not all of it um... complimentary.……
I am a tremendous admirer of the work of photographers Diane Arbus and as much so her daughter Amy Arbus. I found this documentary……
This awesome looking library has always been one of my favorite sites in the neighborhood in which I live. It's castle-like……
“Hello may I speak to the owner?” a business owner’s re-occurring nightmare. A salesman with a shaky voice,……
For many people across the USA and around the world, New York City is one of the most intriguing and interesting places that a person……
Phillips Auction conducted it's Spring "PHOTOGRAPHS" auction today April 1st with some absolute masters in the world of photography……
奧運會比賽項目之一的柔道,是 Film Annex 一直以來支持的運動,今年在紐約競技俱樂部(New York……
Mi sono imbattuta recentemente in un meraviglioso articolo sul blog della rivista di moda New Yorkese The Cut, in cui Fiona Duncan……
I have recently come across an amazing article in New York Magazine fashion blog The Cut, where Fiona Duncan was talking about fashion……
Photo Credit: Alena Soboleva Sports is a tool that can bring people together without considering their race, culture, language,……
As many of you know, I am a nationally ranked squash player. And not only do I play the sport of squash frequently, I also get myself……
Apparteniamo ad una nuova generazione di giramondi. Il 21esimo secolo ci ha donato questa opportunità unica, quella di poter……
Dreams… The word has different interpretations. A dream is clinically defined as a series of thoughts or images that occur……
We are the people of the new generation... Globetrotters… 21st century gave us this unique opportunity to freely travel……
在過去的30年以來,柔道一直是我生活中的一部份,它使我結識了我生命中的幾個知己好友。這個週末,我與一些好友 John……
Negli ultimi trent'anni, il Judo è stata la mia palestra di vita. Mi ha fatto conoscere persone magnifiche, provenienti da……
Judo has been my school of life for the last 30 years, and it gave me the best friends in the whole world. This past weekend, I spent……
In questi giorni mi sto abituando a sentire la parola "Bitcoin" all'infinito, in argomenti collegati agli affari o alla tecnologia.……
This was the second time I was invited to the New York Open Judo Championship and this year was incredible. Thanks to Film Annex……
These days, I am getting used to hear the word "Bitcoin" over and over, on topics either related to business or technology. We have……
Its amazing how much detail Charlie Kaufman put into each frame of this movie. After this re-watch, I found so many things that I……
Ever since I read the review of the late Roger Ebert about “Synecdoche, New York“, I have wanted to watch it desperately,……
di Ksenniya Grisé La Fashion Week di New York è ufficialmente finita. I guru dell'industria si sono già spostati……
As many of you well may know, Film Annex will be moving to an all-Bitcoin compensation model for its blogger and filmmaker contributors……
By: Ksenniya Grisé The New York fashion week has come to an official end. Industry gurus have already headed to London, leaving……
The Afghans are peace loving nation. They are sincere and devoted to their nation. They do not want to fight with each other, they……
di:Ksenniya Grisé Sembra che al Dio del tempo non piaccia la moda. O forse ha solo deciso di rendere la neve una tradizione……
BY: Ksenniya Grisé It seems that the weather God does not like fashion. Or he just decided to make snow a tradition for the……
“Mentalist, noun. Someone who uses mental acuity, hypnosis and/or suggestion. A master manipulator of thoughts and behavior.”They……
Questa sera mi sono avviato al Seaport con mia moglie e i miei tre figli, volevo godermi la vista del NYC East River. Ogni volta che……
Tonight, I stepped to the Seaport with my wife and three kids to enjoy the view of NYC East River. Every time I see it, I think of……
When you mention the name Amr Shabana to a squash player, the immediately know who he is. Shabana, better known as “Shabs”……
Carmelo Anthony did something remarkable last night on the basketball court. The 62 points he scored against the Charlotte Bobcats……
di: Nicole Tan Nel corso di questo post e del prossimo scriverò ed esporrò quello che ho imparato lavorando per un anno……
by: Nicole Tan Over the course of this blog post and the next, I will be writing and dissecting my learnings from working a year in……
The 20th edition of the world famous Tournament of Champions begun on noon last Friday, and with that comes some great matches. All……
The world famous Tournament of Champions is back in town. Highly regarded as one of the most iconic squash events around the world,……
Человеку ищущему (и в процессе поиска изрядно поистрепавшемуся) с годами……
Eccoci di nuovo, New York. Le collezioni autunno-interno verranno esposte nei padiglioni della Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week dal 6 al……
Here we are again, New York City. The Fall Winter designer collections will be on display at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week "tents"……
BY Ksenniya Grisé Riguardo ai fashion blogger è stato detto, scritto e discusso molto. Alcuni li vorrebbero escludere……
BY Ksenniya Grisé A lot has been said, written and discussed about fashion bloggers. Some want to write them off the fashion……
To any film buff, John Carpenter is a familiar name. The director of such films as Halloween (1978), Escape From New York (1981),……
Uno dei parametri usati negli Stati Uniti - nel campo del credito - è l'affidabilità creditizia. Da wikipedia: L'affidabilità……
One of the things we take for credit in the United States is our "credit score". From Wiki: A credit score is a numerical expression……
Scrivere è un'abilità acquisita. Certo, alcune persone nascono con una predisposizione congenita, ma nessun talento……
Writing is an acquired skill. True, some people are born with a congenital predisposition, but no talent will mature unless it's appropriately……
On November 6 at the Theater at Madison Square Garden, the New York Comedy Festival and the Bob Woodruff Foundation brought together……
Cecil Williams, 61, and Orlando labrador escaped being killed by the train will lie in between the rails The Orlando guide dog, a……
Pacific Rim summed up in four words: visually stunning, boring content. Going into this film I was hoping it would not disappoint,……
Lavoro come attrice e vivo a New York. Essere un'attrice (quando sono impegnata) può voler dire alzarsi presto la mattina,……
In una mia recente intervista con Annex Press tenutasi al quartier generale di Film Annex (New York City) ho……
In my recent interview with the Annex Press at Film Annex's headquarters in New York City I described the……
Actor-director Ben Stiller’s re-telling of THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY benefits from wondrous digital effects and the ability……
DI: NICOLE TAN: In un articolo scritto per una gara relativa al World Retail Congress, io e il mio gruppo abbiamo citato le seguenti……
BY: NICOLE TAN: In a paper written last year for the World Retail Congress competition, my group and I cited this as a key finding:……
This takes the "selfie" to a whole new extreme. Artist Yayoi Kusama has unleashed a mirror infinity room in an art display here in……
Sunday’s game proved that the New York Giants are still committed to this season. They showed up and played like a strong……
Typhoon Haiyan, the Philippines’ worst typhoon to date, has displaced over 4 million people, which means evacuation centers……
DI: NICOLE TAN In un recente articolo Op-Ed pubblicato sulla rivista Business of Fashion, intitolato "In Asia, New Fashion Talent……
BY: NICOLE TAN In a recent Op-Ed article published in the Business of Fashion, titled “In Asia, New Fashion Talent Rises,”……
La settimana scorsa, Martedì 5 Novembre, ho preso parte alla riunione di Yume Audience Insight & Segments, tenutasi alla……
Last week, on Tuesday November 5th, I joined the panel of Yume Audience Insight & Segments, held at the New York Stock Exchange……
Il Cherry Lane Theatre sta organizzando la premier del nuovo spettacolo del drammaturgo vincitore del premio Pulitzer e nominato per……
Film Annex è una società che si occupa della distribuzione di film online, con oltre 30 milioni di visitatori al mese……
Film Annex is an online film distribution company with over 30 million monthly unique viewers and 300,000 registered users. It is……
On November 11.1.2013 in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn a new and exciting change occurred for all beauty lovers. A brand new Sephora opened……
I have always been a fan of sports and while growing up I started to learn more and more about what it takes to be an athlete. Running……
Men, women, and children – all addicted. A significantly large and vastly rising number of men, children and women in……
To all of the remarkable art galleries found in one location, Chelsea aka the epicenter of art and design in all shapes and……
Most of us with our chests out proudly say we do multitasking and social media multitasking has made us more effective at work, such……
This week we are excited to welcome a new addition to online music scene – fdrmx.com. Launched by Fedor Kurj, who can’t……
“The curse of Caricola has been lifted! The curse has finally dispersed!...” SPORTS IN NY; THE TRIUMPHS, AND THE TROUBLES……
You know My time in this world is limited But the things that I can do with that time Are not -Jeb Corliss I As I get older……
数位素养,数位教育,数位知识和数位学习(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在万维网中导航的能力,利用各种数位化应用程式,软体和技术以创建内容和资讯。识字率和教育的理念与数位应用相结合,让来自世界各地的人们能以极度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,创建,评估和资讯交流。数位素养,教育,知识和学习,是识字率,教育,知识和学习的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特别是对发展中国家。……
Part 1: New York most recent Sport triumphs, and Troubles New York has recently been hit with (mostly)……
Even though more and more women in the business world are rising to positions of power, but harsh gender stereotypes remain,……
Beijing is finally cleaning up and taking charge in combating the incredibly polluted air throughout the densely populated city.……
Are you looking to meet some real ninjas? Well, then you should consider the Ninja New York Restaurant in Tribeca, New York. ……
The relationship between Russia and the Netherlands is undergoing some more rough patches with the most recent news of an assault……
BY CHARLOTTE DELGRANGE Wherever there is light, spurts of darkening casts interrupt an evolving chemistry, where the potential for……
Hi All I have been sitting on some great news that my short Movement # 4 is screening at Aesthetica Short Film Festival in York! This……
میرے نزدیک نیویارک دنیا کا سب سے عظیم ترین شہرہے اور اگر اس کو دنیا کا……
If you ask anyone, what’s the greatest part about summer? I’m sure you’ll find a large number of people say……
We are being watched, and we know it. So why not transform an ultimately disturbing feeling of constant eyes watching us into……
Hi ladies and gentlemen. Today I want to show you the first episode of The Annex Show. Our virtual idea became real! Yeahhhh.. Production……
Living Interfaith Church of Lynnwood, Washington hopes to bring the “interfaith” experience to everyone, embracing……
Tate Britain’s ‘Art Under Attack’ is bringing loads of controversy as the new exhibit, running through Jan.……
NEWS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 1, 2013 U. S. Navy Captain Edward Zellem has won the prestigious Gold Medal……
The New York City Opera needs to raise $7 million dollars by the end of today otherwise it is filing for bankruptcy, closing……
Apples, apples, apples! We are a nation of apple-loving people and their juicy crunchiness. But what makes these guys so tasty……
Film Annex e il New York Athletic Club saranno gli sponsor del New York Open Team Judo Championship Domenica,……
Film Annex and the New York Athletic Club will sponsor the New York Open Team Judo Championship on Sunday, March 3, 2013, at……
Why was Richard Blass so famous? Probably because he was a Canadian gangster, murderer who evaded and survived at least three……
This past week, I had a good golf friend die after a long battle with cancer. Our mutual friend Bob Huntley wrote on the Golf……
The Hult Prize awarded $1 million to McGill students whose business plan is to transform insects into a viable food source for……
Teams from seven countries will compete in the New York Open Team Judo Championship on Sunday, March 3, 2013. Competing countries……
The New York Open Judo Championships will be held this Sunday, March 3rd at the New York Athletic Club. World class athletes……
The greatest book available for any pick-up artist or beginner, has to be The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick-up Artists……
數位素養,數位教育,數位知識和數位學習(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在萬維網中導航的能力,利用各種數位化應用程式,軟體和技術以創建內容和資訊。識字率和教育的理念與數位應用相結合,讓來自世界各地的人們能以極度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,創建,評估和資訊交流。數位素養,教育,知識和學習,是識字率,教育,知識和學習的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特別是對發展中國家。……
In a recent video, Film Annex President and CEO Francesco Rulliintroduces footage from the 2013 New York Open Judo……
Everyone sooner or later realizes that Monday is the most discomforting……
I was shocked and most recent case of art fraud in New York City. A native of Mexico and art dealer, Glafira Rosales of Sands……
Picture me this; a monster snake with a length of 50 feet weighing approximately 2,500 pounds. Sounds like something out of……
For the past few months I've been working on a new stop motion animation (as well as miniature furniture and people for a large dollhouse)……
BY: Charlotte Delgrange The feminine elegance contours pale flesh, which is delicately powdered by patterns of repeated landscapes……
In Brooklyn looking for some lively scenes, local talent, and hip factors involved? This September 19th one of Indie-Rocks/Rocks……
One of the most lovable rappers right here from New York City, Queens……
I am always going writing blogs ranging from a set of various topics;……
Мы будем обязательно успешными завтра! Если найдём себе место среди роботов……
The Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund (“AGFAF”) was established in 2008 to aid young Afghan women who seek a college……
I’m sure we have all heard the sex sells expression at least a dozen times in our lives, it’s nothing new but the……
I was thrilled to see an advertisement on one of the MTA subways for an exciting Edward Hopper exhibition going on right now……
“We believe that beauty is a wise weapon,” states a woman in a voiceover in this inspirational video explaining……
A recent online video at Film Annex updates the Afghan Development Project's mission and accomplishments, and the people……
由好莱坞知名导演,保罗葛林葛瑞斯(Paul Greengrass)所制作,和演员汤姆汉克斯(Tom Hanks)所主演的动作惊悚大片《菲利普船长》(Captain……
由台湾知名电影导演,蔡明亮(Tsai Ming-liang)所制作的2013新作《郊游》(Stray Dogs)屡获殊荣,该片自入围今年威尼斯电影节(Venice……
由中国知名独立电影导演,贾樟柯(Jia Zhangke)所制作的2013新作《天注定》(A Touch Of Sin)受到影坛高度关注,在入围今年的多伦多国际电影节(Toronto……
Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning summarize the capacity to navigate platforms like the World Wide Web, create content……
各位电影制作人和影迷们,奥斯卡(Oscar)的季节已经悄悄开始喽! 除了即将举行的威尼斯电影节(Venice……
An animated video by Tomas Schats showcases what Afghan children can do with Examer, an educational and interactive……
"People are basically good—when provided a tool that helps them do good in the world, they prove it.Jelly is a new company and……
BY: NICOLE TAN In an article published not long ago in the New York Times, Suzy Menkes writes about the New Speed of Fashion. As the……
Need something to do tomorrow evening? Than there is no question or doubt……
由台灣知名電影導演,蔡明亮(Tsai Ming-liang)所製作的2013新作《郊遊》(Stray Dogs)屢獲殊榮,該片自入圍今年威尼斯電影節(Venice……
由中國知名獨立電影導演,賈樟柯(Jia Zhangke)所製作的2013新作《天注定》(A Touch Of Sin)受到影壇高度關注,在入圍今年的多倫多國際電影節(Toronto……
由好萊塢知名導演,保羅葛林葛瑞斯(Paul Greengrass)所製作,和演員湯姆漢克斯(Tom Hanks)所主演的動作驚悚大片《菲利普船長》(Captain……
各位電影製作人和影迷們,奧斯卡(Oscar)的季節已經悄悄開始嘍! 除了即將舉行的威尼斯電影節(Venice……
BY: CHARLOTTE DELGRANGE: Model, photographer, and film director Ken Rivas has been sharing his film content with us for over a year……
Peter Bordes, Fereshteh Forough, Amy Vernon, Michael Sweeney, Robert Moore, and Roya Mahboob Citadel of New York, a company owned……
As the year turns to a new school year here in New York City, and also in Afghanistan, it is a great time to reflect on the past year.……
چارلی وین Charlie Wan نے فوٹوگرافر Yulia Gorbachenko اور انکےباصلاحیت عملےکے اشتراک……
One of the greatest American Patriots in American history is indeed Alexander Hamilton. He is one of the founding fathers and……
Win-win relationships are hard to come by in business or in life—but Gary Allhusen just might have something promising. The……
Today FDRMX has a special guest in the studio from a New York City based band that specializes in gypsy punk music. Now presenting:……
I remember listening to the NPR radio station at one point in time and hearing about the new ventures of Amazon.com. I always……
One of my favorite paintings of all time has to be Johannes Vermeer’s “Girl with a Pearl Earring” and I am……
BY: Charlotte Delgrange Without dimensionality, the amusement of creation would be empty, and the sense of form would be ignored,……
Citadel of New York, LLC was formed in July 2012 as a Joint Venture company owned by Roya Mahboob and Film Annex Capital Partners.……
BY: NAOMI CHRISTIE Free People is a line that emulates the classic hopeless romantic as their fashion films reflect their insatiable……
Greetings and salutations New York City! The melting pot of the world is not about to meet the melting pot of sound: FKBAND. ……
That's right folks, with September just around the corner, we're officially entering the Oscar season. It's time to get serious……
When over 100,000 fashion industry leaders come together in the fashion capital of the world, the result is a 8 day long celebration……
Considering the fact that summer is almost over, I wanted to remember all of the cool events that take place during the summer……
I was listening to NPR a while ago, and I remembered one of the discussions regarding the up and coming Mayoral race as the……
A film about the best interests of the child is one of the most gripping of the summer. WHAT MAISIE KNEW is an impeccably acted, occasionally……
Hello everyone. Let me start this topic with the introduction. Today I flipped through the latest news, and again had a……
If you’re ever in the mood to read a very emotional book that will keep you alert and attentive, then you must have read……
Strolling through downtown Manhattan, New York City. You turn the corner of Avenue A and 5th Street to hear the sounds of a fine tuned……
I absolutely adore the great outdoors, especially when living in a concrete jungle you learn to appreciate a little patch of……
I love exploring the hidden treasures within a city, that are not always on the top places to tour when visiting a different……
I think we can all agree that we are not the greatest when it comes to impulse spending and maintaining our finances in strict……
It's that time of year again, the semi-annual Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week showcasing the Spring 2014 collections will take place in……
BY: NICOLE TAN Net a Porter has one, so does Gilt, and H&M. The phenomenon of many editors jumping from publishing to e-commerce……
I was always a huge Malcolm Gladwell fan and I have to say his some of his greatest works are Blink: The Power of Thinking Without……
Introduction: When Afghan movie star Leena Alam told me about the many great works of Hamid Naweed, I knew that the hardest……
Imagine flying a helicopter over New York City. So I was recently thinking of some really cool gifts to give to my brother for……
The ladybugs have come to save the day for thousands of flowers in Central Park. I was reading the morning Wall Street Journal newspaper……
Hi Everybody, آج میں افغان ایپی سوڈ کےایڈیٹنگ کےعمل کواپ کےساتھ شریک گروں گاـ……
You remember the days as a kid, when somebody your brother, sister, friend or childhood enemy challenged you in terms of your strength……
May Lin Le Goff, a very talented photographer whose work we had the pleasure to post in the past is exhibiting a selection of her……
I am on the R subway line fairly often throughout the week. And as you all may have experience, when you’re on the subway and……
Charlie Wan نیویارک میں واقع beauty فوٹوگرافر اورڈائریکٹرہےـ انکے visual اور کہانی……
تشارلي وان مصور و مخرج نيويوركي . النمط البصري و قصصه ظريفة جدا ، هو وصف ……
گزشتہ اتوار کوCBS کے last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS پروگرام کی آخری قسط دیکھی اور ارب……
I keep telling people how fruits make my life better. Well, I am happy to say that apricot season is finally here! Apricot……
One of the louder transfer stories in the NBA right now; Metta World Peace (aka Ron Artest) has reached an agreement with the New……
National League’s best pitchers, Matt Harvey, is quickly rising to stardom as the Mets’ 24-year old ace is set……
Zimmerman trial outcome of not guilty to shooting teen Trayvon Martin, sparked protests in New York Sunday night, raising more……
Introduction: Afghan artist Meena Saifi مینه سیفی is a rising star in the world of international art.……
Victor Cruz appears to know how to play the money game as the wide receiver finally decides to sign with the Giants for……
There are two categories in Film Production not only in New York, but in the world. Those who produce their movies dependently and……
Video production requires professional workforce as well as the necessary budget. The team, for example,……
На прошлой неделе на сайте Film Annex Capital Partners было объявлено, что Citadel of New……
The George Zimmerman trial packs in the heat as the judge allows jurors to consider second-degree manslaughter; prosecutors……
Right below the heart of New York City, off the bustle of Union Square, there is a corner of University Ave which shines a pale……
ٹیم ورک ایک ایسی سیمنٹ کی مانند ہے جومختلف دماغوں کی مجموعی ذہانت کوآپس……
یکم مئی 2013 کوبیچلرزآف ارٹ فیشنBachelor of Arts Fashion Design ڈیزاین سٹوڈنٹش نےFashion……
Charlie Wan is a New York CITY based beauty photographer and director. His visual and storytelling style has been described as ethereal,……
Spencer Polanco aka Spencer Beatbox has been performing in the tri state area of New York for the past 5 years. In that time he was……
Classical music has a significant impact on almost every culture in the world. These instruments provide a significant appeal……
Apple, Inc. found guilty as Manhattan Judge Denise Cote said the iPad maker "conspired to restrain trade" on its electronic……
BY: Charlotte Delgrange Sometimes there is no destination, no place to attend, but even without the stage or dancing shoes, nothing……
We are all aware to the stereotypes associated with Chinese practices of raising children in comparison to the American methods. A……
Duo Spencer Polanco, who drums out beats using his vocal chords and Herve Alexandre on saxophone, create this unique musical experience……
KANYE AND KIM’S NORTH WEST CAN CHANGE HER DIRECTION Celebrities are always under keen scrutiny and under watchful eye……
Andy Murray reigns supreme in winning his first title for Wimbledon’s Men’s Singles Champion over the world’s……
Politicians these days are taking full advantage of the forgiving hearts of New Yorkers as Eliot Spitzer, 54, decides to regain his……
Tragedy struck in San Francisco when the Asiana Flight 214 Boeing 777 jet crashed while trying to land after receiving a……
آج میری اور تھامس کورٹنےThomas Courtney کی ملاقات رینٹ آوے Rent Away کے چیف……
Brent Huff,برینٹ ھف، جو کہ " خوبصو ر تی کا پيچھا - خوبصورت ہونے کی بدصورت ر خ " کے……
BY: Keely-Shea Smith: میں نےمیٹروپلیٹن میوزم آف آرٹ Punk کی 15 مئی کومنعقدہ تقریب میں……
Afghan Citadel Software Company کے ملکان خواتین ہےـ یہ کمپنی سافٹ ویئربنانے، آئی……
نیو New Film Annex Buzz Score اورریونیوشیئرنگ Sharing سسٹم فلاحی کاموں میں مگن Women Annex اورExamer……
President Mohammed Morsi of Egypt faces a tough decision, one that can ultimately end the chaos in his country; protestors……
An iconic event for New York City each year, the gay pride parade proved to be very peaceful and successful indeed. Even though……
Serena Williams defeated by big-serving left-handed German, Sabine Lisicki, ending a 34-match winning streak. Definitely a shock to……
Hi there. New York City is under shower this morning, but I have a very good mood, and I hope you too. I want to share with……
On Sunday, President Obama visited Nelson Mandela’s prison cell with his wife, Michelle Obama, and two daughters; he invoked……
Brent Huff, the director of "Chasing Beauty - The Ugly Side of Being Pretty", sent me a message last week to make me aware of his……
کی طرف سے: Charlotte Delgrange شدید گرمی فیشن کی تصوراتی دنیا کو مزید دوام بخشی ہےـ……
To raise the stakes in the competition between conglomerates, Google Inc. is developing a videogame console and wristwatch using its……
Fried chicken queen, Paula Deen fails to satisfy fan cravings for apology when an interview with The Today Show host, Matt Lauer when……
Everybody’s looking for the next big thing in the entertainment world; we always want the weirdest, youngest, and most awe-inspiring.……
Anthony Weiner is now the top mayoral candidate, two-months into his campaign according to Marist College/Wall Street Journal/NBC……
Former National Security contractor turned fugitive, Edward J. Snowden, is held up in Moscow, Russia, while seeking asylum in Venezuela. ……
By Riccardo Costa In America we talk more and more about mixologists, who are creators of new drinks, engineers of liquor stills,……
A US truck driver working in Iraq gets kidnapped. He wakes up, buried alive with a mobile phone, torch and a lighter. I noticed this……
The New Film Annex Buzz Score and Revenue Sharing System (read my article) work along with the philanthropic initiatives of Women's……
I have had some very transformative experiences at the Edinburgh International Film Festival, most notably a double bill of SLACKER……
By: Charlotte Delgrange The fantastical world of fashion is constantly stirring beneath the heating summer asphalt, as street steam……
BY: CHARLOTTE DELGRANGE Certainly, most don’t want to be one of the first to arrive at an event–that’s just not……
My first animated piece for the New York Times was called Hi! I'm a Nutria. It focused on the aquatic rodent the nutria, also known……
Afghan citadel Software Company управляемая женщинами компания, которая в основном……
Kabul City Center Mall Roya Mahboob, CEO of the Afghan Citadel Software Project, gave a speech last week in Kabul, Afghanistan to TEDx.……
The Afghan Perspective finally got a new format. We worked hard to make it fun. I would like to thank Fereshteh Forough and the whole……
BY: Keely-Shea Smith: I attended The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Punk: Chaos to Couture exhibit on May 15, 2013, six days after……
I will do something horrifying. I will start this blog post about journalism with a quote from wikipedia. According to the famously……
The Afghan Citadel Software Company is a women-owned company which works mostly in software development, networking, IT services and……
Today, Thomas Courtney and I had a meeting with Jennifer Hyman, the Chief Executive Officer of Rent the Runway, a prominent company……
Last Sunday I watched the last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, and was inspired by the story of billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, a former……
On May 1st, 2013 the Fashion Institute of Technology presented the Future of Fashion runway show. Semyon, Elaha and myself walked……
Роя Махбуб очень удивила меня с самого первого момента как я с ней познакомился……
На этой неделе журнал Time заполняет свои страницы списком топ-100 самых влиятельных……
Every person has an unforgettable memory in his or her childhood specially about specific cartoon's characters. There are some……
This past weekend I proctored a high school student during the SAT test, the most common standardized test for college admission in……
Congratulations are in order for Roya Mahboob of the Afghan Citadel Software Company on the honor of her being named one of TIME……
Hi Everybody, Today I would like to share the editing process of The Afghan Perspective episode. The goal is to create video like……
Charlie Wan has created another stunning fashion film in collaboration with photographer Yulia Gorbachenko and their crew of talented……
This week was a game changer in my business of film production. We had a meeting with Francesco Rulli, Alexey Levchenko, Roya Mahboob……
Wow, what a whirlwind first quarter of the year. It is really flying by. Sasketchshow season one is into it's seventh episode already,……
BY: NICOLE TAN On the evening of April 5th, I had the pleasure of sitting in at the inaugural Fashion Talks held in Singapore’s……
Why is film production so important? And I am not talking about Hollywood productions now. I would like to talk about online film……
Teamwork is the cement that keeps together the individualistic genius of multiple brains. Unanimously defined as "work done by several……
A close friend has sent the good news that he has started his own photography studio here if New York City. Pavel Voz is one half……
Through history many cultures have invented and implemented different methods to prevent women from having premarital intercourse……
Fashion photographer Nico Iliev took his camera and two stunning models into the streets of lower Manhattan to capture images……
We've now have the opportunity to share the latest work that photographer Tomaas created for TWILL #15 titled La Justiciere……
I believe that New York is the greatest city on planet Earth and the capital of the World. You can find here anything you want: any……
Creating, developing and managing businesses give birth to the global economy. It's because of those three essential bricks - repeating……
What do you know about Malaysia? Hello, my highly educated and slightly degraded friends! Today SweetAsiaTV (Sweet Asia TV)……
Models WebTV along with the Film Annex Network, the online film distribution platform, have a very exciting opportunity……
Today I would like to talk about difference between developing countries like Afghanistan and developed countries like USA from film……
For this week’s film friday I figured I would analyze one of my favourite films of all time, Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window.……
We got some great news on the past week: Film Annex now translated in Russian. You can find button at the bottom of the site. Now……
This Sunday, March 3rd 2013, Film Annex and the New York Athletic Club will host the 3rd Annual New York Open Team Judo Championship.……
BY: Keely-Shea Smith The tents at Bryant Park represented strength and accomplishment for countless designers since 1993, when CFDA's……
This marks the first post in a new series called Muses and Maestros, featuring some of the most talented pairings in modern film.……
Yesterday I watched Les Miserables. Its motion-picture adaptation of the beloved musical seen by more than 60 million people in 42……
Listen up fashion people, you can take in every bit of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week extravaganza, February 7th - 14th, without the……
Film Annex and the New York Athletic Club will sponsor the New York Open Team Judo Championship on Sunday, March 3, 2013, at the New……
Meeting a successful female entrepreneur doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary, but when this person comes from a country……
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls… What I am about to introduce to you is an opportunity to witness a group of talented……
There is a large event coming up February 8th, in downtown lower east Manhattan! Film Annex Music TV presents: FKBAND, the new Russian-American……
If you have some time to elapse, or want to hang out with friends and not turn your time into waste material, then you will enjoy……
BY: KRISTINA VELKOVA Nestled in the bustling Garment District, in the city known as the "center of the world," New York's Fashion……
The New Genre will be presented in New York City. How many songs do we hear on a daily basis? Most songs share many common characteristics.……
“Oppan Gangnum style” Sound Familiar? This one phrase became known INTERNATIONALLY within months; especially in the US.……
presents ALESSANDRO BRIGHETTI narchitecture Opening: Sunday, January 20, 5 - 7pm Exhibition Dates: ……
I stumbled upon the work of May Lin Le Goff recently and became an instant admirer of her outstanding photography. She is 1/3 of the……
As a famous Afghan Proverb says, “Maahee-ra har waqt az aab biggeree, taaza ast.” In English this translates as……
This selection of model portraits were shot by fashion photographer Alena Soboleva in 2012. I'm excited to have had the opportunity……
New York, NY, January 10, 2013 – Film Annex has launched WomensAnnex.com as a self-sustaining digital platform and ecosystem……
I met Spanish fashion photographer Julio Gamboa at a good friends house party in Brooklyn this Saturday. We discussed fashion……
Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year to you all! The week (2013) started perfectly on a roof terrace in Miami Beach with……
BY: Keely Shea Smith As 2012 holiday sales continue to grow, online shoppers can find massive discounts and deals on almost every……
The main task of the video is to display an image of a model by highlighting the natural beauty of emotions through detailed close……
2012 is supposed to be the end of the World (48 hours from now!), while for MTI USA was a new beginning or anyway a comeback to the……
December 19th, 2012, 5:00 PM... This is 1st FK BAND and JERRRA BLUES Rehearsal: The bands should be fully prepared. They will perform……
FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY The following photos are from Nico Iliev's editorial shoot titled 'Surfacing' for FLATT magazine starring NEXT……
Film Annex is like the Hulk, an ever growing beast, with millions of monthly viewers, hundreds of thousands of registered users, and……
Bonaventure Boys Home - Cayman Islands This week we interview Sydney Williams who is the General Manager of the Bonaventure Boys’……
Hi there and Welcome to the Film Annex Music TV (FAMusicTV). Hope the time you spent the last week was amazing. Today, as a……
The Rulli Debates are an evolutionary series of conversations and reflections of an "Irish guy from Philly" working with an "Italian……
'Dreams In The Dark'Photographer: Tomaas Photographer Assistants: Kosuke Furukawa Make up Artist: Susan Donoghue, Represented……
I think this is all I've been able to get my hands on from the secret squad. This is from the 'CoolerCorn' shoot. Obviously,……
Examer is an online examination system which it designed to take exam from students in an online base. The purpose……
The New York Film Critics Online (NYFCO) hailed Kathryn Bigelow's "Zero Dark Thirty" as the Best Picture of the year. Bigelow also……
by: KEELY-SHEA SMITH “So I look at beauty and I think of young girls. Beautiful,” said Ashley Arbaugh, model scout and……
As I was on my regular commute to New York City this morning, I picked up the Metro newspaper. This article……
Miss Match a fashion editorial for CULTURE MagazinePhotographer: Yulia Gorbachenko Fashion Stylist: Francis Urrutia Hair……
Overall, I know I have explained how excited I am to be a part of Building Schools in Afghanistan, and talking about Central and South……
Today is Friday, November 16, 2012, and here's my week recap. Monday We were shooting interviews with olympic athletes at NYAC. The……
Tomorrow, Friday the 16th of November from 10am to 8pm, the Tory Burch Foundation, the Council of Fashion Designers of America……
People work all over the world to facilitate peace in many ways. Some try to implement it quietly, others use tanks. Some meet with……
From where I come from (France), soccer (called "football" if you are outside the US) is the most popular sports. International competitions……
Sports is the fuel of life. I always joke about how my wife married me for my body and not my brain. It's a joke, but in essence,……
In Astrology, we are lead to believe, changes in our lives are in direct correlation to changes in the stars, planets and universe. ……
Calling all FILMMAKERS! In the age of social media, filmmakers need all the support they can get. Believe it or not, a student in……
I almost feel ashamed by how lucky I am. Nearly three quarters of a million New Yorkers currently don't have have electricity.……
Last night was a long Halloween night. Hurricane Sandy hit New York City hard. I live on Pearl Street, at the very border of……
I am excited to announce that I was the lead animator on a new stop motion short film that shall be projected (on loop!) within the……
That was a really nice busy week at Film Annex.At the beginning of the week I did corporate style interview for Jennifer Powers. She……
New York, NY, October 18, 2012 – Film Annex announced that its portfolio company, Citadel of New York, has acquired a ten percent……
New York, NY, October 18, 2012 – Film Annex announced that its portfolio company, Citadel of New York, has acquired a ten percent……
Film Annex and the Afghan Citadel Software Company are currently building Internet classrooms in 40 schools in Herat – the third……
I have been writing about Edward Zellem's book Zarbul Masalha: 151 Afghan Dari proverbs, a collection of global wisdom and a……
Someone told me that when you get older, times goes faster. Yes, I think it's true, and sometimes you can't even remember what……
Things have been hectic at Film Annex, and we're bummed to be missing the New York City Comic Con this week! But there's always the……
As most parents, I often live vicariously through my son Emanuel "Manny" Sado. He's such a passionate young man. His passion……
by RICCARDO COSTA Celebrating the one year anniversary of Felice 83, I took part in a raffle where the prize was a full dinner for……
Riccardo Costa goes against his own rule of not eating at Italian restaurants in New York. Turns out, it was a great decision. By……
We have a great opportunity that we have embraced on a number of occasions shooting the behind the scenes for an impressive young……
We had the opportunity to sit down in our studio for a quick conversation with Marius Troy the founder of Ben Trovato, and also……
We met fashion writer Louie Rodrigues at the Faces of New York Fashion Week VIP event and am excited to have enlisted her talents……
Below is the first blogpost from acclaimed fashion film director and photographer Naqia Lee. I had the pleasure of being exposed to……
I am very excited to share the news that the 22 year old creator of the Fashion Film 'Facing', Naqia Lee is in town covering the action……
Fashion's Night Out 2012 was a huge success given the only measuring stick I could judge by, the immense volume of amazingly……
Afghan Citadel Software Company (ACSC) along with Film Annex set up Citadel of New York (CNY) LLC in July 2012. ACSC’s CEO Roya……
I am thrilled to share a beauty editorial shot by fashion photographer Hyuna Shin for Culture Magazine. Hyuna has shot an array of……
This week, representatives of established press and media got in touch with Film Annex to express interest in our Afghan Development……
Riccardo Costa embarks on a mission to eat his way through Manhattan on discount coupons.By Riccardo CostaA few months ago I decided……
For more than 15 years, Jacquie Greaves Monda and her husband Antonio Monda, have entertained international stars in their……
Aqua Marine by Nico Iliev feat. Daniela Braga TANTALUM issue 12http://www.tantalummag.com/collections/iss0012/11.html Model: Daniela……
Award winning Beauty Photographer & Director Charlie Wan has an outstanding body of work in both film and photography. I'm……
CITADEL of New York was formed by three partners: Roya Mahboob, CEO of Afghan CITADEL Software Company, Film Annex and Film Annex……
I had the pleasure of being connected to Xi Sinsong, an outstanding fashion photographer based in New York City whose work I admire……
After about four months of production I finally finished my new short film "The Violin." The film stars Olan Montgomery as Walter,……
Last Saturday I walked it all. Broadway from head to toe. From the bridge toward the Bronx at 225th street to the entrance of Battery……
Frederic Auguste Bartholdi (August 2, 1834 - October 4, 1904) was a French sculptor. He is also known as Amilcar Hasenfratz. Born……
Producing independent films requires completely different approach,than commercial projects. Budgets are small here, and every dollar……
Have you ever watched a baby move through its brand new world? If you want to see fearless there it is. Before a child……
Stunts (38 titles)2012Supercapitalist (stunt actor) (completed) 2011Crossbow: Ano Uno (short) (action coordinator) 2011Home……
Attached are a few of the MANY photos from Ekaterina Pylova's modeling portfolio sent over to us from her agency, Major Models NY.……
PURPLE FASHION magazine Spring/Summer 2012 (Vol. III, Issue 17) features a conversation between the artist Spencer Sweeney and the……
Less than five days after my award-winning NYC romantic comedy The Pill was released via the distributor FilmBuff on Cable……
New York City based director J.C. Khoury has just shared on the Film Annex platform the trailer and film clip for his new "rom-com"……
Three models with whom we have worked with at our studio have been cast in a production to be filmed this Sunday March 4th at an international……
The Washington Post enlisted Joshua Bell one Friday morning in Washington, DC to conduct an "experiment in context, perception and……
阿贝尔费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)是美国电影导演和编剧。他的知名影片作品有《电钻杀人狂》(Driller Killer,1979),《四五口径女郎》(Ms.……
We enlisted model Monique Darton to join us in an experimental video that we shot last Friday afternoon at the Film Annex studio.……
We had a great day last week shooting Chris Collins, the face of POLO Ralph Lauren for many years, in the Meat Packing District on……