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Frouhar is a member of Afghan Citadel Software Company (Herat brunch) since 2013. She worked as an Administrator in the admin room of computer science faculty of Herat University. She is currently working as a social media teacher for Citadel Company in some schools of Herat, Afghanistan. Afghan Citadel is a women-owned IT that provides services like software development, networking infrastructure, web designing and IT consulting in Afghanistan. She is also teaching female students how to use social media especially filmannex and twitter. She is also a teacher of computer in Talash academy.
During the Taliban regime, Frouhar's family lived in Afghanistan where she was born. frouhar graduated from Amir ally shir nawayee High school of Herat city, and has a bachelor degree in Computer Science. She studied Database Engineering at Herat University in Afghanistan.
During the Taliban regime, Frouhar's family lived in Afghanistan where she was born. frouhar graduated from Amir ally shir nawayee High school of Herat city, and has a bachelor degree in Computer Science. She studied Database Engineering at Herat University in Afghanistan.