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Zahra sultani is studying psychology. She is interested in photography. She likes to be rely on herself.
It is about two years that she is writing articles but she could not found a place to share her articles because she wants that people read her articles. Filmannex is the best opportunity for her.
She know English language except Dari and Pashto. She graduated from soria high school which is located in Kabul city.
The main goal of her activities are to support from rights of women specially the women who are not educated.
She wants to bring equality within men and women. She likes to work like men and develop society.
It is about two years that she is writing articles but she could not found a place to share her articles because she wants that people read her articles. Filmannex is the best opportunity for her.
She know English language except Dari and Pashto. She graduated from soria high school which is located in Kabul city.
The main goal of her activities are to support from rights of women specially the women who are not educated.
She wants to bring equality within men and women. She likes to work like men and develop society.