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What "We" Do
Fortunately, solutions for addressing climate change exist and are within reach. What's missing? The political will and leadership to solve the climate crisis. The We campaign, already a million strong, is a network of people from all walks of life who believe we must act now to address the climate crisis.
1. We invite others to join us. We must reach a tipping point in order to get leaders to recognize the need for bold change. Our goal is to be several million strong for solutions by the end of 2008. Will you take responsibility to recruit 25 people to join our campaign? Visit wecansolveit.org for a list of suggestions of who you can recruit, or download a hard copy of our petition that you can use at work or in your neighborhood, or upload contacts from your e-mail and send them an electronic invitation to join. Sign up to commit and track your progress to the goal.
2. We get organized to enact the policy and political changes we need in time to save the planet. Can you take responsibility to help us get organized in your area? It may mean recruiting people to join you, hosting a meeting or event, organizing a training, and reporting back to us on how it went.
"We" helps our members develop the skills necessary to be effective by sponsoring on and off line training, providing talking points and sample materials, and by answering your questions through our action support center . We will alert you to trainings in your area. We also want to hear your feedback on how events and actions went. You can let us know by reporting in and providing input on how we can improve our next event or action.
3. We act together to solve climate change. It will take elected officials, business and community leaders to take bold action to curb carbon emissions and solve the climate challenge. We campaign actions will help persuade these leaders to act now and aggressively. When you commit to act through the We campaign, we will help you act by providing regular action alerts with both on and off line requests and may include:
- Contacting your Member of Congress about climate change
- Writing letters to the editor or attending a press conference
- Organizing and running a local meeting to address climate change
- Contacting targeted local citizens with a persuasive message on climate change and invitation to join our campaign
- Mobilizing other We members to demonstrate our strength and make our numbers visible to leaders who can make a difference on the climate crisis.
Films by WeCanSolveIt