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Fatima Haidary, her second name is Hoda. her father name is Shamsuddin .and she is a student in eleventh class ,in Amir Ali Shire Nawaie High school in Herat city Afghanistan.She was born in 2 february 1997 in Herat city in a cultured family.and She is third daughter of her family,and She is 16 years old . she live with her family.and She can speak 3 language ,Dari and Pashto is her national language,and she can speak English.and she works as a weblogger in filmAnnex company,because its her childhood interest. Her religion is Holy Islam.Her skills is in part of cooking,knitting ,and drawing .occasionally she write poem, and Roman,and story. and she has a amazing talent in writing of verities articals from childhood sofar.She is one member of school municipalty,She said"that she has some activities in part of her school environment,and she has won a number of awards.and her favorite colors is blacke and blue.and she would like Basketball and Badminton in part of sports.Her favorite season is fall.She want to be an engineer in future.and She said"she would like to continue her education in another country"