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Mahjube Herawi School is located in the third district of Herat Province on Mokhaberat Street. It was named after a famous woman poet Mahjube Herawi (Mahjube Herawi’s real name was Bibi Safora and she was one of the famous Farsi pouter of Badqhis –Afghanistan. Mahjube has about 5,000 poems about freedom and democracy.)

First, it was a secondary school then it changed to elementary, and finally in 1367, it became a high school. The school has 64 female classrooms and also a library, a physics and chemistry laboratory, a kindergarten, a conference room and a handcrafts room. The school has organized sports teams such as volleyball, basketball, footstall and chess team in 1391. Even though they were new, they won some volleyball competitions. This school also has a students council which surveys the students' problem in school and reports them to the school principle. The principle and the teachers then find a solution to their difficulties and problems.